Fortunately, the first scene had been cleaned up by Ye Kai, and there was no bad smell from the devil.

Remy and Fran, on the other hand, obviously enjoyed the darkness.

After Ye Kai came back here, he couldn't help feeling a lot of emotion. At that time, he forcibly changed his job and killed Andariel.

Be careful what you do, and in the end you almost broke Da Qi and Lai Wei.

Now, I am different. The first act of Diablo II is on normal difficulty; the second act is on nightmare difficulty; the last three acts are on hell difficulty.

The strongest professionals in the dark world are only at level 30, and above that, they are only refining their skills, not learning new skills.

At level 99 in the game, it becomes this statement.

And Ye Kai...

[Name: Ye Kai.Race: ghosts and gods.Occupation: Ghost Swordsman (one sleep), level 68.Experience: 0%]

One of the levels was promoted by killing miscellaneous soldiers on the moon, and the other two levels were obtained by defeating Mianyue Yiji.

The task this time is to kill Duriel, and to form a team with the eldest lady and the second lady...

Ye Kai suddenly had the feeling that when playing dnf, the three big players led people past zombies.

"My servant, this world is the world you experienced?" Remi said with emotion, "It's really good."

"Miss, is there any strong person in this world?" Ye Kai asked with a smile.

"Yes, three of them are being sealed, and the rest... are all on top. But if we let go, we will be stronger." Remy looked like a stick.

Ye Kai patted the young lady's calf, and sure enough the young lady is the best!

"The monsters in this world, can Fran play casually?" Fran asked doubtfully.

"It's ok, anyway, monsters have no human rights." Ye Kai said with a smile.

Fran is also great.

No wonder Sakuya is so loyal, Ye Kai swears that he will always belong to the Scarlet Devil Mansion and will always be loyal to these two cute creatures.

So cute.

The place where the few people appeared was the same as last time, a bloody wasteland.

Ye Kai took the two Lolitas and walked towards the Rogge camp in a calm manner.

Familiar scenes, familiar Rogers, familiar archers.

"This...Ye Kai is back!"

An archer saw that it was Ye Kai who was coming, and shouted: "It is Ye Kai who is back, our hero, Ye Kai!"

Since the two girls are vampires, Ye Kai didn't take them in, but waited outside.

Kasha, Akara, Kane, Warriv, Dutch, Lavi, Robert, Ada, all rushed out.

Robert's hand has been connected, but that hand can no longer use the weapon, and can only use the forearm to connect the shield.

He is also practicing left-handed sword.

Ye Kai said that he would go out for three days, but unexpectedly, three days later, Ye Kai really came back.

Although Ye Kai's comrades believed in Ye Kai, the higher-ups in the Luoge camp obviously thought that Ye Kai had abandoned them.

"What a powerful force...the three are all very strong..." Akara's closed eyes "looked" at Ye Kai and the others.

Kane nodded solemnly and said: "These three people are more powerful than demons, and they don't belong to humans."

"Can we trust them?" Akara said indifferently.

"Of course, they are the hope of this world." Kane couldn't help showing a smile on his old face.

"Ye Kai, it's only been three days, how did you become like this? It feels like you've grown up a lot in an instant. If it wasn't for the good eyesight of the Rogues, they wouldn't have recognized you." Lai Wei was the first to rush to Ye Kai. .

Originally, she wanted to give Ye Kai a hug, but it could be seen that Ye Kai was holding one in his hand and riding another on his neck, and he really couldn't control his hand.

Amazon's instinct told her that these two girls are very dangerous!

No wonder this guy doesn't accept me.

It turned out that the girl he knew was so beautiful, so beautiful that it made people despair.

It's just...they're just little girls, right?Is this guy a lolicon?

"Haha! Ye Kai, it's good that you come back." Dach said in a low voice, "Why is your hair white? Your eyes are also different."

"Brother Ye Kai." Robert looked at Ye Kai excitedly and said, "Although my right hand can no longer be used, I can still protect everyone!"

"Brother Ye Kai..." Ada said weakly.

These guys, the wounds they suffered in their hearts, seem to have healed.

Or rather, hidden.

"Me? This is the price for gaining power, otherwise power is for nothing? I'll explain this later, let me introduce you first. This is my eldest lady, and this is my second lady." Ye Kai pointed at Remi and Fu Landau.

"My lady's name is Remilia Scarlet, the young moon of eternal red, and Ye Kai is my servant!" Remy said proudly: "As long as someone bullies you, you can go to Lord Remy and bless you Yo."

"My name is Fran, hello." Fran said lightly.

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