"Maybe it's because of this mirror? This is my Chinese treasure, the Kunlun Mirror." Ye Kai said indifferently.

Chapter 383 Moon Surface Raiders

"Is it an artifact of Huaxia? It's amazing." The Great Heavenly Demon nodded and did not continue speaking.

"Help...help..." Wen Wen stretched out his hand to the Great Heavenly Demon, crying, "Help me."

"Well, I don't know who drew my sketch last time when I was taking a shower." The big demon said indifferently.

Ye Kai looked at Wenwen, suddenly full of admiration.

There is no one who can do this in journalism, right?

Before the printing press, every newspaper was written by hand.

If there is no picture, just start to draw.

Wenwen, what a soldier of the press!

Those tabloid reporters, if you don't work hard, just look at Mrs. Wenwen, she is the real role model!

Even the boss's boss ** dares to draw by hand!

"Come on, have some wine." Cuixiang said, and poured wine for Ye Kai and Da Tianmo.

Unknowingly, the two drank the wine in the wine bowl.

Then Cuixiang moved to Ye Kai's side, and said to Ye Kai: "Tell me, where have you been for the past [-] years? After fighting with that guy that day, I never saw you again."

"Well...it started from the Great Tang Dynasty..." Ye Kai repeated the Journey to the West with him as the main character.

"Youyuko, aren't you worried that your boyfriend is under the siege of so many girls?" Yakumo Zi looked at Youyuko who had been eating like crazy, and said helplessly.

"He's not someone else's boyfriend..." Youyouzi said while eating.

"Then, why didn't you resist when he kissed you just now?" Yakumoko said with a smile.

"I don't know why, but I feel that he is very kind...Maybe, he invited Lord Yuyuko to dinner?" Youyuko couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"What if another man wants to kiss you?"

"Of course it is to kill."

Yakumo Zi looked at the innocent Yuyuko, feeling a little helpless.

This guy doesn't even know what liking is right now.

She just acted on instinct.

But Yuyuko is so cute!

"When are you going to admit that he is your boyfriend?" Yakumo Zi laughed.

"After she returns Lord Youyuzi's things to Lord Youyuzi, then she will be able to support Lord Youyuzi!" Youyouzi said softly.

"I think it's impossible for him to realize it in his life." Zi Yakumo said with black lines all over his head.

There is no power in Gensokyo that can withstand Yuyuko's toss.

That appetite is simply ruthless!

Yakumo Zi wobbled, leaned in front of Ye Kai, and said to Ye Kai: "In two days, the moon will be full. You have killed so many cannon fodder, what will happen to the lunar war?"

"I'm going, what else can I do? Do you want to go alone?" Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

Yakumo Zi was stunned for a moment, she thought she had to fool around for a while, but she didn't expect Ye Kai to be so powerful, so she directly said to help her.

But, her original intention was to ask Ye Kai to help her get some foreign aid, so why did she do it by herself?

"How do you know I'm going alone?" Yakumo Zi said with a surprised face: "I can bring many monsters."

"If those bastards and male monsters are counted... You Yuzi, you didn't plan to take it with you, so you didn't go up there just to conquer, okay?" Ye Kai said casually.

Yakumo Zi nodded, it can be concealed from others, but it is a bit obvious to him.

He knew his relationship with Youyouzi too well, this time he didn't take it because he was afraid that Youyouzi would be in danger.

"Then, aren't you afraid of death?" Yakumo Zi asked playfully.

"Don't worry, I am an immortal species, and I will be resurrected after death." Ye Kai said indifferently: "If you go by yourself this time, I am really worried. Although you will also bring some big monsters, those big monsters , I can handle it all by myself. On the moon, I’m afraid I can’t even break through other people’s defenses, right? It’s not like I haven’t seen a guy on the moon.”

"Yo, Yuwen-sang is so considerate, I'm going to agree with him." Yakumozi covered her face with a fan, and moved her head closer to Ye Kai's side.

"I don't like black-bellied people." Ye Kai said indifferently.


Cuixiang spit out a mouthful of old wine, pointed at Yakumo Zi and rolled all over the floor with a smile: "Yakumo Zi, you have today too..."

"Hmph! You bastard, I will definitely leave you on the moon!" Yakumo Zi gritted her teeth.

When she discussed this matter with Ye Kai, only Ye Kai, Da Tianmo, and Cuixiang heard it.

These are the core characters.

Except for some that must be avoided, these plans are not afraid of letting people know.

Anyway, Cuixiang and Datianmo are not talkative people.

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