"Accept the trick." Paqiuli's face turned cold, and the grimoire in her hand suddenly glowed, and then began to turn the pages automatically.

This is the prelude to using magic, it is a small attack magic with very short incantations, she wants to teach the man in front of her a lesson, let him know that the Seven Luminaries Magician is not easy to mess with.

She is good at many kinds of magic, and can use gold, wood, water, fire, earth, sun, and moon seven types of magic, as well as compound magic with different attributes.

In theory, she is very strong. Although she is not at the level of a big monster, she is also equivalent to an elemental mage of dnf above level [-].



It was another hand knife, and the magic was interrupted.

It's a pity that Ye Kai has always been unreasonable. When the pk field is in version 60, it doesn't matter whoever has the highest level wins!

Ye Kai was a little puzzled and said, "As a magician, don't you have the habit of opening your shield first? You know, I'm a warrior, and you actually chanted a mantra in front of me and told me in advance?"

"You bastard..." Paqiuli was helpless, it seems that she should have such a disaster today, why is this person so bad?

She is the Seven Luminaries Magician, that's right, there are not many magicians in this world who are more knowledgeable than her.

However, this does not mean that she is good at actual combat.

Otherwise, in the original book, she wouldn't be defeated by Marisa, a little girl, who couldn't sing longer mantras because of her asthma.

"Also, the villain died because of talking too much, so don't remind the other party before you make a move next time, it will be a disadvantage." Ye Kai said with a serious face.

Paqiuli nodded, this is very reasonable.

A magician didn't put on defensive magic, didn't imprison the opponent, and didn't open the distance. Before fighting, he had to remind the opponent, isn't this a death...

Ye Kai's salary here is quite a lot, and he doesn't usually have a job. Naturally, he wants to do something for the Scarlet Devil Mansion, otherwise the salary will be hot.

In this huge Gensokyo, he should be the only one with integrity, right?At least he thought so.

"Master Sakuya, I'm going to buy windows now, would you like to go together?" Ye Kai turned his head to please Sakuya and said.

As for Patchouli?After he finished his education, he didn't care.

Anyway, what should be done has been done, and the rest will last forever.

Seeing Ye Kai's behavior for a while, Sakuya knew what he was going to do, handed her a gold coin, and said indifferently: "Buy something stronger, and the rest is yours."

"Okay, don't worry about my work!"

After Ye Kai received the money, he felt instantly better and walked outside.

His memory is not bad, at least he still remembers the road he has traveled.

Paqiuli stared blankly at Ye Kai who left, as if, whoever controls his financial power, he is very polite to whom?

However, he doesn't seem like a very greedy person.

"What kind of person is this guy?" Paqiuli murmured.

"I probably understand a little bit, and now I need to do two tests to be sure." Sakuya stretched out two fingers.

"What kind of test." After Ye Kai left, Paqiuli returned to the state of no waves in the ancient well.

Guan Ran lost his composure because he hadn't met such a person for a long time, but he is so sunny.

"Look at the quality of the window he bought, and how much effort he will give in the battle." Sakuya said indifferently.

She has now seen that Ye Kai is very kind, a little greedy for money, or very poor, rarely rejects others, and has a sense of responsibility.

As for his scheming, it will be tested.

Buying windows is a good way to test. Buying poor-quality ones means that this kind of person can't use them, because it is a waste of public interest for private reasons, and it is his own initiative to open a hole in the library.

Buying good quality shows that he is not greedy, but really feels that the library is too moldy.

Buying the best quality shows that he is very responsible, or he has a crush on Patchouli.

Paqiuli nodded, and then said with some doubts: "By the way, why haven't you asked me whether this library should leave these holes?"

Sakuya: "..."

Haven't you been tamed by him just now?Why do you change your mind as soon as someone leaves?

Sure enough, one thing is one thing, and as Sakuya's head maid, theoretically she has to be called Paqiuli-sama.

In this way, Ye Kai is still two levels behind, but he only respects the person who pays him, and what he does affects the salary, if not, he doesn't care about that, the most vigorous Kazami Yuka I've seen it all, are you still afraid that she's a magician?

"My fellow, I'm going to buy windows!"

Ye Kai walked to the gate, saw Hong Meiling practicing, and greeted her with a smile.

"Good fellow." Hong Meiling replied.

Having just arrived at the Scarlet Devil Mansion, Hong Meiling is naturally passionate for three minutes. She also defeated an ice goblin who came to challenge her just now. It seems that being a fan of the Scarlet Devil Mansion won't be too boring.

However, a job like Menfan also requires patience, and I don't know how long Hong Meiling can be passionate.

Ye Kailai had left enough food at home before, all for Lumia. Although Lumia would be lonely eating alone, at least she wouldn't be hungry, so that's good.

In this way, Ye Kai came to the world again.

There are indeed fewer discussions about him and Mei Hong now, and most of them are discussing the two new forces in Gensokyo, Scarlet Devil Mansion and Castlevania.

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