"Immortal?" Ye Kai frowned slightly.

"It's not your Huaxia immortal, but the cultivation method is similar." Yakumo Zi shook her head.

Ye Kai breathed a sigh of relief, the Chinese gods always put a lot of pressure on people.

"It's okay, let me do it." Ye Kai nodded and said.

The task this time has come down.

[Hidden task: perfect the Great Barrier, build Fantasy Township]

[Reward: Enter the next link, after the next link is completed, you can return to the normal timeline]

"That's good, I'll send you to where you should appear." Yakumo Zi pressed Ye Kai's shoulder with his hand.

Then, he was thrown into the gap.

Chapter 416 Reaction

The place where Ye Kai appeared was near the lake of mist, at the foot of the monster mountain, and the magic forest was just a few steps away.

It can be said that it is the center of Gensokyo.

The location of the four seasons is naturally Santuchuan.

Cirno, near the Sunflower Field.

Yakumo purple, near Renzhisato.

The first generation of Hakurei is still at the Hakurei Shrine.

Keyyama Hina, behind Youkai Mountain.

There is no special building in Yuyuko's location, and Dracula's castle will appear there in the future.

The six occupied a hexagram around Gensokyo.

And Ye Kai is right in the middle.

The power of the crowd can at most allow Gensokyo to obtain such a large range.

An old man, while fishing in the lake of mist, muttered to himself: "The great enchantment is about to be established, and the person who should be robbed will be born in a hundred years. It's really amazing for him to be dragged to the present for a character from thousands of years ago." It's a bit troublesome. Fortunately, it seems to be quite successful so far. The Kunlun mirror, which can penetrate the past and the present, is a bit interesting. However, it is thanks to the seed of the plane in him that he has achieved what he is now."

On the other side, Qi Lunuo was sitting on the ground, and You Xiang was standing beside her.

"In a while, do you need help?" You Xiang said indifferently.

"No need, I'm a goblin, you're a goblin, you can't help me." Cirno smiled.

"That guy has been staring at you, so you're not afraid of accidents?" Youxiang raised her head, looked at Rumia in the distance, her eyes showed a cold light, and a bloodthirsty smile hung on the corner of her mouth.

If it weren't for the great barrier this time, she would have wanted to give up and fight.

Both Rumia and Cirno are rare opponents.

"She came to kill me. All these years, I have been thinking about how to stop Rumia from eating so endlessly, and now I have figured out a way." Qi Lunuo said softly.

"Oh? Her desire from the bottom of her heart can even be said to be the need to survive. Do you have a solution? Kill her." You Xiang frowned.

"No, it's not killing her. It's using my ice to freeze her inner desires. In this way, many people may be saved." Qi Lunuo shook her head.

"Your ice? How long can it be frozen?" Youxiang asked curiously.

"One hundred years is enough." Qi Lunuo said softly.

"Is it worth it to exchange your ten thousand years of cultivation for her not eating people for a hundred years?" You Xiang said with some disdain.

"I don't know myself. At least I can exchange some hope and see if anyone can solve Rumia's problem. After the establishment of the Great Barrier is completed, she will not be able to enter and leave Gensokyo at will. The number of people in Gensokyo , but limited." Qi Lunuo said softly.

"You will wake up from a deep sleep, but if you really do that, you will die." You Xiang shook her head.

"Maybe? But I'm a goblin, so I won't die. After fifty years, I will appear again." Qi Lunuo smiled and said, "At that time, I will take care of you."

"Hmph, is that you, is it still you?" You Xiang frowned.

"Of course it's still me, but it will become the same as when I was a child, and when we first met, right? At that time, we were really weak and pitiful." Cirno shook her head.

"It's up to you! You should listen to me and kill Rumia." Youxiang said helplessly.

"Kill her, and the darkness here will run amok, or in other words, will fall into boundless darkness, which is why no one wants to do it." Qi Lunuo said softly.

"You guys are really a group of hopeless guys." You Xiang walked towards the sun flower field.

Even if Gensokyo falls into endless darkness, she still has the confidence to blast out a piece of sunshine with the magic cannon.

At that time, the sun flower field will still be the sun flower field.

But, this is Cirno's decision.

After all, it's also a friend, so she can do whatever she wants!


Mianyue Toyohime and Mianyue Yiji, the two have already arrived here.

They searched Gensokyo where the Great Barrier was not established!

"We are here to find the master this time, don't make trouble, little Yiji." Feng Ji smiled and said, "In Gensokyo, there are quite a few guys we can't afford to mess with."

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