Ye Kai stroked Lingmeng's head and asked in confusion, "Hey, where is Lingmeng's ribbon?"

Xiandai and Lumia looked at Lingmeng's head in Ye Kai's arms, and found that the ribbon was gone.

"Well, it should have been lost when Reimu and I went to Renzhili just now?" Xiandai said helplessly.

"Wow!" Reimu touched his head, found that the ribbon was gone, and cried out with a wow.

Ye Kai suddenly had black lines all over his head, he can't coax him!Although he likes lolis very much, all the lolis he knows are very sensible.Hmm... not too young.

Ye Kai turned to Xiandai for help, he didn't expect to experience such an incident when he first arrived.

Today, the almanac is not good?

"Come on, don't cry, I'll buy you the ribbon later." Xiandai took Lingmeng over and said softly.

"No, no, that's fine!" Lingmeng said while crying.

While crying, he struggled to the ground.

"Hmm... I have a headache." Xian Dai said speechlessly.

All three looked at Reimu, not knowing what to say.

Now even if I go back and look for it, I can't find it, right?That kind of thing will probably be swept away as garbage.

Rumia untied the ribbon on her head, squatted in front of Reimu, and said softly, "Hey, mine is for you."

Reimu stopped crying immediately, and stared at Rumia in a daze.

"Well... if I don't mind... don't you want to?" Rumia said a little embarrassed.

Reimu slowly smiled, threw herself into Rumia's arms, and shouted, "I like Rumia the most."

Ye Kai looked at this warm scene and said with emotion: "Unexpectedly, Rumia also has such a side!"

"Have you known each other for a long time?" Xiandai looked at Ye Kai and said.

"Well, it's been a long time..." Ye Kai whispered, "For her, it should be a long time."

Shaking his head, Ye Kai said to Xiandai, "Is Lingmeng your daughter?"

"Well, I have always regarded her as my daughter." Xiandai smiled.

"So that's the case." Ye Kai nodded suddenly.

Reimu is an orphan...

Rumia, on the other hand, carried Reimu around to make trouble.

After nearly an hour of fuss, Reimu fell asleep.

The three sat quietly under the torii, waiting for the fireworks for a while.

"Unexpectedly, Lumia, you also have today, ha." Ye Kai said to Lumia.

"Tch, I'm always like this, okay?" Rumia's face turned red as she spoke.

She also knew how terrifying she was before.

"By the way, Mom, why are you wearing a mask all the time? I have been very concerned about it before." Rumia said to Xiandai.

Chapter 428

Ye Kai also looked at Xiandai, he was also very curious about this question.

Even in the future, the ancestors will still show people with masks.

"Well, it doesn't matter to me, but if Xiao Lingmeng...won't she want to see your face?" Rumia said a little embarrassedly.

"It's probably because of the fear power brings to human beings." Ye Kai said softly.

He remembered that when Meihong first arrived in Renzhi, her treatment was not very good.

Even now, Meihong's situation is not much better.

It was probably when I was thirteen or fourteen that people began to accept Meihong.

"You...have experienced it too?" Xiandai looked at Ye Kai.

"Well, I got used to it later. They are afraid of me if they are afraid of me. It's no big deal. The strong don't need to pay attention to the fear of the weak. Otherwise, what's the use of this strength?" Ye Kai clenched his fist and said: "Or , Do you think you can still live a normal life now? If Reimu is not the next Miko, I am afraid she has been corroded by your darkness now."

"You..." Xian Dai frowned slightly.

"Think about it, you are no longer an ordinary person. Presumably, you have seen the so-called history. It is the biggest joke that those ordinary people can look at the emperor as equals. Even if everyone is equal now, but Do you really think they are equal? ​​You have the strongest power in Gensokyo, and it is absurd to want to be looked up to by them." Ye Kai shook his head and said.

In the future, Reimu will not be close to people, nor to demons.

The strong love her, the weak fear her.

However, she was quite happy.When she really has responsibilities, although she is very lazy at the beginning, she will definitely solve the problem later.

Miko, that's how it should be.Well, just be quicker.

No, wouldn't the monster be unlucky if she worked hard?

"Perhaps, you are right." Xiandai said softly.

"So, let me see if you're a good-looking chick." Ye Kai looked at Xiandai and said calmly.

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