"You are older than her!" Ye Kai said softly.

"What?" Kaguya felt as if he was struck by lightning.

If she had to count, she lived dozens or hundreds of times longer than Yuyuko, and she was indeed older.

Question, about girls, can you say age?

Anyone who reads it will say that she is only sixteen years old.

"You can't eat without her!" Ye Kai said softly.

"Being able to eat is also considered an advantage?" Hui Ye said in confusion after adjusting in an instant, having never seen such a big storm.

But in his heart, Ye Kai was sentenced to death.

Since this guy can't fall in love with himself, then find a way to throw him to the moon!At that time, those crazy rabbits who think about men will definitely squeeze him dry.

Oh heh heh...

My two sisters will definitely come to find me.Hiding, you can't hide for a lifetime, you will be found sooner or later.

At that time, I will say that I was defiled by this guy!

Anyway, she is from Penglai, she will always be...

Humph, let them dog eat dog!

They even said that the concubine has a small chest, and that the concubine is too old, and the death penalty, the death penalty!

"That kind of feeding feeling is not for outsiders. I am so happy to be able to feed Yuyuko! Every time I make something delicious and hand it to her, she will bite it off, and she will not refuse if she touches her head or chin. ! Well, only Zi and I can do it. The rest who want to do this will use the cherry tree as flower fertilizer." Ye Kai said with a smile.

"Are you keeping a pet?" Hui Ye asked in surprise.

Ye Kai was stunned for a moment, he really looked alike.

In other words, Youyouzi has been classified as a pet by him without knowing it?

"Also, she is simpler than you, she does things as she pleases, without any scheming." Ye Kai said with a look of longing.

"The concubine is also very simple!" Hui Ye curled her lips dissatisfied.

"In those three years, you often pricked villains and said what to do to me behind your back. Don't think I don't know." Ye Kai snorted.

Ye Kai just made it up...

"Then, why didn't you say it?" Hui Ye asked in surprise.

"Because Huiye is very cute." Ye Kai turned his head, patted Huiye's head, and said softly, "I'll go say hello to Zi and Youyuzi first, and then I'll see you later."

Damn, what do you really want to do to me? It's in vain that I treat you so well!

"Hmph, let's go, heartless man." Hui Ye shook off Ye Kai's hand, covered his face and ran into the house.

It's over, I was found to have a dark belly, and I can't be a human being anymore, so commit suicide!

No, you can't die.

In other words, how did he know that he was talking about killing him behind his back?

Wait, I didn't tie the villain myself!

This bastard is cheating on me!

Hui Ye turned her head and wanted to beat Ye Kai up, but she found a gap suddenly appeared under Ye Kai's feet.

Ye Kai's figure disappeared in the eternal pavilion.

Bang, bang.

Hui Ye stomped her feet and said, "I'm angry!"

Underworld, White Jade Building.

"Ala, Yuwensang, you actually treat Lord Yuyuko as a pet, Lord Yuyuko is angry!"

Well, forget Zi is a voyeur...

Chapter 377 The Great Barrier Project

Ye Kai looked bitterly at Yuyuko, who was puffing up, and Zi Yakumo, who was smiling.

What are you laughing laughing?It's all the fault of you peeping tom!

"Yuwen-san, you seem to be thinking about something very rude?" Yakumozi said with a dangerous face.

"Um, I didn't think about anything, I just wondered why Zi you are so beautiful." Ye Kai said awkwardly.

"Master Youyouzi, who is this man?" Xiao Yaomeng pointed at Ye Kai and said.

In Ye Kai's eyes, there was a pink heart visible to the naked eye.

He reached out his hands to Little Yaomeng's armpits, hugged her up, and held her high.

"Wow, is this Yaoji's granddaughter?" Ye Kai said excitedly.

Such a small Youmu is so cute, I really want to take it back and raise it with the eldest lady and the second lady!

"You know Grandpa?" Yaomeng asked suspiciously, not feeling that there was anything wrong with being held up by Ye Kai.

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