Ye Kai put Lingmeng down, and said to Xiandai: "Isn't Lingmeng afraid of life? Or, how do you know if I'm a good person or a bad person?"

Rumia said speechlessly from the side: "That's what I was asked for at the time. However, Reimu is really irresistible."

"Brother... Hug!" Lingmeng stretched out his hand to Ye Kai.

Ye Kai blushed a bit, and found that he really couldn't refuse.

Regardless of the watermelon juice on Lingmeng's body, he hugged her in his arms and rested his chin on Lingmeng's little head.

Anyway, Yakumo Zi will find her sooner or later, and she can't find Yakumo Zi, so let's play with Lingmeng first.

"Then I'll leave it to you, I'll get rid of the monsters." Xiandai said softly.

Extinguishing monsters is her most important source of income.

No matter how well she or the Hakurei Miko did in the past, her income is still pitifully small, but what is certain is that her income must be higher than that of Reimu.

It can be said that the Hakurei witches of all ages have a sense of crisis, which once again proves that Reimu is disqualified as a witch.

"In front of two monsters, it's really strange to talk about expelling monsters." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

"That guy Zi mentioned you, saying that you like humans more than monsters, and the monsters you like are only a few specific ones." Xiandai said with an inscrutable expression on his face.

Chapter 424 Child King

"Leave it to you, I'm leaving." Xiandai said with a smile.

"Well, you just go with this look?" Rumia asked in surprise.

Catching insects with Reimu, she often does this.

"Of course, with this look, maybe you can get the money." Said, Xiandai waved his hand and disappeared.

"Mom, have a good journey!" Lingmeng waved.

"Hey, Lingmeng, what you said is so misleading." Ye Kai pulled Lingmeng's face and said.

"She really went too far. She gave Reimu to two monsters, and one of them was an ogre." Rumia said with shame.

"She's fine." Reimu said happily.

This Reimu also has a soft and cute voice.

"Is this the childhood dream?"

"It's about the same as us."

"Hmph, she doesn't have the majesty of Lord Remy!"

The eldest lady and the second lady appeared at this time.For more than a hundred years, Ye Kai fell into a deep sleep, and they also fell into a deep sleep. They also knew what happened to Ye Kai, so they didn't get too entangled.

Only Ye Kai can see the existence, and Ye Kai can't talk to outsiders when they are around.

However, the three lolis are so cute!Three more can make up a destroyer squad.

"Let's go." Rumia said helplessly.

"You want to follow? I thought it was just me and Lingmeng." Ye Kai said in surprise.

Lumia looked at Ye Kai vigilantly and said, "You are also a man, how can I entrust Lingmeng to you?"

Ye Kai rolled his eyes.

The current Rumia doesn't have any bloodthirsty and violent aura on her body, just like an ordinary big sister next door.

It was already difficult to accept that Little Rumia became Super Rumia, but now it seems that I am still too naive.

In other words, Gensokyo has been established, so what is my last task?

After thinking about it, a few people went down the mountain.

Lingmeng and Lumia held the insect net and watched Ye Kai show off his power quietly.

"Lingmeng, did you see that, cicadas and butterflies are caught like this." Ye Kai closed the net, and there were insects everywhere in the net.

"Wow, big brother is amazing!" Lingmeng clapped his hands.

Ye Kai has the blessing of the profound meaning of weapons, not to mention catching insects, but catching everything is the same.

If it wasn't for Yuyuko not using this trick during the summer festival, the boss would have made him cry.

"Of course, now that it's Lingmeng, you can try to catch the Unicorn, it's less difficult. It's the kind of cute insect that will be attracted by tree sap." Ye Kai said proudly.

"Sap? Is it delicious?" Reimu's big eyes lit up.

She and Lingmeng had caught the unicorn fairy together, and they were still thinking about which one was stronger that night.

"Is it delicious? I don't know, I haven't eaten it before." Ye Kai thought for a while.

"Hey, Reimu!" ​​Lumia and Ye Kai had just recovered, when they saw Reimu lying on the tree, licking the sap.

The two of them immediately took off Reimu with black lines all over their heads. They never thought that this guy would be so greedy when he was a child.

If I had known earlier, I would have brought a camera to take pictures of Reimu's scene.

Wait, I seem to have a camera.

Ye Kai took out the camera.

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