Indifferent by nature, he only lives a life of seclusion, and he has no interest in the rest.

"It's you again, you strange boy, who is clearly the soul of a Chinese, but was born here, and now you have the power of a different world, don't you feel a headache?" The grandfather didn't even lift his head, and opened Ye Kai's mouth for a while. The changes are all told.

Ye Kai pushed the car to his side and sighed: "I was also forced, but I suddenly found that my life is good now. I felt too boring in the first sixteen years. I still have more passion to be a monster, at least Don't let you keep teaching me fairy art because you are afraid of monsters and dare not leave the place of people too far."

Ye Kai thought he was dishonest at the time, but later he found that he couldn't kneel for a few days, so he was stopped directly. Even though he was also from Huaxia, the other party didn't teach him, only saying that he had another chance.

He already understands it now, but he won't ask in detail, after all, the grandfather's temperament... I won't tell you if you ask, just play riddles with you!

With Ye Kai's poor IQ, it's hard to guess what the grandpa wants to express.

"Unless Master's permission, the law will not be passed on to the six ears." The grandfather smiled and said: "This basket of fish is given to you, old man, I will go back first. Some things seem to require choices, but in fact there is no need to choose. Do what you think is right."

After speaking the meaningless words, he put away the fishing rod, turned around and walked in the direction of Ren Zhi Sato.

As he walked, he said softly: "Whether it's a god or a devil, the heaven and the earth are based on the original heart. It's just because he is a good man in the tenth life, and he wants to accept an apprentice, so he tried to make him reincarnated here. Unexpectedly, he was chosen by other worlds at the same time. I can't easily accept disciples either. He's really an interesting guy, I don't know what his future will be like, after all, he is a seed of a plane beyond the Kunlun mirror."

Ye Kai thought to himself: The whip on his waist is only used to beat fish, it is not too wasteful, it is a magic whip!

But that's right, the limitation of that thing is too big, and it is designed to fight the eight righteous gods, and it can't beat immortals or people.

Ye Kai watched Taigong Jiang go away, shrugged his shoulders, and picked up the basket of fish, the elder gave him a gift.

In his realm, there should be nothing worth pursuing. This kind of secluded life is probably what he yearns for the most. He only came here after hearing that he had spent enough time in the upper realm.

Tai Gongwang...

This person, just me, Mei Ling, and Yakumo Zi know his true identity, right?The three of them were not talkative people, which allowed him to live in peace.

"Wow, there are fish, Lord Yuyuko is hungry."

Chapter 47

Ye Kai looked back, and it really was this girl.

Youyouzi looked greedy, staring at the fish in Ye Kai's fish basket.

"Well, Youyouzi, I'm going back to deliver the window now, but I can't grill the fish for you, why don't you take the fish away and let your owner grill it for you?" Ye Kai laughed.

Anyway, he's not very hungry now, so it's okay to give the fish to Youyuko.

This girl is really cute, as if she doesn't know anything except eating.

"No, Yaomeng's roast is not delicious, I want Ye Kai to roast it!" Youyuzi said to Ye Kai, pinching her waist with both hands.

She actually perfectly ignored the owner's question. That boy's name is Youmu?

"But I have something to do now." Ye Kai looked helpless.

She pursed her mouth, sat down on the ground regardless, and then started rolling around.

"Master Youyouzi wants to eat Ye Kai's grilled fish, and he wants it now, he wants it now!"

Since she has no weight, even if she rolls on the ground, there will be no situation of mud sticking to her body.

Ye Kai was instantly overwhelmed.

"Okay, okay, I'll bake it for you right now, I hope you won't be deducted from your salary by Master Sakuya."

Only then did Youyouzi sit up, and raised his head towards Ye Kai in a demonstration, as if to say: Master Youyouzi is amazing, right?

Ye Kai casually found some firewood, then took out flints and lit a fire, gutted the fish, and then slowly roasted it.

Youyouzi stared at the grilled fish greedily, drooling.

By the way, creatures like ghosts also have saliva?

Not long after, the five fish were all grilled, Ye Kai said to Youyouzi: "You can eat, I'll go back first."

Seeing that all the fish belonged to her, Youyouzi nodded quickly, not caring what Ye Kai was doing.

Ye Kai suddenly thought of something, and rubbed Youyouzi's face, it felt so good that people couldn't put it down.

Immediately, Ye Kai patted her on the head again, pushed the small stroller away with a satisfied expression on his face.

Youyouzi didn't care about Ye Kai rubbing her face when she had something to eat, instead she thought while eating fish: Strange, did I forget to tell him something, Zi seems to let me lie to him to go home at night?Well, forget it, the grilled fish is the biggest.

What Youyouzi didn't know was that because of her, Yakumozi didn't trick Ye Kai, but Youyouzi accidentally planted willows, which caused Ye Kai to suffer a greater risk...

It was evening when we returned to the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and Meiling was still practicing there.

"I'm back, fellow townsman. Sakuya asked me to tell you to find her when I come back. It's in the biggest living room." Seeing Ye Kai's return, Hong Meiling greeted him.

Paqiuli had already approached her just now, and said that she would conquer this Gensokyo tonight, and asked her to participate, but she agreed without thinking about it, since it was just a matter of exercising.

She knows Gensokyo's combat power too well, this plan is impossible to succeed at all, the biggest possibility is to be beaten up by those big monsters...

"Okay, I'll fix the windows and go."

Ye Kai walked to the place where he opened the hole, and installed the windows on the outside. One window is separated by a ventilation shutter, which must be very breathable. He clapped his hands in satisfaction, and went to Sakuya.


Paqiuli, who just woke up, looked at the extra window with complicated eyes, and sighed, let him go, it's not a big deal anyway.

It's such a nice feeling to be cared about.

She has been alone since she was a child. Even with a friend like Remilia, she still reads quietly by herself. Only the little devil makes her life a little different.

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