Ye Kai just woke up and found himself lying on Hui Ye's lap, no wonder it felt so soft.

Instinctively, he rubbed against Kaguya's thigh, trying to change to a more comfortable position and continue sleeping.

But before he rubbed enough, a bare hand stretched out from the gap, grabbed his collar, and caught him into the gap.

Hui Ye froze for a moment, seeing Ye Kai's hands stretched out to her.

"Hmph, I'm going to find those two women with big breasts sooner or later, hurry up." Hui Ye yawned, ignored Ye Kai, and continued playing games...

If Hui Ye was asked before, which is more important, Wan or Ye Kai, she would definitely choose Ye Kai.

But now, after entering the game, Kaguya is evolving in an extraordinary direction.

Apart from eating, she didn't even have time to sleep.

"Kaguya, what did that guy Yakumozi do?" Yayi Yonglin walked to Kaguya's room at this time.

"It's nothing, I took that bastard Yu Wentuo away." Hui Ye said while playing the game.

"Well, it's all right." Yonglin said softly.

Immediately, she walked behind Hui Ye, took out a bowl of water, and said to Hui Ye: "Be tired, drink some water."

"Okay." Hui Ye drank the water.


Kaguya fell to the ground.

Yonglin shook her head helplessly, moved Kaguya into the bed, and covered her with a quilt.

This student just doesn't know how to make people worry.

Game is something that needs to be restrained.

She had already expected this kind of technology.

It's just that I didn't expect the technology on the ground to grow so fast.

The side effect of this bowl of potion is weakness for three days, which is much better than the one that Emperor Inaba drank.

Anyway, Kaguya didn't have to go out to work, let alone fight.

In other words, the Great Barrier is about to be established, right?

I don't know if it can cover the detection of the lunar surface.

But Ye Kai had already arrived on the mountain, Yakumo Zi and Yuyuko looked at him strangely.

Suddenly, Youyouzi took out a handkerchief, put it under his eyes, and sobbed: "Yu Wensang is too much, unexpectedly, the first time he came back, he went to find another woman and slept on her lap, woo woo woo .”

Saying that, Youyouzi threw herself into Ye Kai's arms.

Ye Kai was suddenly stunned, Youyouzi actually cared so much.

Instinctively, he hugged the cute Youyuko, and while stroking her hair, he said: "Good boy, I really left without saying hello to her last time, and I don't know how I was lying on her lap."

"How dare you say you didn't take the initiative?" Yakumo Zi mocked.

Ye Kai thought about it, and it was indeed him who asked Hui Ye to kiss him, and it was indeed what he wanted to kiss.Be a man and be responsible.

He said decisively: "Take the initiative, what can you do to me?"

"Hmph, demon scum." Yakumo Zi rolled her eyes and said.

"Hey, monsters can marry a lot, don't say monsters, human beings too." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

After experiencing so many worlds and seeing so many customs, Ye Kai is no longer the one he was at the beginning, who was brainwashed by socialism and wanted to stick to it.

He can guarantee that if he really dares to stay the same and only marry Tifa, Yuyuko can eat him up...

"Hoo, Master Youyouzi doesn't care, you have to make up for Master Youyouzi." Youyouzi raised his head, stared at Ye Kai, and said while sobbing.

Feeling her trembling body, Ye Kai felt distressed for no reason.

"Uh... what compensation do you want?" Ye Kai said dumbfounded.

"Baiyulou's financial deficit needs to be supplemented, otherwise Master Youyouzi can only eat dirt every day. Also, he needs to eat a big meal now." Youyouzi pouted.

Ye Kai rolled his eyes, fortunately he spent all the money, leaving less than [-] in his pocket.

Otherwise, he will definitely be eaten up by Youyouzi.

It's not about being poor, it's about Youyouzi, who will definitely eat up his Demon War Warriors suit!

clap clap.

Ye Kai dumped more than half of the gemstones he got from his dark world on the ground, all of them were perfect gemstones, and what remained were only some diamonds and small pieces.

"Take these and sell them, and then exchange them for money to buy food! I don't have any food with me." Ye Kai spread his hands.

Now is not the time to expose the system.

Ye Kaiguan Gutongjin had shown Yakumozi and Yuyuko the so-called delicacies from other worlds before, letting them know what they could travel through.

But they were a little surprised at the beginning, obviously, as Yu Wentuo himself, he didn't tell them.

Youyouzi looked at the pile of gems, his eyes lit up immediately, he pushed Ye Kai away, and started counting the gems.

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