If the Great Barrier cannot be established, the monsters will perish sooner or later.

In this case, either go out and fight to the death with humans or even the gods in the east, or use force to coerce the Dragon God to agree.

Whether you can win or not is a matter of two opinions, but at that time, it is not a matter of saying that if you don't fight, you will not fight.

In Gensokyo, all the big monsters are staring at the dragon god.

Dragon God naturally didn't know what they were thinking, but was thinking about the possibility that Yakumo Zi said.

Both monsters and gods are extracting the last vitality of this world. The gods in the east, the angels in the west, and even the Nordic and Greek gods have all left this world.

If they stayed in the Great Barrier honestly, then it would be a good choice.

"I contribute my own strength, and it's okay to maintain the big barrier." Dragon God nodded the huge dragon's head.

His body is now completely hidden in the clouds, and his body can only be seen vaguely.

Yakumo Zi and the others were not surprised, but were waiting for the next article.

"However, you must always maintain the peace of Gensokyo, do not do things that are not good for Gensokyo, and even risk your own life at critical moments. Also, you must not break the balance between humans and demons, otherwise Gensokyo will be destroyed. Exist." Dragon God said in a deep voice.

His voice resounded throughout Gensokyo, surrounding it more than three times.

Many demons rely on human belief or fear to maintain their existence.

The existence of the four seasons depends on the responsibilities bestowed by heaven, Youxiang relies on nature, and vampires rely on blood.

However, many monsters or gods are different. Once there is insufficient faith or fear, they will disappear.

"Yakumo Zi, I agree, I will always protect the peace of Gensokyo in the name of monsters." Yakumo Zi said in a deep voice.

"Siji Yingji, I agree, I will always protect the order of Gensokyo, and swear by hell and the six reincarnations." Master Siji said indifferently.

Dragon God, nodded unobtrusively.

It can be seen that he appreciates the four seasons very much.

"Youyouzi of Xixing Temple, agree, to protect the underworld and the undead forever, in the name of the undead princess." Youyouzi said indifferently.

The current Youyouzi is no longer that useless natural foodie, her body exudes a divine light.

Just like the one Ye Kai had seen before, the same Yuyuko who fought recklessly with Reimu.

It can be seen that she knows a lot, but she just doesn't want to think about it, and she doesn't want to care about it.

"Cirno, I agree, I will always protect the nature of Gensokyo, in the name of a fairy." Qi Lunuo said indifferently.

There was endless coldness emitting from her body, as if it could freeze the whole world.

The power of nature is too magnificent.

"Kenyama Hina, agree, forever guard the mystery of Gensokyo, shoulder the misfortune of all people, in the name of God." Kanyama Hina smiled.

"The first generation of Hakurei, agree, and always protect the peace of Gensokyo and the safety of human beings. The Hakurei Shrine has been doing this for generations, in the name of the Hakurei Shrine." The first generation said softly.

At this time, she is no longer that greedy guy, but the guardian of human beings.

There are heaven and hell, and at the same time they made their own voices.

Seeing that everyone nodded, Dragon God couldn't help leaning his huge dragon head towards Ye Kai.

Ye Kai looked puzzled, why did he ask him?

"You are very special. You belong to this world, but not to this time... So, is that what Hongjun meant? Then I understand." Dragon God nodded to Ye Kai.

His voice sounded in Ye Kai's heart, not spoken out.

It can be seen that he knows the importance of Ye Kai keeping a secret.

"I, Ye Kai, will always guard our Gensokyo. I am a human, a ghost, a monster, and a ghost swordsman. In my own name." Ye Kai said in his heart.

"Heh, you are still the reincarnation of an artifact, traveling through time and space, and even planes. Maybe, soon, you will be able to leave this world with Gensokyo. Remember, Gensokyo will always be your Gensokyo, protect it well .” Dragon God smiled.

Ye Kai nodded solemnly.

As for Dragon God, his body slowly disappeared, and the sky of Gensokyo returned to normal.

But, this is just the beginning!

Endless power was suddenly drawn from Ye Kai's body.

The six monsters are not much better.

It's just that Ye Kai has endured more, which is equivalent to their sum!

The Great Barrier has become visible to the naked eye, extremely strong, and is no longer that ordinary Great Barrier!

The current Great Barrier can even resist the denial of all human beings!

And the power of the monsters is no longer lost.


Ye Kai's eyes stared like copper bells, and his muscles slowly shrank and then swelled.

Slowly, Ye Kai lost consciousness and fell down.


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