Ibaraki Hanagi sighed helplessly.

In fact, she is also a monster sage, but she has a different standpoint from Yakumo Zi.

But she still likes the banquet very much.

There are many monsters and gods, also make friends with her.

For example, Sao Ling Orchestra, for example, sisters Qiu Jingye who are coming, for example...

"Qirunuo, you are here." Ibaraki Hua slapped her hand, showing a slight smile.

Qi Lunuo sat quietly opposite her, and said softly: "Yes, the magic forest and the lake of fog have become much quieter all of a sudden."

"I don't think they should all die. Many of them are monsters who drifted with the crowd." Ibaraki Hana said in a low voice.

"I also think that in the future, I will persuade Yu Wentuo to kill less. As for the two ghosts, I will leave them to you." Qi Lunuo smiled.

"Actually, I came this time to say goodbye. I want to go out of Gensokyo to study, practice, and see more people and things." Ibaraki Hua fanned.

"Ah? Then, good luck to you." Cirno smiled.

Both of them are very elegant guys.

I believe, if Huiyin is here, they should be able to chat with them very well, right?

"Haha, I didn't drink well just now, let's continue now!" Xingxiong Yongyi laughed.

"I caught another one!" Cuixiang walked this way with one hand holding Wenwen's collar, and said with a smile, "I like Tengu the most."

"Hey, let me go, I can't drink!" Wen Wen shouted while struggling.

Although she is a big monster, her attack power may not be comparable to that of Sakitama.

Her real strength is speed.

In terms of speed, no one can catch up to her except Yakumo Zi who cheats with gaps.

It's just that Wenwen is easy to talk and has a gentle personality, but he is a bit unflattering in his work.

Normally, no one would have an enmity with her.

There are only two things she cares about, one is news and the other is home.

Therefore, as long as the status is higher than hers, she has no way to refuse, but to submit obediently, otherwise there will be no channel to help her send news.

"Well, Tengu, you are so tired from writing news every day, come and have a drink!" After Cuixiang finished speaking, she stuffed her into Hoshigum Yongyi's arms.

"Hahaha!" Xingxiong Yongyi laughed wildly, and poured a gourd of wine into Wenwen's mouth.

Ye Kai obviously saw Wenwen, and started to get confused after drinking a lot.

Her legs were twitching, her eyes were rolling, and countless drinks were dripping from the corners of her mouth, making her look very pitiful.

Sure enough, not everyone can bear the wine of the ghost clan...

"For the news, is there printing here?" Ye Kai asked curiously.

China is now the Ming Dynasty, and printing has long been spread all over the world.

Movable type printing has also appeared.

However, is it really okay to use this inconvenient printing method for news?

"No, it's all newspapers written by her stroke by stroke."

At this moment, there was another person behind Ye Kai.

Ye Kai's pupils shrink slightly.

The volatility is so strong!Not weaker than Youxiang!

She sat beside Ye Kai and said calmly, "I haven't seen you before."

Ye Kai glanced at her, she was wearing a dark red hexagonal hat, holding a pheasant knife in her hand, wearing a white and green Taoist robe, with a white feather on the top of the black wings on the back , not normal pure black.

She looks very similar to Wen Wen, with red pupils, but their temperaments are completely different, and they are also taller than Wen Wen.

Hmm... the boobs are bigger too.

If Wenwen's temperament is that of a very naughty female high school student, then she is a guy with a heart like the sea.

The world can be saved at any time, and the world can be destroyed at any time.

She can help the old lady cross the road, or drop a nuclear bomb on the ground at will.

In short, this person feels very casual and dangerous.

"My name is Yu Wentuo, Grand Master of the Sui Dynasty in China. It should be the Ming Dynasty now, right? I am a person from more than [-] years ago, and I returned to China after not staying here for too long." Ye Kai said with a smile.

"People who have a name are very lucky. I have long forgotten what my name is. Everyone calls me Datianmo." Datianmo said indifferently: "I don't know why, I think, you are very special, you belong to this world, but It doesn't belong to this time, which is strange."

If it was Ye Kai before, he would definitely be surprised.

Now that I have mixed with Yakumo Zi, Taigong and others a lot, I also know what it means to be happy and angry.

Unimportant things, he is still him.

But when it comes to the system, he has been able to hide it very well.

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