Ye Kai still wants to go up with her.

Originally, she didn't really want to take Ye Kai there, because that would be very dangerous!

But for some reason, she felt that if she didn't bring Ye Kai, she would miss something.

"Alright." Ye Kai smiled casually and said, "Who else is there besides us?"

"Some miscellaneous soldiers from the demon world, and some ghosts from the ghost clan. We should be the only two big monsters who can fight." Yakumo Zi said calmly.

"Two? Enough." Ye Kai nodded.

"You mean, you think you can take it down?" Yakumo Zi asked in surprise.

"I mean, the two of us will not be killed by then." Ye Kai rolled his eyes, and from Hui Ye's mouth, he knew the current strength of the moon.

At least, technology has surpassed modern standards, and there are some interstellar-level weapons.

Ye Kai is not worried about himself and Yakumo Zi.

You have technology, I have magic skills.

But the two of them can't completely crush, after all, the other party has many powerful big monster levels.

This time, if you make a surprise attack, it will bring some losses to the opponent.

want to win?unrealistic.

Unless, start a beheading operation and directly kill Hui Ye's father Yue Yejian.

Well, although she is called father, Yueyejian is also a woman...

But, how difficult is it to kill Yue Yejian?Not to mention the strength of others, Ye Kai and so many little brothers alone may not be able to control them.

Whether you can see it or not is up to you.

At least, in known history, Yakumo Zi was the defeated party.

Ye Kai went to the moon mainly because he wanted to protect Yakumo Zi and avoid any troubles.

"You bastard, I really don't know what you think." Yakumo Zi frowned.

Ye Kai went with her, it can be said that it was thankless, but why did Ye Kai go with her?

"Well, we are friends!" Ye Kai said softly.

"Good job, let's drink!" Cuixiang raised the wine bowl again.

Ye Kai couldn't help but drank it.

"Come on, let's have a fight!" Cuixiang threw the wine bowl away and said to Ye.

"Just as a fun show?" Ye Kai asked a little funny.

"Well, let's just add to the fun!" Cuixiang nodded and said excitedly: "You and Yuyuko, Yongyi and I!"

Ye Kai glanced at Youyouzi who was binge-eating, and said with shame: "I'll do it myself..."

Chapter 384 Lunar War - Beginning

Three days later, night, lake of mist.

Ye Kai, Yakumo Zi, and all the monsters behind have gathered here.

Inside, there are both men and women, even unformed ones.

Cuixiang has left Gensokyo.

Yong Yi, has returned to hell.

Qi Lunuo did not come to see everyone off.

"Hey, what shall we do after conquering the moon?"

"I heard that their soldiers are all cute rabbit demons, I want to eat one a day!"

"I want to taste their leader, it is said that she is also a woman, hehe..."

"Can we win this time?"

"Win is guaranteed! The sage leads the team, and there are friends from the devil world and friends from the ghost clan."

"The guy next to the sage is also very strong. It is said that he had a tie with Ibuki Suika, one of the four heavenly kings of the ghost clan, a few days ago."

"Well, it's amazing! So we're sure to win!"

Ye Kai and Yakumo Zi had a sneer on their faces.

These guys know just how complicated the moon is when they go up.

Lost in the bamboo forest, forever pavilion.

"Master, Yakumo Zi and the others are going to attack the moon?" Kaguya soaked in the hot spring, looking up at the moon in the sky.

"Yeah, I know what you want to ask, Yuwen Taku also went." Yong Lin also soaked in the hot spring, her plumpness no less than Yakumo Zi attracted Kaguya's envious eyes.

"Will they die on it?" Hui Ye asked softly.

"Yakumo Zi is not the kind of person who likes to die, and I believe Yu Wentuo is not either." Yonglin said indifferently.

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