Paqiuli sighed, judging by Remy's appearance, she would not let her go to solve the mutation.

Hmph, the hateful Alice actually robbed Marisa from herself, next time she must find a good strategy to get it back.

Hakurei Shrine.

Yakumo Zi's gap opened and appeared here, and Reimu had just finished dressing.

"Reimu, are you ready? My sister will take you there this time." Zi Yakumo smiled at Reimu.

"Hmph, old woman, tell me, did you have any bad intentions this time, did you do it?" Lingmeng took out the Yin-Yang jade and said through gritted teeth.

The last two mutations were all written by Yakumo Zi, and Lingmeng is completely clear now.

The red mist mutation is to promote the rules of spell cards.

Haruyuki's mutation was to add another shrine to Gensokyo.

Damn, there was only one shrine, and no one came to worship.

Now there is one more, isn't it just for business?

Ahhh!When will the money box be full?I don't know if I can see it in my lifetime!

"It has nothing to do with me this time." Yakumo Zi shook her head and said, "And the one who initiated the mutation should be a very troublesome guy."

"You know the clue?" Lingmeng asked with wide-eyed eyes.

"I don't know." Yakumo Zi said with a half-smile.

Although she knew it, she still wanted Reimu to find the root of the mutation by herself.

She, when the time comes, she just needs to protect Reimu's safety.

For Shang Yayi Yonglin, even Reimu may not be enough to see, even if she has the blessing of the Great Barrier.

None of the top big monsters is simple.

"Well, you're so black-bellied every day, and you still hide everything, no wonder you can't get married." Lingmeng muttered: "Let's go, let's go to the People's Village first, there was a guy who said there was no one in the People's Village." Problem, I think there should be a problem."

With that said, Reimu flew towards Renzhizhi.

Yakumo Zi rolled her eyes and followed.

If Lingmeng knew that the big brother she liked very much when she was young was Ye Kai who was often blackmailed by her, would she be confused?

No, Reimu seems to have forgotten about Ye Kai and Rumia.

Alas... Let's restore this history when Rumia grows up.

Not long after, a man and a demon arrived at the entrance of the Village of People.

Since the moon is fake, Huiyin did not turn into Bai Ze.

Now the place of people has disappeared.

It was not wiped out by monsters, but was hidden by Huiyin and hidden in history.

This time the mutation was different from the past, which made her feel very uncomfortable. She was afraid that there would be troubles all the time at night, so she directly used the trick.

"Huiyin, is there anything unusual in Renzhili? By the way, what about Renzhili?" Lingmeng landed in front of Huiyin.

"There is no abnormality in the People's House, but today no one can enter the People's House. The moon is fake. I can't guarantee that you are real." Huiyin looked at Yakumozi and Reimu solemnly.

Lingmeng took out the iPad and showed Huiyin the message on it.

Huiyin said helplessly: "There is nothing wrong with saying that there is no problem in Ren Zhi Li. How did you conclude that she must be lying to you?"

"Eh..." Lingmeng choked.

"I advise you to go to the Lost Bamboo Forest. The sages there have a deep research on celestial bodies and barriers. The only ones I know who can create such barriers are Yakumo Zi and Yayi Yonglin , and Paqiuli, the remaining abilities have nothing to do with this aspect." Huiyin cast a glance at Yakumo Zi and said.

"It can't be Paqiuli, she said just now that she was going to solve the mutation. Besides, with Remy around, she doesn't need to do anything about the mutation." Lingmeng frowned.

"Then what should we do? Reimu." Yakumo Zi said with a faint smile.

"Hmph, what else can we do? Let's go, let's go to the Lost Bamboo Forest! By the way, I've never been there before." Reimu muttered dissatisfied.

She felt that Yakumo Zi must know the truth and was just torturing her.

Ahhhhh... If it wasn't for the money to solve the mutation, she would definitely beat Yakumo Zi!

"Huiyin, it's really not going to be too peaceful tonight. The guy whose history was eaten by you is back, don't let anyone enter the place of people." Seeing that Reimu flew away, Yakumo Zi couldn't help saying to Huiyin One sentence.

Huiyin couldn't help being a little confused when she heard the words.

What she eats is history, not human beings. He will come back when he comes back. What does it have to do with her?

Chapter 434 Instant Kill

Marisa flew under this false night sky on a broomstick.

Alice sat sideways behind Marisa's broom, looking very gentle, like a newlywed wife.

"Although the situation is similar to the one where Chun was stolen a while ago, this time the mutation that will not end at night is even worse. In short, let's call it the Eternal Night Transformation DA☆ZA!" Marisa said through gritted teeth.

"It's true for humans... Is there really no need to look for Reimu?" Alice held Marisa's waist with one hand, with a happy expression on her face.

"What are you talking about, I'm an expert in repelling monsters, I can handle this mutation without Reimu!" ​​Marisa said proudly.

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