Fortunately, Thor is dead, otherwise he could be forced to death by directly using public opinion!

The previous policy was indeed correct.

This kind of guy who violates the ban with force must teach them a lesson, otherwise it's really hard to control.

They're really doing something for humanity, yes.

But they clearly have the ability to do everything, but they cherish their own lives. They would rather enjoy the age of forty than break into the Temple of Death directly.

Jerhyne, from the very beginning, wanted them to gather together and find a way to kill Duriel.

The pretense of protecting civilians was something they came up with.

knight?Ha ha.

But Jerhyn didn't do anything wrong. If he said that if he wanted to challenge Ye Kai and the others, he would stand there, at least because of face, he would not run away, and he would definitely die.

"It seems that you don't want to avenge the shield anymore." Jerhyne said indifferently.

"A shield, not enough."

"Well, everyone is friendly, and we must be consistent with the outside world!"

"I was impulsive just now. As a knight, how can you be stingy?"

"Okay then! If you want to challenge, you can do it at any time. Now, I want to talk to this adventurer." Jerhyne said helplessly: "After all, he is going to the Temple of Death."

The faces of those professionals changed.

They know how dangerous the Temple of Death is.

But considering the abilities of Ye Kai and others, it seems that the problem is not big?

Damn it, Thor, that guy deserves his death!

Robert looked puzzled. Aren't those high-ranking knights just now in a state of dying or living?

Chapter 401

Ye Kai seemed to know what Robert was thinking, patted him on the shoulder, and said softly: "Persist on your justice until the day you can't persist."

After finishing speaking, several people followed Jerhyne and walked inside.

Remy, on the other hand, looked helpless, but she didn't expect this fight to fail.


Gungnir disappeared, and the knights looked at each other, not knowing whether to cry or laugh.

This time, I planted a big...

The first time Ye came to the real Lu Gaoyin, he didn't expect it to be similar to the one in the game, except that the house and the number of people were N times larger.

The arrangement of the houses seems to be disordered, but in fact there is order in the chaos.

The middlemost area is the area where equipment is repaired in the game, and only professionals will patronize there.

Of the rest, three-quarters belonged to commoners, and one-quarter belonged to professionals, nobles, and kings.

When buying vegetables and clothes, you have to go to the civilian area to buy it, because there is also a large trading area there.

Of course, nobles generally don't buy them in person.

There are also some confident civilians who, with permission, can set up stalls in the aristocratic and professional districts.

Although those dishes and meat look the same as those eaten by commoners, no matter the location or the careful selection, commoners' ones will never be as good as those of nobles and professionals.

Equality is a big joke.

When people on the road saw Ye Kai and Remy Fran, they instinctively hid away.

Jiehein was not sure about Ye Kai's temper, so he didn't speak easily.

However, he was going to announce to the public that Ye Kai and others were invited by him, and they would only stay in the palace unless they needed to go out to do errands.

Anyway, those civilians will think that the bad luck is also his bad luck, and it has nothing to do with them...

It's really hard to be a king!How come there are no other brothers?You can also help yourself share some.

Ye Kai looked at the huge palace and secretly sighed that the game was really a lie.

The two spearmen watched the gate, and the rest of the spearmen were in charge of patrolling, which was completely different from the game where you could go in and walk around casually.

"His Majesty……"

"His Majesty……"

The two spearmen bowed and saluted, and let a few people in.

Passing through the magnificent corridors and the palace, several people came to a place that looked like a restaurant.

"Please sit down, I've ordered people to serve the banquet." Jerhyne naturally sat on the main seat.

It was a long table, and Ye Kai placed Fulan and Remi on his left and right sides.

Kane and the others sat opposite him.

Robert looked at the magnificent palace with envy.

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