Tai Gongwang, who was fishing, caught the falling Ye Kai.

He looked at Ye Kai, smiled, and said softly: "Soon, your fate, the fate of Gensokyo, will belong to you."

Chapter 420 The Last Ice

Ye Kai passed out, but his power delivery didn't stop.

The Great Barrier of Hakure gradually became transparent.

And the first generation feels that she has endless power in her body!

Is this the blessing of the Great Barrier?In Gensokyo, it can be said to be invincible!The power of so many powerful people is blessed by one person.

However, she didn't swell, and she didn't think too much.

She now just wants to go back to the shrine and have a good sleep.

This time, I am too tired!

She was very happy when she thought about the days when she would sleep until she woke up naturally, and count the money until her hands cramped.

I have to say that Yakumo Zi helped her draw a big cake...


Boli Great Enchantment, established!A yin-yang jade slowly took shape in the hands of the first generation.

This is the natural engraving of dreams, and only Hakurei Miko can use it.

The six big monsters fell down at the same time.


Yakumo Lan caught Yakumo Zi.

"Let's go back to the Lost House..." Yakumo Zi said softly, "I won't be able to show up for three days. These days, the safety of Gensokyo is in your hands."

Yakumo Lan nodded solemnly.

As for Yakumo Zi, the gap opened, and Yakumo Lan disappeared.

Youmu also caught Yuyuko.

"Ara, Youmu's embrace is not as comfortable as Yuwen-sang." Yuyuko curled her lips in dissatisfaction and said, "Take Master Yuyuko back."

She also knew that Ye Kai might not be able to protect himself, let alone come to pick her up now.

"Yes." Youmu nodded.

Immediately, she took Youyouzi and flew in the direction of Baiyulou.

Even the four seasons are not much better.


Four Seasons felt his head crash into two soft mountain peaks.

Komachi hugged Four Seasons, shaking while saying: "Master Four Seasons, what's wrong with you, Master Four Seasons?"

Four Seasons was almost suffocated by this sudden facial cleanser...

"Take me back to the Hall of Right and Wrong..." Four Seasons' weak voice rang out.

Komachi heaved a sigh of relief. Judging by the appearance of the four seasons, he couldn't wake up these days.

It seems that I can be lazy?

"These days, the dead will be left to you, don't be lazy..." Siji said weakly.

Komachi nodded quickly.

Siji couldn't control her when she was sober, let alone weak.

Monster Mountain.

The Great Heavenly Demon hugged Jian Shanchu, sighed, and walked towards Jian Shanchu's residence.

Kiyama Hina, on the other hand, showed a happy smile.

She likes humans the most.

After the formation of the Great Barrier, Hakurei Miko is the strongest.

I'm afraid, humans will be safe, right?

Hakurei Shrine.

The first generation yawned, walked into the shrine unsteadily, got into the patched quilt, and fell into a deep sleep.

Master Xuan, on the other hand, stood at the gate of the Hakurei Shrine, preparing to protect the first generation during the few days when the first generation slept.

Cirno looked at Rumia who was walking slowly with a smile on her face, and said weakly: "Now, we can decide the outcome."

Rumia looked at Cirno with complicated eyes, shook her head and said, "Forget it, I really wanted to kill you. But, I don't want to do it now."

"Why? It's not like you." Qi Lunuo said softly.

"Victory is unarmed." Rumia shook her head, turned around and left.

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