"It's such a strong devil's breath, but the breath on them is different from the three demon gods. But it's stronger than the three demon gods." Tyrell said tentatively.

If Ye Kai and the others were normal professionals, he would use righteousness to fool them.

But Remy and Fran, even in his heyday, didn't dare to say they could match him, so they let go of their high airs.

"Master Remy is a noble blood family, how can the young moon who is always bright red be more advanced than Lord Remy?" Remy said proudly with her arms crossed.

"Fran is also very good." Fran raised her hand.

Although the smell of this angel made them uncomfortable, but his blood was not type B, and it was all light energy, which they didn't like very much.

"If the three sources of evil join forces again, they will be invincible. Although I don't know what their goals are, it is obvious that you must stop them at all costs." Tyrell said deeply.

"So, does it have something to do with us?" Ye Kai asked inexplicably: "If they join forces, do you think they will be able to defeat us? Also, why do I have to stop it, and there is no task."

"This..." Tyrell was speechless.

For the three demon gods, their aura is much weaker than that of Remy and Fulan, but stronger than that of Ye Kai...

Three against three, it may not be the winner.

"They will destroy the world." Tyrell said deeply.

"We are not from this world. We are here to kill Duriel this time. The next time we come back, it will be a month later. Tell us about this at that time. Now we wait for the time to leave." Ye Kai flipped the page Rolling eyes said.

There was a golden light in Tyrell's eyes.

What a weird guy!

These three people really do not belong to this world.

And the power on them is not the system of this world at all.

Although the blond loli has a lot of blood on her body, she should have killed countless lives.

Well, they don't look bad.

Wait, they came here to kill Duriel, that is to say, there is something to discuss about the Three Demon Gods?

For those ordinary professionals, there hasn't been a hero like Tal Rasha yet, so I'm afraid they can't count on it.

Then, you have to count on these three guys in front of you.

"Then, I'll leave everything to you." Tyrell said deeply.

Immediately, he glanced at the Horadric Staff and the Horadric Cube on the ground.

Ye Kai seemed to feel Tyrell's gaze, and took these two things away without any hassle.

Ye Kai said with a vigilant face: "It's fine if you don't pay me, don't try to grab equipment from me."

He also felt weird talking with a guide NPC for so long.

For the first time, he discovered that Tyrell was also quite hard-working.

In the game, it doesn't feel like it yet.

It's really interesting to see his pitiful appearance now.

"Don't worry, you got this with your own strength, I won't want it. My strength comes from heaven, so I don't need these." Tyrell said indifferently.

"Tch, if you want it, you can take it away?" Remy gave Tyrell a contemptuous look.

Tyrell couldn't help being a little embarrassed. Even in his heyday, he didn't dare to say that he could grab something from Fran and Remy.

Blood race, what kind of race is it, and why is it so powerful?

"This, you mean, you will return to this world in a month, and now, are you going to leave?" Tyrell changed the subject.

Ye Kai stood up and hugged Fulan, and Remi also automatically rode on Ye Kai's neck.

"That's right, I'll see you then. I hope you won't be killed inexplicably. I'll see you then, leading the way."

As soon as Ye Kai finished speaking, he and Remi Fran disappeared together.

Tyrael, who was left behind, was thoughtful...

Leading the way, what do you mean?

Chapter 409 Remy and Patchouli

Gensokyo, four hundred years after Ye Kai left, that is, in 1885.

It can be said that every time Ye Kai walks, Gensokyo changes drastically.

Now, it can be said that there are no male monsters in Gensokyo, and the bloody ones have all traveled across the ocean to Huaxia, and then... there is no more, they haven't even crossed the sea.

Huaxia has also become a restricted area of ​​life.

England, night...

A sixteen-year-old magician came to an antique mansion.

The clothes she was wearing were a bit like pajamas, and she was holding a magic book in her hand.

It is said that there are very powerful monsters here, who have settled here for nearly a hundred years and have just been discovered.

Her trial is to kill that powerful monster.

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