Every time, you can throw the desired number of points.

Playing Monopoly is simply cheating...

"Yeah, it's one piece, it's worth it!" Emperor Inaba cheered.

"Don't play, don't play anymore, it's heartless..." Ye Kai threw the card away, and decisively chose to give up.

He yawned and said, "Hui Ye, aren't you sleeping?"

"I'm not sleepy." Hui Ye said with dark circles under her eyes.

"Hey, we've been playing like this for two days and two nights!" Ye Kai said distressedly, scratching his head.

"You have to return the eight hundred years owed to my concubine." Hui Ye said softly.

"You... well... forget it, I have to go. I haven't greeted Zi and Youyouzi yet." Ye Kai rubbed his head and said.

"Are you so unwilling to be with my concubine?" Hui Ye's eyes seemed to cry.

Emperor Inaba's potion has not been poured down until now.

This guy is also vigilant, he doesn't even drink anything here, and he brings all food and drinks with him.

Moreover, his fluctuation perception is extremely astonishing, it is completely unfeasible to secretly drug it!

Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said, "I have to go say hello to them."

Hui Ye grabbed the corner of Ye Kai's clothes, and said with tears in his eyes, "You can stay here, I will support you."

"Not good." Ye Kai said decisively.

Ninety-nine out of ten times when Kaguya said such things, it was a lie.

This little girl is a natural queen.


Sure enough, Hui Ye let go of his hand, looked at Ye Kai contemptuously, pointed at the door and said, "Go, you go! Never come back, go find those two women with big breasts!"

Ye Kai really took a look at Kaguya and Emperor Inaba's breasts, looked at them with pity, and said helplessly: "Two plus one can't compare to one, tsk tsk..."

After speaking, Ye Kai really got up and left.

And Kaguya lost if he was serious.

When Ye Kai walked to the yard, suddenly a small hand grabbed his hand.

Ye Kai didn't even need to look back, he knew that Hui Ye had chased him out.

"You, really don't want to stay and stay with my concubine?"

Hui Ye's voice made Ye Kai shudder, what kind of romantic drama is this filming?It's still from the Qiong Yao series.

"No, I don't want to!" Ye Kai said in a deep voice.

"Why, how is this concubine inferior to Youyouzi?" Hui Ye pressed the other hand on the lapel of his chest, staring at Ye Kai with teary eyes, as if Ye Kai would disappear if he let go.

Not far away, Eirin and Emperor Inaba were eating melon seeds while watching a play.

"Emperor, didn't you succeed?" Yonglin said softly.

"No, this guy is a big villain who doesn't care about anything!" Emperor Inaba said with a straight face.

"Tell me, what can this kid say?" Yonglin suddenly showed an interested expression.

"Maybe it's more sensational?" Emperor Inaba asked curiously.

"Oh...how good it is to stay in Eternal Pavilion, Kaguya has more playmates, I have one more subject to test drugs, and you have one more person to tease." Yonglin unconsciously said very scary words...

"Will Kaguya marry him?" Emperor Inaba asked, looking at Kaguya who was flirting.

"I don't know, but I can be sure that he is the only man who interested Kaguya. It's a pity that he didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue, but walked for [-] years, otherwise Huiye would have fallen." Yonglin rolled her eyes and said .

"Time, it's really scary. I guess the princess can still remember him, it's not bad." Emperor Inaba said with emotion.

"Yeah." Bayi Yonglin nodded.

Immediately, she glanced at a crack in the ground and smiled.

Yakumo Zi, Yakumo Zi, you don't know, you were cautious before, and you dared to eavesdrop when you were afraid of me, so you have already exposed a lot?

This person is very important...

Forget it, I don't care about this matter, and this kid can't make any waves.

the other side.

Ye Kai finally said what they had been waiting for for a long time: "Your breasts are not as big as hers."

"Cows have big breasts, do you want to marry a cow?" Hui Ye said with a displeased face, not seeing the beauty before.

Sure enough, the beauty is only three seconds.

Ye Kai has never dared to look at Hui Ye, her movements, expressions, and voice are all too deceptive.

Just by looking at her, it is easy to think of the girl named first love in high school.

Those pitiful eyes, small figure, not gorgeous but very beautiful kimono, matched with her overpowering appearance, are indeed very lethal!

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