Well, Fran is back in the Three None version.

Ada and Lai Wei, with heart-shaped eyes, these two lolis are so cute, I really want to hug them!

Forget it, now I don't understand what's going on.

After Da Qi and Ye Kai finished greeting each other, they stood quietly aside without continuing to speak.

However, if it came time to fight, he would still be the first to rush forward.

The same goes for Ka Xia and others. They stood in the distance, planning to wait for Ye Kai and others to finish talking about the past, and then come to Ye Kai to ask what happened.

"Come on, come in first, and speak slowly." Lai Wei grabbed Ye Kai's arm and pulled it in.

But with her current strength, how could she move Ye Kai?

Ye Kai is stronger than before, more than a hundred times a thousand times?

"My two young ladies are vampires. Don't go in so as not to scare the ordinary people. Let's set up a tent outside." Ye Kai said with a smile.

Moreover, is there any difference between the inside and the outside of this camp?It's just a tent, a fortification thing.

Fortifications, Ye Kai still needs them?

Now even if he stands still and let Andariel cut him, he won't break the defense!

Back to Xinshou Village with a full-level queen, that's how confident she is!

"Vampire, uh..." Levi froze for a moment, obviously never heard of the term vampire.

However, judging from the name, isn't it also a demon?

No, they are rational, unlike those demons who only know how to destroy.

"Hey, why doesn't your blood flow to your right hand? Has it been broken?" Remy looked at Robert's hand and asked in surprise.

"Well... this is the soldier's medal!" Robert waved his right hand and said, "This is to protect my partner, I am very honored!"

If asked a few days ago, Robert would have been very uncomfortable.

But now, he has accepted the fact that he is disabled.

"Oh, then I won't connect it for you." Remi nodded and said.

There are also people who like to break their hands, which is really strange.

Chapter 392 Friendship

"Miss, can you heal his broken wrist?" Ye Kai was overjoyed.

He originally wanted to buy a small world instrument in the system store, but he didn't expect that Remy had this function, it really saved money!

"Of course, he's just not able to circulate his qi and blood smoothly. Wouldn't it be good to let it go smoothly?" Remy said inexplicably, "But I think he looks very honorable, so don't I need to take action?"

"Please be sure to heal my hand!" Robert performed a knight salute, and said deeply: "Please."

"Okay." Remy curled her lips, stretched out her little hand, and a red magic light flashed in her hand.

Although Remy fights, except for spears and barrages, it doesn't mean that she doesn't know magic.

Although her magic is not as good as Patchouli, she is not weak.

There are so many things she can do.Otherwise, the sky would not be forcibly covered with magic.


A small magic circle gradually took shape.

The people around them didn't dare to breathe, for fear of interrupting Remi's spellcasting.

It was the Rogge in the distance, whispering there.

"Master Ye Kai has changed so much, how did you recognize it at a glance?"

"That's right, whether it's weapons, temperament, or hair color, they're all different, and they're much stronger than before."

"His left hand is red, don't you know it by looking at the arm?"

"Well, what you said really makes sense."

"In appearance, it's much tougher, and you can still see the shadow of the past."

"In the past three days, what happened?"

"Could it be that you sacrificed your soul to an angel or a demon?"

"Probably not, Lord Ye Kai hates demons very much."

"Well, basically all the demons around us were killed by him."

Kaxia frowned deeply, and said calmly: "Can you see the origin of his power?"

"The power is still the same as before, but much stronger. It feels stronger than Diablo in the records." Kane said.

"It's really enviable. I really don't know how he got such a powerful power." Kaxia said.

"No matter how this power comes from, his future does not belong to this world." Akara said indifferently: "He is somewhat incompatible with this world."

"What do you mean?" Kasha frowned.

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