Sure enough, it was not good to go out with Yuyuko.

In the ring, there are only some silver nuggets left...

"This..." The boss secretly rejoiced, this guy is still a rich monster?

Ye Kai's temperament of spending money like water completely concealed his poor nature, which made the boss misunderstand.

When you collect money, you don't have to worry so much.

Even if Ye Kai gave a lot of money, in fact, it was only enough for about [-]% of Youyouzi's food.

Well, let's take it as a [-]% discount, it's still profitable!

"Then, I won't be polite." The boss carefully removed all the gold nuggets from the table little by little.

"Inoue, go, settle the account of the Yamada family! Fujimura, settle the account of the Yamamoto family! Takasaka, go purchase ingredients and replenish the warehouse." The boss quickly ordered after taking the money.

Don't you look at the guests who didn't leave, are you greedily staring at the money?

Such a large amount of money is really eye-catching in the hands of one person.

But the boss is smart because he divided the money into four parts at the first time, not only settled the bill, but also replenished the ingredients, and finally made a little profit.

Hurry up and still be in time for dinner.As for the chef?Pay more bonuses...

Those guests, some with malicious intentions, secretly thought it was a pity.

Those profits are nice, but not worth the risk.

Ye Kai doesn't care about this, if he can't afford the money, then it's none of his business.

"Youyouzi, let's go." Ye Kai took Youyouzi's little hand, and the two walked outside.

The sun is just about to set.

The two came for dinner in the afternoon.

The guy Yakumo Zi didn't follow, saying that he was afraid that he would make her pay the bill.

How could Ye Kai not understand what that guy was doing?[-]% went to study the Great Barrier.

And Youmu didn't follow, it's too scary to go to the place of people with Yuyuko, she has a shadow.

Now seeing that the big brother is willing to take care of Yuyuko, Youmu decisively releases him.

Just begging the elder brother to feed Youyouzi enough, so she can save two meals.

Ye Kai and Youyouzi walked side by side among the small people.

The population in Renzhi Village is no different from the future, it should be Yakumo Zi's intentional control.

There are some exorcists and mana monks in it, but too many inheritances have been broken, and their ability to know is not great.

At most, it can deal with goblins or goblins.

Hmm... By the way, Rumia and Cirno are so strong, I don't know who to compare.

Big goblin?little devil?And those goblin maids?

"By the way, has Lumia come to Gensokyo?" Ye Kai asked Yuyuko beside him.

"No, she needs to eat people to survive, so Zi and Qi Lunuo won't let her in." Youyouzi shook his head slightly and said.

Suddenly, Youyouzi's eyes lit up.

"Wow, there are fish here, let's catch them!" Youyuzi ran to a small stall.

"By the way, what day is it today? Why is it like a celebration?" Ye Kai asked with a confused expression.

He once popularized many modern festivals, crafts, and entertainment activities to Yakumo Zi, all of which were added to Gensokyo.

It can be said that the customs of Gensokyo are very close to modern Japan.

And some simple crafts can also be achieved by kappa technology.

For example, yukatas, masks, fireworks, sugar figurines, and oden, these things are very rare in the outside world and have not been popularized yet, but they are very common in Gensokyo.

Temple fairs, parades, these are the same.

"It's the summer festival now!" Yuyuko said excitedly.

Ye Kai nodded, it turned out to be a summer festival.

When the two walked to the stall, Ye Kai casually picked up a paper net for fishing and asked, "How much?"

"Well, no, no money..." the boss smiled wryly.

Ye Kai took out a piece of silver, handed it to the boss and said: "Well, you can buy as much as you can, don't give me more, I was also a human being before."

"Eh, Ye Yuwensang was also a human before? Me too!" Youyouzi said proudly.


Ye Kai flicked Youyouzi's forehead, and said helplessly, "Of course I know that you were human before, and I'm the Grand Master of the Sui Dynasty."

The boss heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, it seemed that they weren't two too bad monsters.

There is often no reason for monsters to renege on their debts.

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