"I told you I'm not Muq!" Paqiuli hugged her temples with both hands, and started to go crazy again. Is this person her nemesis?

Finally, there was some expression on her ancient and calm face.

The little devil covered his mouth and laughed secretly. Although Master Paqiuli looked crazy, she didn't seem to say so much for a long time. Maybe it's good for this person to join?

"Little devil, go and copy the book thirty times!" Paqiuli suddenly found a way to vent, pointing at the little devil and said in a deep voice.

"No, Lord Paqiuli, I just finished copying it twenty times." The little devil burst into tears, this is really a fire at the city gate and the fish in the pond!

"Fifty times!"

"Okay, I'll go right away." In order to prevent more copying, the little devil resolutely ran away.

"Well, Paqi, I came here mainly to let you do a blood test." Sakuya couldn't help smiling when she saw that Paqiuli had calmed down.


At this time, the second hole had been opened by Ye Kai.

Paqiuli cast a helpless glance at Ye Kai, the little devil has more holes to fill, who told her not to look at the library carefully, and someone took advantage of it.

She took the needle, casually picked up a small bottle on the table, then poured it gently on the ground, drew a magic circle on the ground, and dripped a few drops of blood on it.


A huge red light flashed.

There was an ominous atmosphere in the entire magic circle.

Paqiuli said in surprise: "Whose blood is this? It smells so strong and dark, and there is light in the darkness. If Remi drinks too much of this kind of blood, it may evolve into a true ancestor."

This is the blood of ghosts and gods, of course it is powerful.

Kazan's curse x4 didn't kill Ye Kai, and made him a ghost swordsman. His blood naturally has a magical effect.

However, those who can evolve are only incomplete bodies. Most of the monsters in Gensokyo are perfect bodies, except for Remilia who just arrived. After all, as a vampire, she still depends on her bloodline.

Although she is not a true ancestor, her strength is definitely not inferior to that of a true ancestor. She is a complete big monster. The sharp gun Gungnir and the power of destiny she masters are not something normal vampires can grasp.

Sakuya's eyes lit up, Ye Kai's blood is so easy to use?It seems that this person must stay, maybe in the future, the young lady's shortcoming of being afraid of the sun and running water can be solved.

If Ye Kai knew about it, he would definitely complain. It’s okay for a vampire to be afraid of the sun, but what the hell is he afraid of flowing water?

Sakuya pointed at Ye Kai who was busy and said, "It's his blood. Since it's so useful, I'll take it to make black tea for the miss."

"Wait, since it's his blood, it's of great research value. I think I should study it again. Can you dissect him?" Little stars appeared in Paqiuli's eyes, and there were more listless faces. Flushed with a lot of excitement.

"That, no need. You know about Missy's plan recently. He is a specially hired combatant, and he only has a one-month contract." Sakuya said softly.

Paqiuli froze for a moment, feeling a little disappointed, she turned out to be a temporary worker, if she bullied her badly, wouldn't she run away after a month?

At that time, who will be bullied?

What she didn't notice was that from the beginning until now, she has always been the one being bullied.

Contracts can be of great or small use. If the contract is breached, the Red Devils will have a reason to punish him. Ye Kai is also a person who respects his responsibilities and will not breach the contract.

Just like in Pirates of the Caribbean, he originally wanted to protect Elizabeth, but unfortunately he was fired by Elizabeth in disguise, so he didn't need to do anything other than his duties.


Another explosion.

Ye Kai really opened eight big holes. The structure of this library is not bad. There are two walls that can be connected to the outside. Half of these holes are used as windows and the other half are used as vents. This should improve the decayed environment.

After all, there is no ventilation here, and the musty smell is unbearable.

Ye Kai wobbled back, looked at Paqiuli's pale face and dark circles under her eyes, and couldn't help sighing, not only was it an environmental problem, but this little girl's routine was also abnormal.

"In the future, I will check regularly. If I dare to block the windows, I will open holes everywhere in this library! Go to bed now, and see that you haven't slept for several days, right?" Ye Kai said naturally .

"You, how dare you order me?" Paqiuli looked at Ye Kai in disbelief.

"Well, from now on, you need to eat regularly, and then you have to exercise. As a magician, how can you not have a heart for close combat? That's it." Ye Kai said as if he didn't hear Paqiuli's words. .

"Who wants to listen to you!"


A hand knife.

Patchouli suddenly became teary.

Does magic make this class so vulnerable?You must know that she didn't feel the pain when she hit Lumia with such strength, she had to use all her strength to hurt her, and she also used the strength of Ye Kai's sword to distinguish how wrong she was...

In other words, the monster's ability to fight is stronger?

That sister Hong's physique is not bad!

Paqiuli can be said to be the most vulnerable of the unscientific creatures Ye Kai has seen in Gensokyo.

"If you are disobedient, I will beat you, understand?" Ye Kai shook his fist and said viciously.

Paqiuli nodded instinctively, but then felt something was wrong.

I know magic, why did I forget to use it?

Chapter 45

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