Ye Kai let out a loud roar, "Extreme ghost swordsmanship · piercing through the air!"


The two felt the powerful sword energy raging in their bodies.

Really, too bad, so many strange skills.


Yiji disappeared again and appeared on the left of Ye Kai.

And Feng Ji's fan kept up at the same time!

A gust of evil wind affected Ye Kai's next actions.


Yiji's sword completely pierced Ye Kai's neck.

"Ah... um..."

Ye Kai suffered a bit, then quickly recovered.

His magic sword waved towards Yiji.

Yi Ji immediately drew her sword and retreated, which can be said to cut off half of Ye Kai's neck.

But what about Ye Kai?The recovery was too fast, and the neck was connected again.

"Damn guy, let's go." Feng Ji grabbed Yi Ji, and the figures of the two disappeared in Gensokyo.

Feng Ji used her abilities directly to bring Yi Ji away from this place of right and wrong and back to the moon.

Seeing that there were no enemies around, Ye Kai just wanted to run around, but felt the magic power on his body and flew towards the sky!

The big enchantment is drawing his power!

Chapter 419


Ye Kai sat on the ground all of a sudden, feeling as if his whole body had been emptied.

He slowly returned to normal. Unexpectedly, he was interrupted when he turned into a ghost!

It can be seen how amazing it is to extract the magic power this time.

Maintaining a large enchantment against all human beings, even with the strength of the ghost and god Ye Kai, can't last long.

No wonder, Yakumo Zi told him, he might fall into a deep sleep.

It seems that this is not a possibility, but a stable...

The sky of Gensokyo slowly turned golden.

A powerful coercion pressed on the youkai of Gensokyo.

The weak monsters were trembling.

Even if it is a powerful monster, it is inevitable that it will be a little uncomfortable at this time.

The location of Gensokyo is just above the dragon vein, which symbolizes the power of the dragon vein, that is, the dragon god, is recovering!

Yakumo Zi repeatedly pinched her hands, and the six representatives of Gensokyo flew up at the same time.

The formation of the six-pointed star rotates clockwise, getting faster and faster!

Ye Kai's body also slowly rose to the sky, higher than the six monsters.

Slowly, the golden clouds slowly condensed into shape.

Snake body, crocodile head, lizard legs, eagle claws, snake tail, deer antlers, fish scales, beards on the corners of the mouth, beads under the forehead.

The Dragon God of Gensokyo has appeared!

The dragon god can freely enter and exit any place regardless of the restrictions of the Great Barrier, whether it is the outside world, the underworld, the heaven or hell.

He is responsible for light, rainfall, seasonal changes, etc. to maintain the normal functioning of nature.

As for himself, he and the goblins are colleagues—the embodiment of nature.

"You guys, why did you summon me?" Dragon God's voice resounded throughout Gensokyo.

The residents of Ren Zhi Li saw the Dragon God, and all bowed down.

Ye Kai also looked at the dragon god with surprise. This dragon god turned out to be a Chinese type dragon, and he thought it was a large western lizard.

The description is exactly the same as the legend of Huaxia.

"Yakumo Zi, the sage of monsters, wants Gensokyo to be independent and an existence different from the world! The power of the Great Barrier will cut off communication with the outside world, and I ask Dragon God to agree." Yakumo Zi said calmly.

"Oh? Are you guys trying to use my power?" Dragon God frowned slightly.

"That's right, the power of monsters alone cannot maintain the Great Barrier forever, so please ask the dragon god to contribute his own strength." Yakumo Zi said indifferently.

In fact, if Dragon God disagrees, everyone will use Plan B.

That is... the fish dies and the net breaks.

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