In the future, he must be loyal to such a person!

If Ye Kai knew, he would definitely sneer, he should think that he could replace him...

On the other hand, Jerhein didn't say a word to him on the way, and didn't ask anything. Regarding the previous incident, it seemed like a child playing around. Ye Kai couldn't help admiring his demeanor.

"You guys have come from afar. I am the king here. If you need anything, you can tell me." Jerhyne smiled.

All eyes were on Ye Kai.

"I'm a ghost swordsman, and I'm training. There's only one reason for coming here, and that's to kill Duriel, but it's for a fee." Ye Kai said with a light smile: "I don't know the king, what price are you willing to pay?"

Kane frowned slightly, Ye Kai didn't say this before.

And what about Jerhyne?His reaction made Lai Wei and others a little confused, and he was relieved!

If Ye Kai didn't draw anything, he would be worried.

For humanity?For the mainland?This kind of reason also deceives children...

Or, someone like Robert.

If Ye Kai had nothing else to ask for, he would worry that Ye Kai had ulterior motives.

But if you pay, it doesn't matter.

"I declare in advance that I need to collect a [-]% deposit first, and I will naturally come to collect the rest after the completion of the task. If I die, it will be buried with me." Ye Kai smiled.

"Sir, you are really free and easy. Then, what kind of price do you want to ask?" Jerhyne smiled.

"That depends on how much you want to open up this business route." Ye Kai emphasized on the business route.

It meant that he didn't believe that Jerhyne was doing it for human beings, or for the overall situation.

Two people who really want to kill Duriel for the sake of the overall situation, now have to talk like this, so philistine, really makes people feel a little confused.

There is no way, otherwise everyone will not trust each other.

"Hmm... Before I go to crusade against Duriel, I'm afraid I have to go to the Temple of Death to get me a treasure. That treasure is called the Horadric Cube, and Master Kane should know about it." Jerhyne said to Kane.

"That is an out-and-out treasure. According to Horadric's knowledge, that cube can synthesize related items into the Horadric Staff. When the cube is opened, put two parts of the Horadric Staff into it, and By using the power of the cube to change the appearance, you can get the Staff of Horadric and open the gate of the ancient tomb." Although Kane didn't understand why they talked like this, as long as he did things, he didn't care about the cause and process.

"Understood, it's best to separate this matter with Duriel and calculate the price." Ye Kai said indifferently.

"For the Temple of Death, five thousand gold coins?" Jerhyne asked tentatively.

"You mean to travel to the Temple of Death?" Ye Kai said with a smile.

"This, I was joking before, [-] gold coins." Jerhyne mused.

"Okay, what about Duriel?" Ye Kai continued.

"Fifty thousand gold coins." Jerhyne frowned.

"Make it all up, let's add one piece to [-]!" Ye Kai waved his hand, setting the tone.

"It's a bit high, isn't it?" Jerhyne frowned.

"For those professional equipment, don't think I don't know how to add money. Do you think they can get through the road to the East in their lifetime? I can! And, before I do the task, I only charge [-]% commission!" Ye Kai sneered .

The money Ye Kai asked for was really not much.

It costs one hundred thousand gold coins to kill a demon king level, can it be called expensive?

The equipment for those professionals cost nearly a thousand gold coins each.

"Well, well..." Jerhyne gritted his teeth and agreed, but actually he was secretly laughing.

In fact, he was bullying Ye Kai for not knowing the market, and this task would cost [-] yuan for an experienced person.

Ye Kai took the money for nothing, even if he didn't give it to him, he still had to work.

Both of them thought they had caught each other...

At this time, the dishes also came up.

Not surprisingly, roast suckling pig, steak, scones, wild vegetables, milk, and a few pots of thick soup.

This is still what the king eats.

Alas... in the western world, food can't afford to hurt you.

They didn't look at Remy and Fran, they both looked contemptuous.

On the contrary, Lai Wei and the others had their eyes shining.

Although Lai Wei and Dach were grand, they were still a little cautious in front of Jerhyne.

Only Ye Kai, the three of them and wise men like Kane can block the aura of the superiors.

"Now that we have discussed it, can you please use it?" Jerhyne said with a smile.

Chapter 402 Teacher Ye's Classroom

Afterwards, Ye Kai did something that everyone couldn't understand. He actually took out the dry food that the eldest lady and the second lady brought.

Although this is very impolite, will the eldest lady and the second lady care about that?They even eat Ye Kai when they are hungry!

Jerhyne said with a confused face: "This, is it because the food doesn't suit your taste?"

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