A gap appeared, and Ye Kai was kicked into the gap.

"Ala, Zi, why did you drive him away?" Youyuko looked at Yakumo Zi with a puzzled expression.

"This guy seems a bit weird now, haven't you noticed? There is a sense of disobedience." Yakumo Zi frowned.

"Sense of disobedience? What do you mean, isn't his power drawn from the Great Barrier?" Youyouzi asked suspiciously.

Ye Kai can be said to be one of the biggest contributors to Gensokyo, whoever is weird about Ye Kai shouldn't be weird.

"No, it has nothing to do with that. I feel that he is very wrong now, as if he may leave at any time. This is a kind of intuition. This is the second time for me. I have this feeling that everything is out of control." Yakumo Zi frowned.

"Taigongwang, Shenqi, Siji, Datianmo, Yonglin, can't these people be controlled?" Youyouzi said while counting.

Yakumo Zi sat on the stone bench, shook her head and said, "It's not the same. Their behavior patterns have certain rules, and they have a strong purpose in doing things. Don't look at Taigongwang's secretiveness. I can understand his plan better." But Yu Wentuo, except for the first time he helped you fight the West Goblin and helped me build Gensokyo, his behavior pattern is completely unclear. It seems that he knows everything and is willing to help. "

"Ala, I don't think he is a bad person." Yuyuko said softly, "Master Yuyuko likes him very much."

"He's not a bad guy, but... how should I put it, I'm afraid that he will be used by others to do things that endanger Gensokyo. After all, he is also a top-notch monster now. If we guys want to suppress him, I'm afraid something will happen. You may not be able to win with all your strength." Yakumo Zi frowned.

"Is this the case? Don't worry, didn't he say it? You will know everything soon." Yuyuko said softly.

"Do you still remember Ye Kai who was thrown into the Great Barrier a few years ago? I think there is something wrong with him, but he seems to be from Taigong Wang's side, so he is not easy to move." Yakumo Zi said.

Yuyuko didn't answer this question directly, and didn't tell Yakumo Zi that she was going to find Ye Kai when the moon changed color.

This should be a little secret between her and Yu Wensang, right?

Ye Kai still doesn't know that his behavior pattern looks too brainless, and Yakumo Zi has already suspected him.

Of course Yakumo Zi was not aimed at him, but at Huaxia, where Ye Kai frequented.

Anyway, the truth will be revealed soon, even if Ye Kai knows, he won't care, he cares more about the final mission now.

Chapter 426

Ye Kai reappeared in Hui Ye's room in Yongeongting.

And Kaguya, by coincidence, was changing clothes.

Ye Kai looked at Hui Ye, and Hui Ye looked at Ye Kai.

Hui Ye sighed, put on his clothes slowly in front of Ye Kai, and said faintly: "I am so used to it that I can't get used to it anymore."

"That, haha..." Ye Kai scratched his head in embarrassment.

No matter how much Kaguya wears, he can't feel desire. It's really strange. Could it be that Kaguya is so unattractive to him?

However, Hui Ye's figure has not changed after so many years. It has to be said that this is the sorrow of Penglai people.

Even if you rub her a little bigger, she will recover soon, right?

"Do you want to play?" Of course Kaguya didn't mean to play with her, but pointed to the red and white machine.

In the past hundred years, she has played all the RPGs to the fullest. Basically, which box can open what, and how to play can play the hidden ending.

Playing Contra, she can dodge and walk to the boss without shooting, and kill the boss with the right bullet.

Playing tank wars, she can even play until she knows what tanks are in each level.

However, this time she did not blame Ye Kai.

Her two elder sisters came to see her and Yonglin at first glance.

As a result, Ye Kai 1V2 sent them back to the moon.

Later, Ye Kai was drawn too much power by the Great Formation, and even overdrawn the power of the future, so he fell into a deep sleep.

And she and Yonglin also had a rare period of leisure.

She originally wanted to take in the sleeping Ye Kai and take care of him herself, but she never thought that the old man would not let him go no matter what.

That guy, even Yong Lin would be afraid of three points, so she has nothing to do.

However, sleeping in Gensokyo is better than staying outside all the time, at least you can see people alive.

"Well, sorry for keeping you waiting this time." Ye Kai said softly.

"I don't care anymore. Didn't you say that after this time, I won't leave." Hui Ye said indifferently.

"It still takes about twenty years." Ye Kai said.

Hui Ye's delicate body trembled for a bit, hummed, and did not continue to speak.

Seeing Hui Ye's pale face, Ye Kai suddenly couldn't bear it.

Who told him that the present him was in the past?

Ye Kai took out his laptop from his ring, and said with a smile, "Let's have a good time first."

"Is this the laptop you were talking about?"

Ye Kai suddenly felt that Hui Ye's eyes were full of green light.

Her listless look just now changed instantly, and she became very fanatical.

"Ah... yes." Ye Kai said a little scared.

I'm going, co-authoring is not because of me, it's listless, it's because it's boring!

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