In fact, she doesn't like fighting at all, she prefers to study magic.

However, those guys didn't know how to understand her at all, they just forced her to fight.

If she wants to fight after this battle, she will leave that hateful home.

Really, the mysteries of magic are endless, what's the point of fighting?

"Hey, who are you and why are you wandering around here?" Just as the magician was staring at the mansion in a daze, a voice suddenly sounded behind her, which made her feel a little creepy.

"Mum Q!"


The protective cover was opened, and she turned her head decisively.

It is better to face danger than to let the other party stand behind.

I saw a loli who was much shorter than her, pinching her waist with her hands, looking at her strangely.

Her hair is short, pale blue with a hint of purple.

There is a bat wing taller than her on the back, which makes her look full of majesty.

As for clothes, I believe everyone knows what to wear...

"You are, a monster?" the girl said vigilantly, not relaxing at all because the other party was a loli.

Her body was facing Lori, tightly holding the magic book in her hand.

Loli pinched her waist with one hand, pointed at the girl and said, "My lady is called Remilia, the current patriarch of the great Scarlet family, the frightening and eternal Scarlet Young Moon, the owner of the Scarlet Devil Mansion!"

Fate told Remy that today she would meet someone who would always belong to the Scarlet Devil Mansion, so she went out for a walk.

"Eh..." The girl walked up to Remy, and touched Remy's head tentatively.

"Mi!" Remy showed an expression of enjoyment.

The girl suddenly felt that she was healed, and said with a smile: "My name is Paqiuli, Paqiuli Noreki, you are the owner of this place? Where's your master?"

Remy suddenly reacted, slapped Pachili's palm off, and said dissatisfied: "I am the biggest in my family, there are no other adults."

Speaking of this, Remy said sadly: "They, for their so-called status, died together with those hateful humans."

Although Remy and Fran are strong, Remy doesn't understand the thoughts of their clansmen, so they don't join the war.

Things might have been different if Remy and Fran had joined the fight.

The growth of human beings is really too fast. Even Remy and Fran's demon power cannot be said to be endless.

One day, they will be consumed to death.

In order to protect her sister, Remy left the vampire's stronghold.

Those vampires have already felt the doomsday, and they are very unwilling.

For the honor of the race, for the glory of the longevity species, he resolutely fought to the death with mankind.

In the past, this world was dominated by monsters, but now, it is about to become the world of humans.

The last remaining vampires are Remi, Fran, and Dracula.

Remy also slowly dormant, living a simple life every day.

In terms of blood, her castle has some maids who are not afraid of death, they donate their blood, and then get wealth from Remy.

In other words, Remy sucked blood, all bought with money...

And if they come in turn, it won't cause much damage to the bodies of those maids.

If you don’t want to donate blood, you can go to a human city far away to buy it. Remi doesn’t worry about it, just eat some.

Most of the maids would leave the Scarlet Devil Mansion if they made enough money, and Remy would let them go.

And some of them have a conscience, find a good man to marry, and never mention the Scarlet Devil Mansion again.

Some of them are bad, they sell Remy's information, and then there will be demon hunters to crusade.

Remy, I don't know how many demon hunters I have killed.Even if the maids who left had bad intentions and fate told her that she should be killed, she never did anything to her "own people".

Every time, she has to move.

As for the house in the Scarlet Devil Mansion, Fran would destroy it before she left, so as not to leave any wealth for those humans.

Remy's property has also snowballed. Demon hunters are not poor. After they die, the money will naturally belong to her. Now she can be said to be a super rich man.

"I'm a magician, not a human being, and I don't understand their thoughts, nor yours." Paqiuli sighed.

"Well, by the way, what are you doing here? You're not here to attack me, are you?" Remy looked at Patchouli warily.

Paqiuli said indifferently: "If so? Do you want to do it first?"

"Of course!" Remi said as a matter of course: "In the past, those who came to crusade, I have to ask first. But some of them are good and some are bad. The bad ones do it without warning, and the good ones will at least tell me. As a Nobles, when you are not sure that the other party is a bad guest, you can't do anything to the guest."

Having been harassed so many times with such a short memory, I remember to say hello first every time.

This vampire is really stupid and cute.

"I was originally entrusted to attack you. But now, I suddenly don't want to attack you." Paqiuli said indifferently.

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