Ye Kai nodded while listening to Yakumo Lan's words.

Eight hundred years have passed, and half of the Great Barrier has been established?

The realms of illusion and reality have appeared, will the Hakurei Great Barrier be far behind?

As for the matter of the person who should be robbed, Yakumo Zi didn't say anything to anyone, and kept it in her heart.

This matter, after all, is too sci-fi!I didn't know why, but I believed Tai Gongwang's words at that time.

"So, my little brother has a solution. Monsters have been bullying humans, but humans have nothing to do? Although I will take care of this matter, one person's power is limited after all." Yakumo Zi said solemnly.

Ye Kai said without even thinking about it: "Then add another barrier! When the time comes, find a spokesperson for humans, such as a witch, and let her protect humans."

" enchantment?" Yakumo Zi's eyes lit up.

"Yes, the current realm of fantasy and reality can only prevent human beings from discovering it, right? Well, although it can also resist the denial power that human beings have appeared, it is still not strong enough." Ye Kai said in a deep voice: "As far as I know, fantasy The township is built on the dragon veins, if you want to form a world of its own in the future, you must get the approval of the dragon veins, and forcibly separate Gensokyo from the human world!"

"You mean... Gensokyo is its own world?" Yakumo Zi asked in surprise.

What Tai Gongwang said was that she didn't think too deeply about taking Gensokyo out of this world.

Now this guy's idea is very interesting!

"Well, in the realm of illusion and reality, you have to export power into it every year, and you can't block the communication with the outside world. However, if you rely on the power of nature and the power of dragon veins, this problem will not occur! Let's create a world that belongs to humans and monsters!" Ye Kai said excitedly.

Unexpectedly, he actually had the opportunity to participate in the establishment of Gensokyo!

"Then make a "Common Sense Barrier" to distinguish between the outside world and Gensokyo's "common sense" and "uncommon sense". It is the "common sense" of Gensokyo.At that time, find another human spokesperson and give them the strongest power in Gensokyo, so that Gensokyo can exist forever! " Yakumo Zi said excitedly.

The current Gensokyo is just a place name, not Gensokyo in the true sense.

However, if this enchantment is successful, then Gensokyo is the Gensokyo that Ye Kai knows!

"How long will it take to do this?" Ye Kai asked excitedly.

Yakumo Zi was stunned for a moment, how could it be that simple, she sighed: "At least, three hundred years!"

Chapter 378 Summer Festival

Among the people.

Ye Kai looked helpless, looking at Youyouzi who was eating and drinking.

The people in the restaurant have almost run away, only a few bold ones are left, observing Youyouzi and Ye Kai.

Kyoto is too prosperous, and there are countless demon masters and magic monks in it.

It would be too troublesome to go there for dinner.

Therefore, you can only come to the place of people.

Ye Kai didn't hide the ghost hand, and Youyouzi didn't hide the undead.

Looking at those people who were a little scared but couldn't help being curious, Ye Kai looked helpless.

Today's humans and monsters really can't coexist peacefully like he did back then.

Even at that time, it seemed that many people were afraid of monsters and did not dare to go out alone, so they had to hire escorts.

Building a large enchantment, I thought it was a very simple thing, but I didn't expect it to take so many years!

Yakumo Zi should not have fooled herself, one is that it is of no benefit, and the other is that it is not necessary.

"Youyouzi, let the chef here go, you've eaten enough." Ye Kai looked at the plates in front of him with black lines all over his head.

This store is already serving her alone.

Many dishes are too late to cook, and they are bought from other restaurants outside.

"Okay." Yuyuko ate a chicken leg last.

The food in the three stores was completely emptied by her.

"Boss, pay the bill." Ye Kai helplessly called out to the boss who was hiding behind the counter.

"Here we come." The boss ran over in a cold sweat, for fear of offending the monster in front of him.

Although monsters dare not commit crimes during the day, they would not do anything among humans.

However, this monster has a very strange face, and has never seen a male monster that resembles a human being so much.

"Just give me two..." the boss said with a bitter face.

As for losing money?The whole store lost money!

In the past hundred years or so, Youyouzi hadn't eaten in Renzhi, after all, she had spent all the money.

So the boss doesn't know Yuyuko.

Yuyuko can be said to be the best-known monster.

Ye Kai rolled his eyes, he didn't know how much he ate, it wasn't cheap anyway.

With a wave of his hand, all the gold bricks and nuggets appeared on the table.

"I don't know how much it is, should it be enough?" Ye Kai asked doubtfully.

His heart was bleeding, but there was still a smile on his face.

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