

With a heavy punch, Ye Kai was turned into a shrimp.

Xiandai just wanted to lift the mask, but Ye Kai held back angrily.

"Very violent guy." Ye Kai straightened his waist and said indifferently.

Xiandai's ability is much more powerful than Lingmeng's.

At least, Ye Kai couldn't feel the operation of the magic power after Xiandai's punch.

This is still him, if he is an ordinary monster, he must not be tortured to death by her...

"Hmph, I'm making you so mean." Xiandai snorted.

"I said, how can you let me see what you look like?" Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

"If you can help me solve a problem." Xiandai smiled.

"Question?" Ye Kai asked suspiciously.

"Your arm, can you give it to me?" Xiandai pointed to Ye Kai's left arm and said in a deep voice.

"Why do you want my left hand? Just buy some cucumbers. It's really troublesome to cut the nails of this hand." Ye Kai shook his ghost hand and said.

He didn't care much about it, anyway, even if this thing was taken away, another one would grow.



Ye Kai was knocked to the ground again by a punch.


Ye Kai patted the dust and rolled his eyes.

"There is more darkness hidden in your arms than in my body. I think, use this to help Rumia." The first generation said softly.

"Help, Rumia?" There was a question mark on Ye Kai's head.

"Is it really possible?" Rumia stood up and looked at the two excitedly.

The darkness in Ye Kai's body made her want to eat it a long time ago.

She has a feeling that as long as she eats the darkness in Ye Kai's body, it will be enough for her for a lifetime.

And Ye Kai's darkness is indeed all in Ye Kai's left arm, that is, in the hands of the ghost.

Ye Kai frowned slightly, if he was eaten, he would lose three chances to become a ghost.

Forget it, anyway, there is no need to fight recently, and it is enough not to be deified.

He is not a ghost, he is also equivalent to a medium-sized big monster, weaker than Remi, but much stronger than Hong Meiling.

"Okay, let's eat it, it's just an arm anyway." Ye Kai stretched out his arm and said freely.

"Wait, Rumia. If this is the case, I'm afraid you will be a child for a while. Unless you are in real danger to your life, you will liberate your body. Otherwise, you will continue to digest the blood in his body." The darkness will not become what it is now until your body can bear it." Xiandai said indifferently: "You think about it first, I will send Lingmeng back."

After saying that, Sadai took the sleeping Reimu from Rumia's arms.

Rumia frowned slightly, she knew what the ancestors were worried about.

She is not a monster with a strong sense of security.

If she degenerates, it means that many monsters have the ability to kill her.

Although she can recover when she is fatally attacked, even if she encounters the weakest big monster, even Meihong's level, she may be killed during the transformation process.

But, I can hardly suppress the urge to eat people!

In that case, do I still have the qualifications to be Lingmeng's friend?

Rumia chuckled, shook her head indifferently, and said calmly, "Are you really willing to give me your arm?"

Ye Kai nodded and said, "Shut up quickly, or it will hurt."

The first generation wanted to sacrifice himself to be eaten by Rumia.

But Ye Kai is obviously a better choice.

After all, Ye Kai's darkness is all stored in his arms.

Yakumo Zi showed her Ye Kai's battle video, Ye Kai is also a first-class strongman without that arm.

That arm just provided him with a source of strength.

There were also a few times when Ye Kai was beaten and disabled, but his limbs could still grow back, and he could be resurrected after death.

An undead species, donating an arm, is better than sending yourself to death, right?

As for persuading Ye Kai, she originally wanted to find Yakumo Zi, and let Yakumo Zi find a way.

But who would have thought that Ye Kai contributed so much just to see her true face under the mask.

It's really kind, I brought [-] million to Las Vegas, and it turned out that the biggest player there could only play mahjong for one copper plate.

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