Click, click.

Two photos of Lingmeng were developed.

"This is... a camera? The one Wenwen uses?" Lumia looked at the camera in Ye Kai's hand curiously.

"Of course, I don't have many." Ye Kai said with a smile.

"I want it too, I want it too." Lingmeng jumped, trying to snatch the camera from Ye Kai's hand.

Ye Kai handed the camera to Lingmeng, he still had it anyway.

He picked up Reimu and taught her how to operate.

Click, click.

Rumia's figure appeared in the camera.

This camera can be washed while taking pictures, which is very convenient.

"Wow! What a cute bug, I want it!" Lingmeng threw the camera out, and Ye Kai took it.

And Lingmeng, holding a net, caught a unicorn.

"Lingmeng is very powerful." Ye Kai said with a smile.

Lingmeng pinched her waist with both hands and snorted, very proud.

The net fell to the ground, and the unicorn ran away...

clap clap...

At this moment, the grass suddenly moved.

Ye Kai felt that there was something there, but he hadn't paid much attention to it before, and thought it was a small animal.

Looking at the fluctuations now, he should be a child too, with a small amount of magic power in his body.

"I'll catch it!" Ye Kai rushed over and carried the child out.

This is……

Small stature, pointed magic hat, and that iconic apron.

Isn't this Marisa?

"Woooo..." Marisa looked at Ye Kai with a look of fear.

Ye Kai glanced unobtrusively at the front left, blue clothes, black wings, and green hair, all of which disappeared in a flash.

No wonder a small child can run so far.

Whether it is the Kirisame Magic Shop in Renzhisato or the Kirisame Magic Shop in the Magic Forest, it is not something a child can run over.

That guy... is very strong, and he is an unknown wave.

There are so many big monsters hidden in Gensokyo, and I thought that what I saw was all.

"Marisa!" Reimu said energetically.

"Reimu!" ​​Marisa wanted to move, but when he saw Ye Kai, he was trembling, and felt like he was about to cry.

Ye Kai frowned slightly, he found a strange phenomenon.

Now Reimu and Marisa, wouldn't their souls be swapped?

My energetic black and white mouse, why are you so shy?

Also, why is that guy who doesn't have much motivation to force the maiden every day and doesn't know anything except money, so energetic?

Rumia rolled her eyes, took Marisa away from Ye Kai's hand, and said speechlessly, "How did you coax the child? I'm so scared, do you know?"

Ye Kai said helplessly: "By the way, dignified Rumia, how did she become the king of children?"

"I want you to take care of it." Rumia placed Marisa next to Reimu.

The two of them happily caught the worm, and no longer cared about the two adults.

"You didn't go to see Qi Lunuo before, did you?" Ye Kai looked at Lumia suspiciously.

He feels that Rumia is now suspected of being a lolicon.

"So what? The two of us have been fighting for so many years, and she suddenly became like this, and I don't feel good." Rumia sighed: "Besides, the desire in my body is almost uncontrollable."

"The desire in your body? I think I can help you release it." Ye Kai said seriously.



Ye Kai was kicked out by a flying kick.

"Hey, you old pervert, where are you going?" Rumia said through gritted teeth.

"Well, who told you not to explain clearly, I can only guess a little bit." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

"Are you a little bit? Just think of the worst kind!" Rumia said.

Suddenly, behind Ye Kai, a gap opened.

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