"Ha, it's time for our Four Swordsman Yang Wei!" Xi Lan laughed loudly.

Forrest Gump raised his hair with a slap on the left, rushed forward quickly, and stabbed Sherlock with a sword, and Sherlock ignored A-Gump as if he didn't see it.

Just as A-Gump Zuo was about to continue attacking, he was hit in the chest by an inexplicable strand of hair, which directly sent A-Gump Zuo flying!

Lukexi flew up, caught A-Gump left, and said anxiously: "Are you all right?"

A-Gump shook his head sullenly.

Xilock is too strong, at least he must have the realm of a sword master to participate in this war.

In addition, the combination of Lynn and Kane was broken up by Ye Kai, and Kane was killed by Remy.

Invisibly, Xilock's strength has been increased, although it is only a little bit.

GSD is worthy of being a top Asura, the short sword was inserted and pulled out on the ground, and the pillars of fire blasted directly at Sirock one after another!Skilled movements are stronger than the current Ye Kai!

Even the power is a bit stronger than what Ye Kai used.

All the rocks on the ground were blown away by the power of gsd!

Sherlock frowned slightly, part of his hair was burned off.

After that, she sneered.

In an instant, the hair grows out!

Scarlet hair wrapped around GSD like a poisonous snake!

GSD frowned slightly, and the three-stage cut directly rushed forward, sweeping the dagger casually, the cold air condensed in the cave, and countless icicles appeared strangely in the cave, attacking Xilock!

It is the Extreme Ice Wave Sword!

Not to be outdone, A-Gump left immediately stood up and waved his hand towards Xilock. The twelve swords surrounded Xilock, and the twelve swords pierced into the ground, directly controlling Xilock!

A Ganzuo knew that this enemy was stronger than ever, so he unreservedly used his most powerful skill, the extremely ghost swordsmanship storm style!

Seeing that A-Gump had controlled Xilock, Xi Lan was overjoyed, and shouted: "Use all tricks!"

After speaking, he stepped on the attacking hair and jumped on top of Sherlock.

Xilock's hair wanted to entangle Xilan, but she couldn't hold back Xilan's agility. He could only watch Xilan attack the top, and the phantom sword dance poured down!

Lukexi directly started the berserk, blood rage, endless blood soared into the sky, swiped his sword towards the ground where Xilock was, and a huge crack accompanied by a dark red blood column soared into the sky!

This is the only thing she can do for everyone.


Buwanga flew up, and the huge totem smashed towards Sherlock.

Seeing that Sherlock still had enough energy, gsd couldn't help being taken aback, and shouted: "Don't attack together, the extreme ghost swordsmanship and storm style can't control her!"

As expected, Sherlock did not disappoint GSD, and directly turned into an invisible blue substance and escaped from the encirclement. The three big moves directly failed, but Sherlock rushed to Luxe who was just in a weak state!

Bahn's reaction was extremely fast, and the raptor directly rushed towards Sherlock!

It's a pity that he overestimated himself and underestimated Sherlock too much. Sherlock was only a lightly entwined strand of hair, which directly blocked Bahn and threw him out!


Buvanga's skills are empty.

And Xi Lan's phantom sword dance also poured on the ground.

Forrest Gump, also in the middle of the release, stopped the use of the extreme ghost sword technique.

Fortunately, the swordsmanship of the three of them has been tempered, otherwise they would definitely be injured if they interrupted their skills like this!

Lukexi looked at Sherlock with a look of despair, is he going to die?


Ghost print bead!


Sherlock disappeared again.

GSD snorted coldly: "It's just the beginning, don't underestimate this guy!"


Sherlock appeared right above the crowd.

She screamed, and countless hairs attacked the crowd again!

Xi Lan cut off part of it with her sword, but she still couldn't hold back the amount of hair, and everyone used their magical powers to block these strange strands of hair...

Seeing that the effect is not great, gsd hastily shouted: "Don't do things on your own, gather them together!"

Only then did a few people not attack the hair randomly, and gradually formed a circle, guarding against Sherlock, but how could it be possible to win against the fifth apostle at this level?

And gsd directly activated the Fudo King Formation, firmly guarding several people in the formation, and shouted: "Quickly find a way, I can't last long! The current Xiluo is weak, if she recovers, we will All are going to die!"

A few people were silent. Everyone is a famous figure on the mainland, and they were forced to this level by an extremely weak guy?I can't imagine how strong she was in her heyday!

"Damn it, where did that kid Ye Kai go?" Xi Lan asked anxiously.

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