"By the way, are they all destroyed?" Ye Kai sneered.

For these monsters who bully humans, he doesn't mind killing them all.

"I've never liked such ugly male monsters, don't tell me you dare not kill!" Yongyi took a sip of his wine and laughed loudly: "Then I'm going to laugh at you!"

"Why don't you dare, because I'm afraid that Siji or Yakumo Zi will trouble me." Ye Kai frowned.

four seasons……

As soon as these two words came out, even the two members of the ghost clan shuddered.

It's so scary!

"Forget it, we'll talk after we fight." Cuixiang waved her hand impatiently.

Anyway, she will run away in a few days.

On the other hand, Yongyi doesn't intend to leave Gensokyo.

"Hmph, are you scared? When you killed my man, you were still so arrogant, saying that you are covering the people, and now you know you are afraid?" Sakiyu laughed, spread her legs, and pointed Pointing to the crotch, he said, "Get through here, leave those girls behind, and you can get out!"

Ye Kai and the others are still studying the division of labor and dealing with the aftermath, and they never thought of losing.

They are still researching whether they should be buried or burned after killing.

After hearing these words, several people stared strangely at Sakitama opposite.

Sakiyu shivered, and suddenly felt that she seemed to have made a very wrong decision...

Chapter 382

Two hours later, the banquet was held as scheduled.

As for those monsters?It was already burned into air by now.

Yongyi and Cuixiang settled the battle in less than ten minutes, but Ye Kai slowed down because there were a lot of them after all, it took more than half an hour.

After that, Ye opened a fire and burned the bodies of those monsters.

Countless human beings, secretly looking out in the village, were relieved.

Although monsters are still scary, but the most terrifying thing is that as long as they die, they can be safe for a while, right?

In the last wave, it is estimated that they will not be able to die until they attack the moon.

They knew the fighting power of Ye Kai and others, how could they avenge Sakiyu and other monsters?They are warlike and aggressive, but they are not stupid...

People who came to the banquet, except for Yakumo Zi and Yakumo Blue, had to be divided according to power.

The ones from Monster Mountain are: Wen Wen, a person who looks very similar to Wen Wen, and Ji Haitang, the dog walking.

Hell is: Cui Xiang, Yong Yi, Ibaraki Hua Shan.

There are also Qiu Jingye and Qiu Zangzi sisters near Youkai Mountain.

Sao Ling Orchestra, who likes banquets the most, was not absent either.

It can be said that, apart from the future forces of the Red Devils, most of the future forces in Renzhi are some familiar faces!

"Come here, Yuwen, let me introduce you, this is Ibaraki Hua's fan." Cuixiang didn't see anything, and pulled Ye Kai over.

As long as Yuyuko arrives at the banquet, she will turn into a wandering mode, looking for food everywhere.

As for Ye Kai's ambiguous relationship with her just now?How can it be important to eat...

To Youyuko, Ye Kai is more like a meal ticket than a lover at present...

However, this is already a good start, at least he didn't refuse, right?

"Hi, nice to meet you." Ibaraki Hana said softly.

She has short pink hair with buns on both sides.

The clothes are cheongsam-like, with white short sleeves and pink peonies on the chest.The skirt on the lower body is green, with willow leaf patterns on the robe.

The right arm is bound in a bandage, and the left wrist is in chains.

"Um... hello, are you really a ghost?" Ye Kai asked with a strange face.

Shouldn't the ghost race be like Cuixiang and Yongyi, who only know how to drink and fight?What's up with this polite beauty?

"She's an alien from the ghost clan!" Cuixiang said helplessly.

Ibaraki Hana nodded, and said softly: "I think you shouldn't have killed them just now, after all, they are also life."

"But they have been bullying humans!" Ye Kai said inexplicably.

This guy can't be the Virgin Mary type.

"Maybe I didn't express it clearly enough. I mean, just kill the big ones. The small ones don't pose much threat at all." Ibaraki Huashan said in a low voice.

"Cut the grass but don't remove the root, the spring breeze blows and it will grow again." Ye Kai rolled his eyes.

"Your Excellency is a very learned person, so you should know that life is hard-won." Ibaraki Huashan said indifferently.

Ye Kai shrugged helplessly.

Ibaraki Huashan wanted to say something more, but Ye Kai had already been dragged away by Hoshigum Yuki.

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