Just now people from Castlevania have come here to purchase fresh blood. He looks like a butler. He looks ghostly and holds a black umbrella. He doesn't look like a good person.

When he came, Meihong would naturally accompany him the whole time, so as not to do anything that would endanger Ren Zhili.

But Ye Kai's house still has to wait, otherwise the sound of building a love nest together will definitely resound in the house.

Ye Kai entered a furniture store, patted the gold coins on the table, and smiled at the shopkeeper, "Uncle, bring me four windows and four ventilation shutters, and I'll draw the dimensions for you."

"Hey, such a big window, how many prices do we have here, can you take a look?" the shopkeeper said with a smile.

"Don't worry about it, you want black sandalwood, you can't afford rosewood." Ye Kai shrugged.

Don't ask me why there is such a thing as ebony rosewood here, Gensokyo, everything is possible...

"What about the style?" The shopkeeper smiled. In the past, Ye Kailai bought some tools and then made furniture by himself. It was rare for him to be generous.

"The kind used in bungalows." Ye Kai shrugged.

"No problem, eighty silver."

It's really expensive, and the hole Ye Kai opened is big enough for a person to walk in standing up.

Fortunately, he didn't buy it, otherwise he couldn't afford it.

Not many people buy furniture today, and they can make it on the spot. Ye Kai has to pay attention to it, lest they cut corners.

Even if you make bungalow furniture here, you can only make classic ones. Fortunately, the Scarlet Devil Mansion itself is classic enough, so it won't be too out of harmony...

Chapter 46

After the window was finished, Ye Kai pushed the cart sent by the furniture store and walked towards the way he came.

Ye Kai strongly asked the other party to give this to him. He doesn't like wasting money, especially when the money is on him.

It's really enjoyable, four windows cost [-] yuan, if he can't use so much for a set of furniture, it's still comfortable to spend money for the public, this kind of feeling of being worshiped by a local tyrant should not be too pleasant.

"Hey, what are you doing shopping?" Meihong walked over with a cigarette in her mouth, followed by two guardsmen.

Ye Kai stopped, and said with a smile: "Yes, help them buy some furniture. Those people are shy and don't like to come among other people. In other words, Miyamoto and Inoue also came out to patrol."

How did he know that night is the time to test his "loyalty", not to mention the place of people, no one from the Scarlet Devil Mansion will go anywhere.

"Yes, Boss Meihong told us to come here." One of the young people scratched his head embarrassedly. He was about the same age as Ye Kai, and he had just joined the guard, wearing a warrior's clothes.

"I thought you were going to be a guard in the future, but I didn't expect to become a monster for no reason, and a monster turned into a human, is it a shemale?" Another boy named Miyamoto said with a smile, he is Ye Kai's classmate, The two of them sat at the same table all the time, and both of them regretted that the same table was not a girl.

The information here, they should not understand the specific meaning of the ladyboy, but Ye Kai told them.

Ye Kai twitched at the corner of his mouth, and said with a chuckle: "Do you want me to make you a real shemale? It is said that there is such a technology at Yongeongting."

"Hero, spare your life!" Miyamoto knelt down in an instant.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, continue patrolling, cheer me up, two new forces have arrived, I don't know what's going on." Meihong waved her hands casually.

Seeing that Ye Kai had a good job, she didn't worry about it. It seemed that the other party was also very kind, and even entrusted such an important matter of purchasing to him.

I have to say that Ye Kai came out to purchase, which caused a lot of subtle misunderstandings...

"Well, I'll go first boss, you two boys, remember to drink at my place after I make a lot of money." Ye Kai waved his hand.

"Uh...forget it, Boss Meihong said you often have monsters visiting your place." Inoue had a scared expression.

"Well... I think so too, yours is too dangerous." Miyamoto didn't see the optimism just now, and was a little timid.

Meihong sighed, it may take a long time for human beings and monsters to live in harmony, even if it is normal, it is still unnatural for them to go to the gathering place of monsters.

On the contrary, Ye Kai has a big heart, he has adapted to being a monster so quickly, and made many monster friends.

Maybe it's because I was always with myself when I was a child?When I was with him, I also showed no fear of monsters, especially some little monsters were still afraid of me.

It was also because of this that he was almost eaten by Rumia a few days ago, right?After all, most of the monsters he met were kind.

Yuyuko looks like a cute thing, but Yomu who comes to redeem her always looks sad, Yakumo Lan, who often comes to buy goods, also looks like Yamato Nadeko, and Lingsen, who always comes to Renzhizai to sell medicine, is still weak. The appearance of anger is that of Kazami Youxiang, most of the people who come here are in a good mood, and come here to teach children to water flowers.

That's fine, being able to treat humans and monsters equally is also a good quality.

And his home... Anyway, the people who go there are no longer normal people. The number of monsters at the last gathering should gradually increase, right?

When Meihong thought of this, she suddenly felt like her son had grown up...

But at this time, Ye Kai had already gone far.

Ye Kai has now pushed the cart to the vicinity of the Lake of Fog, saw an old man fishing, and teased, "Grandpa, is there any fish that volunteers took the bait today?"

The old man had gray hair and a beard that was about a meter long. He was kind-hearted, and he was one of the oldest people in Gensokyo.

As for the race...he claimed to be human, but Hong Meiling said that she had seen this man three thousand years ago, and he was majestic and commanded many strong men back then.

But Hong Meiling was too weak at the time, and it was too late to avoid such people, let alone get to know them. At that time, there were not a few people who liked to slay demons and defend the way.

If they had known each other, maybe Hong Meiling would be dragged to that plane called Heaven without any reason, and become a little fairy or something.

Even now, Hong Meiling didn't dare to make trouble in front of him.

The big monsters are not willing to provoke, which shows how strong this person is. In short, he is one of the strongest echelons in Gensokyo.

Although in Fengshen Yanyi, his strength is pitifully weak compared to those perverts, but that was thousands of years ago... I don't know why he appeared in Gensokyo.

His career in Gensokyo is a fisherman, and he often comes to Lake of the Fog to fish.

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