"I don't know, I can only see a general idea. He doesn't seem to exist in this world, but he is definitely the opposite of the devil. This cannot be denied." Akara said indifferently.

If Ye Kai was here, he would give Akara a thumbs up, this woman could vaguely sense his origin.

You must know that the strength of the so-called high-level people present is only average, otherwise they would not be oppressed by Andariel.

"It's cured." Remi withdrew her small hand, and said dissatisfiedly, "Can you just tell me if you need treatment next time? You are so annoying."

"Thank you, thank you Master Remy." Robert said respectfully.

He felt that his right hand could be used again!

He can hold the sword again and become a knight instead of a cripple who can only use fighting spirit!

To Remy's address, I couldn't help but add an honorific title.

Although Remy looks less than ten years old, her strength is not simple at all.

In this world, the real strong are respected.

As for Remy, her healing ability is already the strongest among the strong.

"Hmph, I didn't want to help you, but I just looked at you poorly." Remy turned her head away.

Looking at this textbook-like arrogance, everyone just thought it was very cute.

Lai Wei said to Ye Kai: "By the way, how did you know them?"

"I can travel through the world. In fact, I am not from this world. I came here specifically to trouble the devil. In your impression, I only walked for three days. In fact, I have been walking for ten years. They, He is from my hometown." Ye Kai said softly.

Not a big deal anyway.

Since there is no threat to the three of them in this world, Ye Kai is not afraid to tell them.

Lai Wei and the others were not surprised at all.

In other words, they had already guessed something.

Ye Kai's power doesn't belong to any system in this world, he can't use the potions of this world, he can't learn the skills of this world, even those equipments are useless to Ye Kai.Moreover, when he appeared, he showed curiosity about the world.

It can be said that the statement of the hermit professional is full of loopholes.

This speculation has only been confirmed now.

However, Ye Kai is still Ye Kai, still their boss, and will never change.

No matter whether Ye Kai is from this world or not.

They didn't ask Ye Kai what happened in the past ten years, nor did they ask how strong Ye Kai is now.

If that kind of thing opens the chatter box, it is estimated that it will not be finished for three days and three nights.

The future is long, isn't it?They believed that if Ye Kai wanted to say something, he would definitely tell them.

But, it's not now, didn't you see that there are still many people waiting to talk to Ye Kai?

"I knew that Ye Kai was extraordinary!" Dach laughed.

"Cough cough..."

It can be seen that his injury has not fully recovered, and there are some sequelae.

This, you have to rest slowly.

The same goes for Levi, who can't fight too fiercely.

Ada, on the other hand, looked at Remy eagerly.

This kind of strong man can definitely liberate the world.

"We should be leaving soon, right? I can't wait to liberate Lu Gaoyin." Ye Kai's eyes were shining brightly.

"Ye Kai, can we...can keep up with you in the future?" Lai Wei asked complicatedly.

She has already discovered that Ye Kai is getting farther and farther away from them, and has become a little out of reach.

"I'll still lead you guys. Anyway, if I kill monsters, you can also upgrade with me." Ye Kai chuckled lightly.

Robert shook his head and said, "Brother Ye Kai, we can't blindly ask for it from you, and we will always be under your protection."

"Well, I think so too. If you don't have us, you will kill the monsters yourself, I'm afraid it will be very fast." Lai Wei said softly.

"That's right..." Ye Kai frowned slightly.

It seems that this is the truth!

They are already dragging their feet.

Professionals around level ten are useless to him at all.

If you want to keep up with him, you need at least level [-].

"However, I can still take you to level up again! Robert and Ida's relatives are in Lugoin, Levi's relatives are in Kurast Harbor, Dutch is going to Harrogas. At least, you have to follow I'm traveling for a while, aren't I?" Ye Kai said softly.

"Brother Ye Kai, thank you..." Lai Wei bowed her head.

The rest of the people also bowed to Ye Kai.

Ye Kai intends to give his time to make them stronger.

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