"It's my fault." A-Gump covered his stomach left, frowning.

He had already drank Norton's potion, and although his injuries had not fully recovered, he was out of danger.

"It's my fault. If it wasn't for protecting me, you wouldn't have been caught." Lukexi said anxiously.

"Well, you're all right, it's Xilock who is too strong. Ye Kai, this guy is too willful..." Xi Lan gritted her teeth.

"Unexpectedly, that guy is really a tough guy! This friend, I, Bhuvanga, have made a deal!" Bhuwanga said in a loud voice.

"Ghost-deification is really a terrifying power." Bain said with a frown.

Everyone had doubts about Ye Kai and Lukexi before, but now everyone has no opinion about them.

Lukexi's ghost bondage has been half untied, and Ye Kai doesn't have a ghost bondage, so it's faster to open the ghost god.

Unexpectedly, Ye Kai is really a savior-type character.

"Oh, just wait a while." Remi nodded, and continued counting ants with Fran.

This ant is not mutated.

"You guys, aren't you worried?" GSD asked in surprise.

He was ready to accept the questioning of the two Lolitas, and was even ready to resist their attacks.

"Don't worry about him. When I used to play with him, I would accidentally kill him occasionally. He is used to it. Anyway, even if he dies inside, he will bounce back tomorrow." Remy said indifferently, not at all. I don't think what I said is terrible.

"Back to life?" Everyone said in shock.

"Well, the servant is an immortal species, the kind that won't die no matter what." Remy nodded and said.

She has also seen ghosts and gods before, but it will weaken a bit after using it up, it's not that scary.

Besides, she may not be able to suppress Ye Kai's deification of ghosts.

"He, why didn't he take you in?" Bain asked with some doubts.

Lei Mi repeated what Ye Kai said.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, it seemed that Ye Kai knew Xilock's ability, and also knew the weaknesses of these two children!

Mind control is to stimulate negative emotions. The eyes of Fran and Remy who are very indifferent to life make them feel that if they are controlled, then no one really wants to leave today.

Unless, Soderos and Liang Yue go out of the mountain and combine with Ye Kai to suppress the two, right?

That's not counting Sherlock.

"Then what should we do now? How aggrieved!" Xi Lan threw the knife to the ground, and sat on the ground in a disfigured manner.

"We can only wait. If Ye Kai fails, we will be the last line of defense." GSD frowned.

They still don't know that Sherlock did all this unintentionally, and they thought it was her conspiracy.

"Well, if it wasn't for the fear of hindering Ye Kai, I'd really fucking want to fight to the death inside! A junior will cut off the heir for us, alas..." Xi Lan sighed.

"If he dies, I will avenge him." A-Gump left firmly said.

Among these people, A Ganzuo and Ye Kai have spoken the least and have known each other for the longest time.

But as long as A Ganzuo approves of a person, nothing will change him.

If it didn't hinder Ye Kai, he wouldn't say anything.

"Me too." Lukexi said firmly.

A-Gump left, showing a rare smile.

There is a person who is willing to live and die with himself, what is there to ask for?

"Don't talk so much, it will affect our viewing of ants." Remy rolled her eyes and said.

Several people looked at each other and suddenly laughed.

Perhaps, it is the rest of the life after the catastrophe.

Perhaps, there will be more difficult battles in a while.

Maybe, everyone will die here in a while.

Race, utilitarianism, cultivation, all vanished at this moment.

All that remains is one belief.

Protect this continent, otherwise, there will be nothing left.

I would rather die in battle than back down!

None of them said anything to go out and report.

Because of them, no one will leave here.

Until Ye Kai comes out alive and Xilock dies!

after an hour.

Ye Kai dragged his exhausted body and walked out from inside holding the magic sword - Apophis.

[Magic Sword - Apophis: Great Sword]

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