Those human beings are afraid of fear, but other powers cannot be provided.

Although I can monitor the entire Gensokyo, there are still many blind monsters who go to eat people among people.If this continues, the population will decrease. "

"Ala, Zi, can't you control it?" Youyuko said softly, shaking her fan.

The two are currently in Baiyulou.

It seemed that he was used to the days when Ye Kai was not around.

The few years when Ye Kai appeared, it was like a flash in the pan, and he never appeared again.

Zi Yakumo thought maliciously, did that guy get killed?

Maybe!Dare to go to that ancient country, his ability is really not enough.

But Yuyuko firmly believed that nothing happened to him.

This is a kind of intuition, a terrible intuition...

As for why it took eight hundred years to leave, she didn't know why.

Could it be that you hate Lord Yuyuko?

No, Master Yuyuko is so cute, so beautiful, so gentle, how could anyone hate her?

After thinking about it, Youyouzi reached out to the roast suckling pig again, and quickly sent the pork into her mouth.

After a while, Youyouzi's mouth bulged like a hamster.

After Yaoji left, Youyuko's eating behavior became like this.

"It can be controlled. However, those monsters cannot be allowed to develop the habit of eating people. That guy Tai Gongwang said that the one who should be robbed is a person. At that time, if it is a racist, what is the hope for our monsters?" Yakumo Zi spread his hands.

Now she hasn't lost too much integrity, and she is more concerned about the monsters.

"If Brother Yuwen is here, it will definitely be resolved." Youyouzi said while eating: "He hasn't returned what he owes me yet, when do you think he will come back?"

"I don't know, I've said it all, that guy is probably dead. Besides, it's understandable for him to abandon you. If it weren't for Gensokyo's amazing food production, I'm afraid it wouldn't be enough for you alone."

After Yakumo Zi finished speaking, she tapped Yuyuko on the head with her fan.

"I hate Zi, they are easy to raise and eat very little..." Youyouzi pouted.

"Well, it's easy to raise! Do you know that when Yaoji left, he breathed a sigh of relief? A creature like a half spirit can live very well. It took Xiao Yaomeng four hundred years to grow to look like eight years old. About. And Yaoji spent six hundred years, how did you change from a young man to an old man, don't you know?" Yakumozi rolled her eyes and said.

When Yaoji was driven away, there was only nostalgia for Youmu.

He has always believed in the spirit of the warrior, loyal ministers do not serve two masters.

But when he left Baiyulou, apart from being reluctant to part with Yaomeng, he was more grateful.

Now thinking about his expression at that time, Yakumo Zi is still a little worried.

This is the expression that should be fired?This is the expression one should have when promoted from a small soldier to a shogun!

It can be seen how amazing the power of Yuyuko is.

Fortunately, fortunately, I have the foresight.

The food and livestock in Gensokyo grow incredibly fast.

Otherwise, I really can't afford to support this bottomless pit.

"Ah, don't say it, I'll be embarrassed." Youyouzi covered her face and said shyly.

Yakumo Zi suddenly had black lines all over her head, do you think I'm praising you?

"Master Yuyuko, the meal is ready! But, but we are almost out of money..." Little Youmeng, who looked like a young girl, was holding a huge plate with a roasted whole lamb on it...

"Ala, let's talk about it when we have no money." Youyouzi picked up a roast leg of lamb, and ate it with lightning speed.

Little Yaomeng's eyes were full of despair.

Grandpa, where are you?

Chapter 372 I've lived in a house for [-] years...

Lost Bamboo Forest.


"Emperor, you have never seen your concubine before." Hui Ye looked at the rabbit spirit in front of him with black lines all over his head.

This rabbit was the former owner of this bamboo forest, Emperor Inaba.

Three hundred years ago, Emperor Inaba entered Eternal Pavilion and came into contact with Kaguya and Eirin.

She can make people unable to enter the bamboo forest. In exchange, Yonglin needs to grant wisdom to the rabbit.

She has short black hair, with a pair of fluffy big rabbit ears on top of her head, and the ears spread down from a little above the roots.

She was wearing a plain pink dress that flared wide from below.Around the neck is a small carrot necklace.

It is always barefoot and has a small, round tail behind it, which is only covered by the skirt.

She is not tall, and is shorter than Kaguya.

"What, where did I go wrong." Emperor Inaba muttered, with a dissatisfied expression on his face.

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