Alice put her head on Marisa's back, and said to herself: Anyway, no matter what, I'll just be with you.

Marisa didn't think there was anything wrong, but felt that Alice and Patchouli were particularly clinging to her recently. Is it an illusion?

This time Huiyin didn't have to wait long before Marisa and Alice came.

It seems that what Meihong said on the Internet caused a lot of misunderstandings, and everyone thought that the person who initiated the mutation was among the people.

"Huiyin, I'm here to find the murderer DA☆ZA!" Marisa landed in front of Huiyin.

"The murderer is not among people, and on such a night of change, you cannot let monsters enter among people, not even the envoy in human form." Huiyin crossed her arms and said vigilantly.

Although there is only one wall left in the place of people, she still won't let anyone in.

"It's really thoughtful." Alice said softly.

Any monster that enters the human realm may cause riots.

Even if Huiyin eats the history of Ren Zhi Li and hides Ren Zhi Li, some monsters can still enter the cracks in history.

"Teacher Huiyin, it won't end even if you wait for the night, we want to solve this mutation DA☆ZA!" Marisa spread her hands.

She still thinks that the root of the mutation really lies in people.

"Oh? Is that so? Then you're still one step too late, Marisa, Reimu just went to the direction of the lost bamboo forest." Huiyin said with a half-smile.

Marisa and Alice exchanged glances, and flew towards the Lost Bamboo Forest resolutely.

Damn it, Reimu got ahead of her again, isn't she lazy?Why are you so diligent this time.

No way, being urged by her seventeen-year-old elder sister, Reimu had to work harder.

And what about Ye Kai?

Faced with Youyouzi's affectionate confession about the wallet, Ye Kai shed sincere tears.

"Youyouzi, don't worry, I'd rather starve to death and I will try to raise you." Ye Kai said tremblingly.

It seems that when I go to another world, I will become a robber.

Youyuko is so cute, how can you make her hungry?

All the money in the family should be used to buy food.

Fortunately, the amusement park is making a lot of money now, and it can support at least ten days a month.

In the remaining [-] days, think of a way.

"Ala, Ye Kaisang is the best." Youyouzi rubbed against Ye Kai's arms.

Sure enough, Lord Yuyuko is so cute, no one can refuse to raise Lord Youyuko.

The inventory of Baiyulou has been exhausted, and Ye Kaisang seems to have a lot of food here, which is very good.

Ye Kai felt that it was necessary to find a housekeeper.

It is said that among the people I know, there are really no idlers, let alone idlers with talents in account management.

The independence of Gensokyo must be put on the agenda!

If you want more food and higher income, you have to increase the population!

In the future, when you have nothing to do, go out to hunt and fish, I guess you will be eaten by Youyuzi for the rest of your life...

Sigh... Youyouzi looks soft and cute, why is he so edible, and no matter how much he eats, he can't get full, and no matter how much he eats, he won't get fat.

As long as there is food left, she can keep eating.

Ye Kai tugged at Youyouzi's pretty face, pointed to his own face and said, "Kiss one."


Youyouzi decisively kissed Ye Kai.

Ye Kai had a happy expression on his face, even if he went bankrupt, it was worth it!

Wait, there seems to be something else unresolved.

"Well, let's go to solve the mutation first. Looking at this enchantment, it should be written by Yonglin." Ye Kai took Youyuzi off him, and then hugged Youyuzi's waist and said: "Take me to fly!" .”

"Ala, Ye Kaisang's flying is flawed."

Youyouzi opened his fan and flew towards the lost bamboo forest with Ye Kai on his back.

Although it is a false moon, the night sky illuminated by it is still beautiful!

By the way, is the matter on Tifa's side almost settled?How will I die then...

While flying, Ye Kai suddenly saw Marisa in front of him.

In Ye Kai's impression, Marisa was still a small one a few days ago, but now she has suddenly become such a big one, which is a bit unaccustomed.

Ye Kai greeted her: "Hi, Marisa!"

"Is it really the mutation you initiated, DA☆ZA?" Marisa ignored Ye Kai's enthusiasm, saw Ye Kai behind, took out the gossip stove, and shouted: "Extreme spark!"


A magic cannon blasted towards the two of them.

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