As soon as the words fell, many servants brought a large pile of wine.

Lai Wei and the others had bright eyes. In this era, wine is considered a luxury.

"Um...don't worry, my eldest and second daughter have to add my blood to the food." What Ye Kai said seemed to be a joke, but also seemed serious, which made Jerhyen not know how to respond.

"They need to drink blood for a living?" Kane frowned slightly.

"Well, they are vampires, so of course they have to drink blood. But don't worry, they don't drink raw blood, they only drink cakes made with black tea or blood." Ye Kai said, opening his hands and touching The little head of my own loli.

"Hmph, apart from the servant's blood, Remy-sama doesn't drink other blood! Although the blood viscosity of people nowadays is good, it's a bit higher than that of the civilians in Gensokyo. But compared to the servant's blood, the taste is different. "Remi said proudly.

"It's the same for Fran." Fran said softly.

Ye Kai twitched at the corner of his mouth, is this a compliment to you?

Jerhyn blinked his eyes, wondering what kind of people he had recruited.

"Eh...they are really, really special." Jerhyne said with some embarrassment.

Goo-dong, goo-dong.

Da Qi drank a tank of wine, and said to Ye Kai: "It's great to hang out with the boss, there is wine and meat to eat."

Lai Wei gnawed on the pork leg and said, "Well, this thing is a rare commodity in our Amazon."

Robert is much more elegant, carefully cutting the steak with a knife and fork, while Kane can't eat too greasy, and eats vegetables.

"As long as you like it, everyone is an excellent professional, haha." Jerhyne laughed.

"By the way, Your Majesty, my younger sister is a magician and wants to register as a professional in Lugain. My uncle died in battle before, and my aunt's house is about to expire. I want to follow my elder brother to hunt down monsters. My younger sister Please." Robert whispered.

"Ah... this is all a threatening situation! It will be all right in the future, and the world will not be peaceful." Jerhyne sighed and said, "If Duriel's crusade is successful this time, I will promise a noble position. .”

Saying that, Jerhein took a deep look at Ye Kai.

Don't think about it, this is to seduce Ye Kai.

Except for Ye Kai and the other three who were unfathomable, the rest of them couldn't beat Jerhein, so he naturally had no interest in them.

"I'm a prodigal son, and I'm used to wandering. There are still so many monsters waiting for me to attack in the world. Adventure is my hobby. If an adventurer dies of old age in a hospital bed, it is a shame for the adventurer!" Ye Kaishen soundtrack.


Ye Kai's head was embedded in the table...

Remi took Gungnir's turn, pointed at Ye Kai and said, "Are you saying that Master Remy wasted his time before?"

Jerhyne's pupils shrank slightly.

Fulan has proved herself with strength, and Ye Kai saw that it was killed by a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

And what about Remy?She also showed her hand in front of him, although the reason was inexplicable.

Ye Kai raised his head, wiped the sawdust off his face, hugged Master Remy, who was turning his head, and said while smoothing his hair: "How can such a servant do something worthy of Master Remy?" Your nobleness? I am already grateful to Dade for being able to accompany me once in a while, Lord Remy."

"Hmph, it's good to know, Lord Remy is supremely majestic." Remy proudly raised her chest.

Everyone looked at Remy who committed the second crime with strange expressions.

This young lady seems to be a little out of her mind, and anyone who knows something can tell that Ye Kai is coaxing the child.

She still looks so useful...

Ye Kai put Remi down, and everyone continued to eat.

As for the big hole in the table, no one mentioned it.

What made Jerhyne concerned was that the material of the table was no less than that of a paladin's tower shield, not to mention that Remy was able to slap Ye Kai's head in, but Ye Kai was unscathed!

It seems that the liberation of Lu Gaoyin will depend on them for the time being.

After eating, Ye Kai and others were arranged to live in several rooms. Kane and Robert obviously had something to say to Ye Kai.

"Brother Ye Kai, today you..." Robert hesitated to speak.

"I know what you want to ask. Talking about righteousness with a person like him may not be trustworthy. This is something that can't be helped. The situation in Lu Gaoyin and the Rogue camp is different. Although Master Kane is a wise man , but I'm afraid I don't have a thorough understanding of this aspect." Ye Kai said softly.

"Is it the thinking of the superior? I understand. The life of the people in the Rogge camp can be said to be precarious, but this side is already very prosperous, there is no big threat for the time being, and regular counterattacks can be organized. Therefore, Afraid that you have bad intentions? Or, I want you to leave here after taking the money." Kane thought for a while, and then understood Ye Kai's meaning.

This is also the meaning of the position of nobility, either for me to use, or to take the money and leave.

Since Ye Kai is talking about money, then Jerhyne doesn't have to be too polite, lest it gets too big.

"But, isn't this for the mainland, for all mankind?" Robert asked a little confused.

"Those paladins, do you think they are for the sake of all mankind... Fortunately, I am strong enough, otherwise I would be the one who was taken advantage of. There is no problem with your justice, you are different from them, stick to it." Ye Kai said deeply to Robert deep way.

"Alas...Brother Ye Kai, seeing them, I suddenly felt that the mentor who taught me may not be correct." Robert said sadly.

"You, you have seen too little, heard too little, and experienced too little." Ye Kai shook his head, patted the backs of the two lolis lightly and said: "Chivalry, in the current environment, It has long existed in name only. Or, it is like this in Lu Gaoyin, because the folk customs here are too lazy and not strong enough."

"This has something to do with the environment?" Robert asked confused.

"Being on the front line and being in the rear are two completely different concepts. Now that you have decided to continue taking risks with me, then I will teach you everything slowly. When they get to the front line, they should be different. During our journey, sooner or later we will meet Levi’s family and Dach’s family. Amazons, barbarians, paladins and mages are of different races, and their toughness has been integrated into their bones.” Ye Kai said deeply.

"Thank you, Brother Ye Kai. Then, I will take my leave first." Seeing that it was getting late, Robert got up to leave.

Kane was just asking casually, he believed in Ye Kai's ability to handle all this well.

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