Don't delay people's medical treatment!

It was Xi Lan who threw a small sword to Ye Kai and said softly: "When you come out, you are welcome to come to Su Nan to drink and fight with me at any time."

"I will." Ye Kai showed a hearty smile.

"I usually stay at the Moonlight Tavern." A-Gump left softly.

"Okay! It's not too late, everyone is destined to see you again!" Ye Kai smiled lightly.

Remy and Fulan took Ye Kai off quickly and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

While in the air, Ye Kai silently chose to return.

In 981, Xilock was wiped out by Ye Kai, the almighty ghost swordsman, and Ye Kai's name has been passed down to the world.Bane, one of the Four Sword Saints, accepted the invitation of the empire.

On the other hand, the flora and fauna of Gran's Forest, known as the Forest of Elves, began to mutate.

In 985, a big fire broke out in Grand's Forest, and the elves living in the forest disappeared without a trace. Only dozens of elves who had immigrated before escaped.But their leader disappeared without a trace.They had to live in seclusion, waiting for the revival of the race.

The magic circle of the elves dissipated in the fire, and the "Castle in the Sky" was revealed.

At the same time, Celia appeared.In order to find the source of her mysterious memory, she chooses to live in the Alvin defense line that is closest to the place she remembers.

The strange thing is that she doesn't remember the past, but she remembers every little thing that happened with Ye Kai.

In 986, the Delos Empire intends to dominate the neighboring countries.The Duchy of Belle Mare is occupied by the Empire.

In 987, the Delos Empire secretly conducted a transfer experiment around the Erwin Line of Defense. During the experiment, a large-scale explosion occurred. Most of the people involved were killed, and a few disappeared.

Five years later, a new apostle appeared in the sight of everyone in Arad.

And that legendary ghost swordsman will return again...

Chapter 371 Changes in Gensokyo

In the 15th century, Japan's population exceeded [-] million (twice that of the Heian era).

It is now [-] years after Ye Kai left, about [-] years from the real time period, and everything in the world is developing.

Two hundred years ago, Soul Yaoji was expelled from Baiyu Tower and wandered around the world, leaving behind her granddaughter Soul Yaomeng who became a new court teacher.

Due to the increase of humans, the youkai forces in Gensokyo seem to be suppressed.

Due to the rapid increase in the number of human beings, the monsters were gradually oppressed. Except for those top monsters, they were all persecuted to a certain extent.

In order to restore the strength of the monster power, Yakumo Zi carried out the monster expansion plan.

Respected by monsters as: monster sage.

The core content of the Yokai expansion plan is to use illusion as the physical realm around Gensokyo, and theoretically create a world for Yokai to live in.

As a result, Gensokyo is closed by the realm of illusion and reality, and monsters enter Gensokyo one after another. The number of monsters in the outside world will be reduced as much as possible, and the power of monsters in Gensokyo will become stronger day by day.

Most of the ghosts have left Gensokyo, and they are still used to life outside.

The Tengu tribe, also liberated from the rule of ghosts, became the masters of Yokai Mountain.

However, due to the massive expansion of youkai, Gensokyo is divided into two factions.

A faction is the main battle!There are so many monsters, they can completely compete with humans!This type is dominated by a group of male monsters, some ghosts who have not left, and demons from the devil world.

The other faction is used to the current leisurely life and is unwilling to move around.Lazy people like Kazemi Yuka, Yakumo Zi, and Youyuko are the main ones.

Yakumo Zi is also very helpless, the negation of human beings has begun to weaken the monster.

Although it has no effect on the top monsters, it has a great influence on those weaker monsters!

If they go out, they will definitely die in battle!

But, each of them is so noisy!

Now is the age of great voyages, and in the Ming Dynasty next to it, many guys who like to slay demons and demons have already been dispatched.

It doesn't matter to those little bastards, but who knows if they have a backstage?Is the background hard?

That country is too mysterious, Yakumo Zi doesn't know how much information is inside, let alone dare to act rashly.

In addition, three hundred years ago, an old man named Tai Gongwang told her that the person who should be robbed would be born in eight hundred years, and he could bring a bright future to the monsters.

As for the details, he did not explain.

After seventeen years of waiting, is there still a few hundred years left?

However, those warlike monsters must be dealt with!

The races on the moon seem to be opponents.

Those guys, unless Gensokyo's top powerhouses are dispatched collectively, there is really no way to win.

Forget it, it’s not about conquest anyway.

It's good to consume these miscellaneous fish militants.

Thinking of this, Zi Yagumo drank a glass of wine and said in a low voice: "Many monsters and gods in Gensokyo live by human belief.

It was fine before, the demon masters and mana monks often went to Renzhi, but what should we do now?

Gensokyo has cut off contact with the outside world, and no one can find it except youkai.

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