These things can completely increase the production of those farmers and herdsmen, and then satisfy her appetite.

Ye Kai rolled his eyes, this is his Youyouzi, as expected, all the grievances are pretended, she just wants to eat.I should have thought of it a long time ago, I have known Zi Yakumo for so long, it is no wonder that I am not a dark belly.

Naturally cute?Naturally, if you cut it, it will be black, okay...

However, even if she was pretending, it was unexpectedly useful to Ye Kai.

It's strange, Ye Kai doesn't care at all about Hui Ye's appearance.

But Yuyuko, he cared very much.

Moreover, in Kaguya's house, I have no sexual desires at all, and I don't know what's going on.

Sure enough, it's still useful to act like a baby with big breasts!

Yakumo Zi didn't even think about it, she got into the gap and brought Youmu out.

Youmu has now grown into a young girl Youmu, and although she is a little smaller than the Yaomu Ye Kai met last time, she is not that far behind.Now she has a broken face.

When she came out, she shouted: "I have no money, I can't find even a single copper plate in Baiyulou, go around me! The last inventory has been eaten by Master Youyouzi, and there is nothing left."

The corner of Ye Kai's mouth twitched, Yuyuko is really powerful to force the peaceful Youmeng like this!

But, poor Youmu, don't worry, you will get used to it gradually, and become the Youmu I know.

"Yumu, you're so rude." Yuyuko tapped Youmu's head with a fan and said, "Master Yuyuko has made a lot of money."

Only then did Youmu stabilize, and seeing a large pile of gems in Yuyuko's arms, he snatched them away, and said with a sigh of relief: "It's okay, it's okay, if this is the case, it can last for decades."

After finishing speaking, Youmu looked at Yuyuko vigilantly and said: "These must be handed over to me for safekeeping, Master Yuyuko can't bang."

This kind of gem is a collectible. If it is not printing money without brains, it will not cause inflation.

Yuyuko slapped the fan and said with a smile: "Ala, I'll leave it to Youmu. Master Yuyuko is very good at making money, right?"

"Well, Master Yuyuko is awesome..." Youmu nodded vigorously.

Except for Siji's salary, this was the first time she saw Youyouzi making money, and she didn't know who was taken advantage of by Youyouzi.

But when she saw Ye Kai, she suddenly realized.

It turned out to be this unlucky...

"By the way, are you here to reminisce about the old days, or to get in the way! That kid, help me build a house." The first generation had already finished eating at this time, and threw the aluminum box aside.

Only then did Ye Kai notice the first generation.

Is this the establishment of the Hakurei Shrine?

Unexpectedly, I was also involved.

"That, you're talking about me?" Ye Kai pointed to himself.

"Of course, you're just a man, who are you?" The first generation rolled his eyes and said, "My name is Boli first generation, please take care of me."

Ye Kai asked suspiciously, "What do you mean by the first generation of Hakurei witches?"

"No, my name is the first generation."

Chapter 415 The final arrangement

It's strange that someone's name is Chudai.

Forget it, in the previous life, wasn't there someone called the King of Glory?There are also Qin Shousheng, black fungus, Alipay, a lot of gold, and Zhuang Chunchun. Her name is considered normal.

What else can Ye Kai say?cover it...

His efficiency is much better than that of the first generation. Although the first generation is infinitely close to the big monster, Ye Kai's speed and experience are not comparable to her.

Ye Kai acted quickly according to the appearance of the shrine in his mind.

To reward Yuyuko, Youmu bought her a lot of food.

Yakumo Zi, Yuyuko, Youmu, and the first generation, the four of them watched Ye Kai work while eating.

Ye Kai didn't think there was anything wrong, since he was a man, shouldn't he do more?

However, Yakumo Zi and the others didn't eat much at all, and all the food went into Yuyuko's bottomless pit.

Yuyuko looked at Youmu with a pitiful face.

Youmu looked away, and said to Yakumo Zi: "Master Zi, can you send me back?"

Yakumo Zi naturally knew what Youmu was thinking, so she opened a gap helplessly, and Youmu resolutely stayed away from the battlefield.

Master Youyouzi must be restricted, otherwise Bai Yulou will soon be in deficit again.

"Zi." Youyuko shook Yakumo Zi's arm and said, "I want to eat."


Yakumo Zi knocked Youyuko on the head with a fan, rolled her eyes and said, "Eat less, you won't be hungry, you'll just be greedy."

Yuyuko pouted aggrievedly.

Ye Kai's speed was really fast, and the shrine was built in less than a day.

The inside and outside are exactly the same as the future.

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