You have lived in the house for more than a thousand years, and it really hurts you!

"Quick, teach me how to play!" Hui Ye urged.

Ye Kai put the laptop on the table, and then connected the external keyboard and external monitor.

Originally, it was useless to take out the monitor, but Ye Kai discovered that Hui Ye's house was powered on!

That's right, what age is it now, it's not surprising that Kaguya has electricity.

He had no electricity in Gensokyo when he was a kid, either because of anything else or because he was poor.There was no electricity in Renzhisato at that time, it doesn't mean that Kaguya couldn't work, she had a generator.

Keyboard, mouse, ready to go.

Ye Kai turned on the computer, and there were all downloaded stand-alone games in it. Although there were not many of them, they were definitely time-consuming.

For example, Warcraft 123, such as StarCraft, such as Diablo 2, such as Civilization 4, Civilization 5, such as the Heroes of Might and Magic series, such as Mount and Blade...

There are also some less time-consuming games like Call of Duty, Fairy Sword, Xuanyuan Sword and so on.It can be said that half of the computer's hard drive is for games, and the rest is for movies and systems.

Ye Kai also took out a few mobile hard drives, which were also full of stand-alone games.

Ye Kai felt that Hui Ye was already on fire.

As soon as Ye Kai finished introducing the functions, Hui Ye started playing.

Pop, pop.

Hui Ye patted his thigh, and said softly: "Let you lie down for a while, I will reward you."

"Uh, I don't want it anymore, I'm afraid Yonglin will chop me up."

Ye Kai shed a drop of cold sweat.

Yonglin and Lingxian were standing at Huiye's door, Yonglin stared at Ye Kai coldly, Lingxian still looked weak.

Originally, Eirin asked Kaguya to quit the game, which was almost successful.

Unexpectedly, Ye Kai, the catastrophe, brought a new game.

Looking at this posture, Kaguya can play for another hundred years!

Coupled with the development speed of the outside world, Hui Ye's playing is definitely not as fast as going outside.

"That's just Lingxian, the moon rabbit on the moon, who fled to Gensokyo. Master and I took her in." Hui Ye said softly.

After speaking, she continued to play the game.

The first one, playing a simple Diablo...

Ye Kai glanced at Lingxian, and found that she was always so weak.

In other words, when they were fighting on the moon, those rabbits looked similar to Lingxian. At that time, she had the feeling of facing Bailingxian, and she was terrified when she thought about it.

"Are you awake?" Yonglin said in a deep voice.

She also didn't expect that Ye Kai was actually protected by Taigongwang at that time, and she and Yakumo Ziyouzi wanted someone together, but Taigongwang didn't give it to her.

"Yeah." Ye Kai scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Master, let Yu Wensang stay here with me, I haven't seen Yu Wensang for a long time." Hui Ye said softly.

"Hmph, okay." Yong Lin glared at Ye Kai, and left with Ling Xian.

Anyway, as long as he is still in Eternal Pavilion, he will always be in saint mode.

"Yuwen-sang, hurry up, hurry up, which class is fun." Kaguya pointed at the computer and said.

Ye Kai casually clicked on Mage and Amazon, and said with a smile: "For beginners, these two are the best to play. This is what I played at the beginning. However, this game is only interesting when played online."

With that said, Ye Kai installed another computer with the same configuration as Hui Ye's.

He decisively set up a local area network. Anyway, there is no external network, so it is quite simple to set up this.

In the future, Gensokyo should be a huge local area network, right?

"I'll choose a necromancer." Ye Kai wanted to be lazy, so he learned the summoning class.

Watching Kaguya and his baby killing monsters in front, while he was dumbfounded in the back, not to mention how enjoyable it was.

"You move too, I always let the concubine move by herself." Hui Ye said dissatisfied.

"Well, you are enough, I don't need to move, you move quickly." Ye Kai laughed.

"Hmph, I knew to use such a character, and I will use it next time as a concubine." Hui Ye said dissatisfied.

Although she is dissatisfied, she is still very happy now.

After all, I have never been exposed to this kind of game!

It's unbelievable that two people can play such a big scene online.

It would be nice if this game could be played forever.

That's how Ye Kai played with Hui Ye for a week...

Chapter 427

The two of them can be said to play when they wake up, sleep when they are tired, and eat two rice balls when they eat.

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