For them, two big monsters are enough to kill Ye Kai.

So what if Yakumo Zi held a banquet?All she cares about now is the future of monsters and getting along with humans.

She never cared about the fight between monsters.

Near Renzhi.

"How much has it been?" Sakiyu said in a deep voice, looking at a little wolf demon behind him.

"More than two hundred, all here!" The little wolf demon said in a deep voice.

"My more than [-] monsters are here too." Tian Jian is a fox demon, looking very charming.

But, he is a man.

Compared with the nine-tailed fox like Yakumo Lan, it is more than one level behind.

"Hmph, let that boy named Yu Wentuo come and go! Gensokyo, when will it be the turn of the monsters outside?" Sakutama said through gritted teeth.

"Look, they came out! One man and three women, only four?" Tianjian asked in surprise, then glanced at Sakiyu suspiciously.

Just a few opponents, calling so many monsters, and forming a formation?

These militant factions dare not mess with the ghost clan.

The ghost clan only makes friends with the strong. If such a weak person joins in, they will be bombarded and killed by the ghosts of the ghost clan!

Therefore, they don't know Yongyi and Cuixiang at all.

Cuixiang was drunk and was held by Yongyi, just like a pair of alcoholic mother and daughter.

Ye Kai hugged the shy Youyouzi, like a couple who just fell in love.

When Ye Kai came out, he was a little confused. Why are there so many monsters? How big is this banquet?

"We're early, hiccup..." Cuixiang said with a confused face, "The banquet seems to start in two hours."

"Then these things are your people?" Ye Kai pointed at Sakiyu and the others.

Yongyi and Cuixiang shook their heads at the same time.

Yuyuko also looked at them with a confused face.

It seems that even if they are big monsters, their identities are not enough in the eyes of several people, and they have not even paid attention to them.

Among the big monsters, class is also quite serious.

As a big monster, one must also have a corresponding identity or prototype, which means power and future potential.

Youxiang is the lord of flowers of the four seasons, Yingji of the four seasons is Yan Luo, Youyouzi is the lord of the underworld, Shenqi is the lord of the demon world, and Yakumo Zi is the sage of monsters.

As for Yonglin, she was noble on the moon.

The two drunkards around him are both the Four Heavenly Kings of the Ghost Clan.

In hell, the four seasons are higher than them, and they can be said to be on an equal footing with a guy named Gu Mingdijue.

On the Youkai Mountain in Hell, apart from Daitenmo, even Daitengu has to bow to the ghost clan, even if Daitengu is not a weak monster.

Compared with ordinary tengus, big monster-level tengus are just not afraid, and the class is still there.

Just like Wenwen, she is a big monster, because of this, she is not afraid of Cuixiang and Yongyi.

However, when being ruled by the ghost clan, Cuixiang or Yongyi give orders, and Wenwen has to listen.

Yuyuko and the two ghosts are no less powerful than the four seasons, but the three of them are under the jurisdiction of the four seasons.

Anyway, the expensive circle is quite chaotic.

The potential of these male monsters has come to an end, at most they are just entering the realm of big monsters.

"Which one is Yu Wentuo, come up and lead them to death!" Sakiyu pointed at the four of them with an axe, and shouted: "If not, go back to the people!"

"Yongyi, how do you fight?" Cuixiang hiccupped and said softly.

"Half for one person?" Yongyi said with bright eyes.

"Okay!" Cuixiang's drunkenness subsided a little.

One of them was holding a wine gourd and the other was holding a wine bowl, they didn't take those monsters seriously at all.

"Hey, they are here to look for me, I'll go and kill them." Ye Kai said helplessly.

"Didn't you say that your trick can only last for an hour, and you're irrational? If you finish fighting them, what will we do?" Cuixiang rolled her eyes and said.

In Arad, everyone is afraid of ghosts and gods, but here, it seems to be wasted if you can't touch them.

"Ala, the three of you go up together. If Lord Youyouzi takes action, there will be a lot of undead in the underworld who can see and eat." Youyouzi curled his lips and said.

"Okay, it's settled, the one with the ax is mine!" Cuixiang whispered.

"The one with the axe, let me do it, Cuixiang, you just clean up those small ones. Anyway, you can make a big pile, so it's easier to fight." Yongyi shook his head.

"I said, even if I don't need to deify them, it's very easy to kill them!" Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said, "I can solve it by myself."

"How can it be? Then what are we going to fight? After all, there are so many provocative ones! Little monster, I don't bother to fight, and the fox is mine." Cuixiang wiped her fists and blew.

"Then it's settled, the older ones are one for each of us, Yuwentuo, you go and deal with those messes." Yongyi smiled.

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