
Those monsters cried out in despair, looking forward to the boss's salvation.

But Remy and Fran haven't fought for a long time, and when they finally have a good time, will they care about them?

"Ha! Take a shot from me, a little cold light comes first, and then the shot comes out like a dragon! Lord Remy wants to kill his brother seven times in and seven out!" Remy yelled while waving the spear.

Ye Kai shouted helplessly: "It's killing him seven in and seven out, not his brother!"

"No Road Race!"

The Temple of the Undead, which is feared by countless people, and the burial place of countless professionals and mercenaries, seems to have become Remy's back garden.

"Hahahaha! Hurry up, come and play with Fran! Wow, there are so many skeletons, but unfortunately there is no blood. There are so many eyes on the body, Fran wants to see the difference between crushing you and crushing rocks!"

bang, bang, bang...

Countless skeletons turned into crumbs!

Those monsters, seeing the professionals, should have swarmed them no matter how strong the enemy was.

But meeting Remy and Fran is like meeting a natural enemy, turn around and run away!

But their speeds are nothing compared to Remy and Fran who are faster than the speed of sound.

"One hundred and one, one hundred and two... four hundred and seventy-eight!"

"One hundred, one hundred and fifty... five hundred and twenty-seven..."

The two not only fought, but also counted while fighting.

These monsters, if you meet them, admit it...

Robert was dumbfounded, Dutch was dumbfounded, and Levi was dumbfounded.

Lai Wei murmured: "What are we here for?"

"Look at the two lolis in my family showing their power, have they upgraded?" Ye Kai asked casually.

"I... have reached level [-]." Lai Wei said helplessly.

"Me too." Robert scratched his head, this is totally hugging the thigh!

The reason why Lu Gaoyin's levels are all about the same is because before the twenty-fourth level is a period of rapid growth.

As long as someone brings it, it will soon reach this level.

Although Robert felt embarrassed, he still regretted not bringing Ada with him.

"Daqi is also level [-]." Daqi said with a depressed face.

Look at these two loli, even if you let him run a thousand meters first, he won't be able to catch the monster.

"I suddenly feel that these monsters are a bit pitiful?" Lai Wei struggled.

"I think so. Although Remi and Fulan are not demons, they are also dark creatures. They have a natural level of suppression on them. They dare not give up their lives." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

Although Da Qi and the others couldn't see ahead, Ye Kai could see what the other party was doing with his undulating drive.

"Are we just waiting here?" Robert wondered.

"Clean up the booty, don't disturb their elegance."

Chapter 404 The Great Purge

Ye Kai and the others instantly became trash pickers.

"Well, give me all the money, and keep the equipment for yourself, I don't need it." Ye Kai said while picking up the money.

None of those monsters left a whole body, it was so cruel.

Ye Kai tried those walls, and found that it wasn't that the previous professionals didn't want to destroy them, but that they were really hard!

He has to use a lot of strength to destroy it, let alone those weak chickens.

"Brother Ye Kai, you have helped us a lot..." Robert frowned.

"Since you call me big brother, you should know that I don't lack these things. How can this equipment be better than mine? You guys are still in the growth stage and need these more. Otherwise, after I kill Duriel, I will I traveled to another world, what if you come back late and you are killed?" Ye Kai rolled his eyes and continued to pick up money.

Although Ye Kai's words were not pleasant to listen to, they were only moved in their hearts.

They had never seen such a selfless person.

In fact, if it wasn't for the fact that the equipment couldn't be sold to the system, Ye Kai wouldn't be able to wait here to set up a stall, and probably would have collected everything except for their own use.

As for why you can't set up a stall?My two lolis will be unhappy...

Of course it can be sold to the government, the recovery price is surprisingly low, it is better to let them sell it a little bit to maximize the value.

Jerhyne still owed himself [-] gold coins, not short of money!

"Okay, then I won't be polite to the elder brother!" Dach picked up a long sword, slapped it with the scroll, and it became the weapon he uses now, a dark gold level...

Along the way, a few oil bottles can be said to be a shotgun for a cannon!

And Ye Kai's income instantly became [-] gold coins!

This, a huge sum of money!

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