Seeing the two leave, Ye Kai changed the positions of the eldest lady and the second lady, and then lay down on the bed himself, hugged each other, and closed his eyes.

Tomorrow, the Temple of Death!

Chapter 403

Early the next morning, Ye Kai and the others led Lai Wei and the others towards the Temple of Death.

Of course, the attention of pedestrians is indispensable.

When those professionals looked at Ye Kai, some hated and some were afraid, but none came up to provoke him.

These guys are undereducated.

The desert scenery is always so boring, but there are more rocks and relics on the road, which makes people feel more comfortable.

"There are not many monsters on the road." Ye Kai said while looking at the map.

"Well, because this route is often cleared, many people are rushing towards the Temple of Death, so there are fewer people." Lai Wei smiled.

It seems that she was not idle yesterday, and she did a good job of preparation.

This road has long been passed and cannot be passed again, and it is not like in the game, where the map is changed after retreating and re-entering.

Well, it's about, not stand-alone.

It didn't take long this time. In less than four days, a few people arrived at the Temple of Death.

If you don't bring three oil bottles, it will take half a day to arrive.

Since the monsters here are not at the same level as the previous ones, the three of them followed Ye Kai closely.

Ye Kai felt that there was no need to be so tense, and he still regarded him as a rookie back then?

Ye Kai said helplessly: "Relax, I didn't come here by myself this time, the enemy can't pose any threat, just don't leave us too far."

"This... Andariel, it's a nightmare." Robert laughed.

"Daqi, no matter what happens at that time, you are not allowed to charge and just stay behind, understand?" Ye Kai said to Daqi.

"Understood, brother!" Dach patted his chest loudly.

Unfortunately, there is no ornamental value at all.

The appearance of the Temple of Death does not look tall at all, it is just a huge stone gate, which is piled up with large square stones.

On the top of the stones, simple and beautiful patterns are engraved, and behind them are a pile of chaotic stones.

Walking on the front, you will see that this is an underground temple, similar to the forgotten tower in the first act.

Surrounding it are four braziers made of stone, burning with a flame without temperature.

This is supported by magic energy, as if it will never be extinguished.

A few people strolled in...

Inside, there are torches everywhere, it seems that those monsters should do it, and some monsters are also afraid of the dark.

Ye Kai has a feeling that those monsters are becoming more and more human-like.

When they evolve to the limit, the current human race is said to be an opponent, even if they want to protect themselves, it is impossible.

The interior is like some Egyptian mausoleums, with earth-colored stone walls, some human statues, some stone pillars, and stone gates, with some wonderful words engraved on them, like a seal, preventing those things from getting out of this place. Temple of Death.

"There are monsters!" Remy whispered.

Immediately, she broke away from Ye Kai's neck, and Gungnir appeared in her hand.

Ye Kai saw it, the two lolis were excited.

"Fran, shall we see who kills the most?" Remi said excitedly.

"My sister will lose, Fran is the best at group battles." Fran looked at Remy with contempt.

"Cut, not necessarily, it depends on who encounters more." Remy patted her chest and said: "Master Remy is the protagonist of destiny favored by fate."

"Then let's compare!" Fran said with a smile.

Immediately, the two did something that made the four of them horrified.

As we all know, in Diablo, buildings cannot be destroyed, and can only be searched a little bit along the route.

Ke Remy and Fran, when did they take an unusual path?

bang, bang, bang...

Countless walls were forcefully smashed open by the two.Fortunately, the load-bearing wall and the pillars did not attack, otherwise everyone would have to be buried alive!

The undead warrior who looked like a skeleton had his head smashed by a scarlet spear before he could swing his sickle.

The spear cat throwing the spear, the evolution of the humanoid monster I met before, was burned to ashes by Fran before throwing the spear in his hand.

The head is the skull of a large bird, and the body is a red hollow corpse... Its ability is to throw a kind of black sphere.

But in the eyes of Remy and Fulan, it is for food delivery.



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