[Grade: Artifact]

[Attribute bonus:? 】

[Required level:? 】

[Explanation: One generation of patches and one generation of gods, this weapon grows with the growth of the host.A trace of Sirocco's soul and sanity are sealed inside. 】

[Defeat the weak Sherlock, get 700% experience, too many participants, weaken the experience, get 70% experience]

[Name: Ye Kai.Race: ghosts and gods.Occupation: Ghost Swordsman (one sleep), level 65.Experience: 0%]

"You came out?"

"How's it going?"

"Okay, boy, you actually killed Sherlock!"

"Are you injured?"

Everyone surrounded Ye Kai.

"Ahem..." Ye Kai looked pale and very weak.

Although everyone felt that the sword was very strange, but Ye Kai had many weapons, and Xilan A-Gump didn't think much about it.

The gsd and others didn't know the situation, but they seemed to know, so they didn't ask any more questions.

On the sword, a trace of Sherlock's soul is sealed, and she can be reborn slowly.

The remaining true spirits, just like in the game, dissipated between heaven and earth.

Maybe, it will strengthen the magic gunman.

Perhaps, it will strengthen the monster.

Maybe, it will cause disaster.

But these have nothing to do with Ye Kai.

This trace of a pure, resentful soul was something he managed to capture with great difficulty.

When the time comes, go back to Gensokyo and hand her over to Four Seasons.

He has no right to judge Sherlock, and neither do the people of this world.

But in four seasons, Ye Kai believed in her justice.

Whether it is reincarnation, re-cultivation, exile, or throwing into hell.

Lord Four Seasons will definitely give Xilock an explanation.

"Sirock, she's dead, and she shouldn't appear in the future. But she is invisible, so I'm not sure." Ye Kai said in a deep voice.

"You really did it?" GSD said in disbelief.

After being transformed into a ghost, he still came out alive. Even if I heard him say it once, it still feels unbelievable.

One person defeated an apostle, although it was weak, it was also very vigorous, okay?

"Boy, I really have you!" Xi Lan gave Ye Kai a thumbs up.

"Thank you, I owe you." A-Gump left indifferently said.

"Sword Master, I'm afraid you can't be restrained anymore." Bain exclaimed.

"Boy, you are welcome to visit the Bantu tribe at any time, haha! Come on, tell us, how did you win?" Bhuvanga laughed.

"A ghostly person is irrational." GSD shook his head amusedly.

"Sorry, I can't chat with you for too long." Ye Kai smiled bitterly.

I'm coming back soon, but it's not that I can't talk...

"What's wrong?" gsd frowned.

Could it be, what are the disadvantages of deification?

"Speak up if you have something to say, don't talk to your mother-in-law!" Xi Lan also frowned.

Seeing a few people who were curious, Ye Kai waved his hands helplessly and said, "You can't help, this is the sequelae of deification, I have to go back to my hometown to treat it, otherwise I will always be in this weak state."

Only then did everyone suddenly realize that everything was explained.

In this way, it is logical!

If ghosts and gods can be used indefinitely, then Ye Kai can really reach the sky in one step, at least on par with Soderos.

"Eldest Miss, Second Miss, please take me flying." Ye Kai said to the two lolis.

"Hmph, what a troublesome servant." Remy muttered, and Fulan hugged Ye Kai's arm.

"It's been a long time since I took my big brother to fly." Fulan said softly.

After Ye Kai could fly automatically, neither she nor Remi could enjoy the pleasure of pulling Ye Kai in the air.

"Everyone, see you when I recover from my injury!" Ye Kai waved to everyone.

GSD wanted to say something, but didn't say anything.

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