"How do you know that she is Yaoji's granddaughter, not her daughter?" Yakumo Zi asked curiously.

"Yaoji said that he has a son, but he didn't say that he has a daughter. If he had, he would definitely say it. Also, under the pressure of the two of you, where would he go to bloom in an old tree? In addition to this Mochi-like companion spirit, isn't it Youmeng or who?" Ye Kai said with a smile on his face.

Yakumo Zi and Yuyuko unexpectedly didn't refute Ye Kai's claim that they were oppressing demons...

Youmeng hugged her companion spirit and said, "Don't talk about my companion spirit!"

Ye Kai put Youmeng down, and then opened his arms to Yakumo Zi and Yuyuko, and said with a smile, "We haven't seen each other for so long, don't you want to hug?"

Ye Kai suddenly discovered that after leaving the Eternal Pavilion, the sage mode disappeared. What is the reason for this?

To Yakumo Zi and Yuyuko, she couldn't help but gibberish.

Before Yakumo Zi could speak, she saw Youyouzi kicking Ye Kai's face.


Ye Kai flew out like a cannonball.

Youyouzi is light and light when hugged, only twenty-one grams.

However, her strength is a serious big monster, and it's still the top one!

Ye Kai can't turn into a ghost, he can only be abused when he meets Youyuko!

Uh... Even if you can fight, you can't fight back. After all, it's my girlfriend.

Before he could move, Yuyuko suddenly appeared in the sky above him, and fell down with both feet forcefully!


Ye Kai was stepped on the ground by Youyouzi.

bang, bang, bang...

Youyouzi's fist hit Ye Kai's face, and said unhappily, "I'll let you call him a foodie, let you touch your head, and let you scratch your chin!"

Yakumo Zi brushed the skirt of her lower body with her hands, sat down, and began to watch the play.

Her plain hand stretched to the side, into a gap.

A cup of sake has already arrived in her hand.

Take a sip and be happy.

She said to Xiao Yaomeng: "This is our friend, his name is Yu Wentuo. He has a great fate with Yuyuko."

Youmu suddenly asked: "Ms. Yuyuko's man?"

"Ahem... Xiao Yaomeng, who taught you?" Yakumo Zi said with black lines all over her head.

Someone actually taught the pure little demon dream this word?Death penalty.

"I heard what Zi-sama said, Yuyuko's man or something." Youmu scratched his head and said.

Yakumo Zi looked at the sky, saying that I will not take the blame, it is your fault for having a too good memory!

Ye Kai's current thoughts are...

Yuyuko didn't even wear bloomers!

But the underwear of this era, like safety pants, looks like a loincloth?

Alas... Bad review!

But Yuyuko sat on her belly, so comfortable...

This girl is not heavy, but also sensual.

Sure enough, Yuyuko or something, the best!

After beating for a while, Youyouzi folded his arms around his chest, turned his head, and said with a displeased face: "Tell me, how can you compensate Lord Youyouzi!"

"I invite you to have a delicious meal and go to Kyoto!" Ye Kai resolutely followed his heart.

"Well, I just said Yuwensang is a good person." Youyouzi looked at Ye Kai with a happy face.

Ye Kai and Yakumo Zi suddenly had black lines all over their heads, this foodie is hopeless!

After a while, the three of them sat at the table.

Yakumo Zi called Yakumo Lan over and asked her to talk about the changes in Gensokyo.

Yakumo Lan is still so rigid, doing things in a rigid manner.

Ye Kai still doesn't know that under Yakumolan's cold appearance, there is a different heart...

Yakumo Lan: Master Zi dumped the blame on me again, the pressure is huge!Why didn't Master Zi even bother to speak?Obviously, Master Zi was so hardworking before!It must be the idiot Yuyuko who infected Zi-sama!

Monsters obviously seldom hibernate, but Master Zi already has this bad habit, and it started after he met Yuyuko!

Now that the realm of fantasy and the real world has been established, Lord Zi entrusts all these to me for inspection; dealing with those restless monsters is all entrusted to me.

The pressure is so great, it seems to be rushing!

Fortunately, Master Zi only dozes off in winter, and is very diligent the rest of the time.

I want to influence Master Zi and cure her of being sleepy in winter!

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