Plastering cement, chopping trees, laying bricks, all using crack wounds, I feel wronged by that knife...

Ye Kai looked at his masterpiece, clapped his hands, and walked towards the torii.

Right now, the torii just has a normal orientation, but doesn't have any buildings.

The first generation stood up, walked into the shrine, and exclaimed while looking at it: "Wow, this is the shrine I want, it's so considerate. By the way, Zi, don't you need to pay?"

Yakumo Zi shook her head and said with a smile: "No, he cheated me of my most precious treasure, so of course he doesn't need to pay."

As she spoke, she hugged Youyouzi.

The first generation rolled his eyes, can ghosts have children?Your circle is really chaotic.

People who have an affair with Ye Kai, Yuyuko, Kaguya, Tifa.

It seems... only Tifa is a normal person.

Although Kaguya is a youkai type, he is definitely not normal.

Even if Yakumo Zi can have a child, she can't...

The first generation nodded in satisfaction and said: "Now, there are only some commonly used furniture. Fortunately, I have all these."

Master Xuan looked at the first generation with resentment.

When he moved here, the first generation almost put the house on him.

Sigh... What evil did I do in my previous life to follow such a dilapidated shrine.

These witches are poorer than each other...

He, even to eat, had to go to the river to eat fish by himself, and they didn't even care about the food.

After the first generation finished speaking, he put the furniture in little by little.

It can be seen that her furniture is all old antiques.

It is engraved with traces of time.

Of course, the first generation did not like to use the old ones, but was unwilling to spend money on new ones.

Finally, she placed a huge money box, and then she nodded in satisfaction.

As for Ye Kai, he has already completed the work on the torii gate.

There is a huge vertical sign on the torii, with a Tai Chi pattern on the sign, and the four characters of Hakurei Shrine below.

There are stone street lamps on both sides, and the words of Hakurei Shrine are also written on the lamp gauze.

"How is it? Are you satisfied?" Ye Kai clapped his hands and walked in front of the first generation.

"Satisfied, very satisfied! As the first batch of guests of the shrine, don't you intend to put some money in?" the first generation said to Ye Kai and others.

Ye Kai was stunned, how could this guy look like Lingmeng.

In other words, the witches at Hakurei Shrine are all greedy for money?

Yakumo Zi was also stunned, she was already preparing to set up the Hakurei barrier, this guy is still thinking about money?

Yuyuko looked at the sky and said softly, "Ara, all the money is with Youmu."

Ye Kai pointed at Youyouzi and said, "All my money is given to Youyouzi."

"Yuwensang is the best." Youyouzi hugged Ye Kai's arm and said with a smile.


Taking advantage of Youyouzi's inattention, Ye Kai kissed her on the cheek.

Youyouzi didn't refuse, and just treated it as compensation for not seeing her for four hundred years.

Yakumo Zi stood up and said to the first generation: "In terms of money, someone will often put it in the cash box in the future. Now, let's talk about the big enchantment."

Ye Kai glanced at Yakumo Zi with a strange expression on his face.

The people who stuffed money into the money box, including myself, definitely did not exceed one hundred in the past hundred years!

These shrine maidens dance the shrine maiden dance during festivals, exterminate monsters, and develop side jobs to ensure their own survival.

Is it really okay for Yakumo Zi to deceive the other party like this?

"Okay." The first generation nodded.

She also saw that Ye Kai's gems were taken away by Youmeng.

Otherwise, just scratch off whatever you say, why didn't you think of it just now?Cultivation is not enough.

"The big enchantment is about to take shape?" Ye Kai asked doubtfully.

"Well, it's just the last step. I'll inform Cirno later that the four seasons, Keyyama Hina, and the rest are here. The big enchantment is to use rotating hexagrams to form a circle, and then wake up The dragon veins, that is, the dragon god, inject power into the Hakurei barrier. Use our power to form a barrier to resist the denial of the outside world." Yakumo Zi said solemnly.

"Six..." Ye Kai nodded and said, "Is that the six of us?"

"No, without you, the sixth is the first generation, she can represent human beings, but you are half-human and half-divine weapon now, unable to represent human beings. Each of us is a separate race, except me and the first generation, can be replaced .Humans and monsters are indispensable." Yakumo Zi said softly.

"Then what should I do?" Ye Kai blinked and asked.

"If you don't have enough power, the power from you may be drawn. After all, you are also a separate race. Of course, if you don't want to, I can go to the Immortal with the Top Heaven." Yakumo Zi said.

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