Ye Kai looked confused, and then suddenly realized that this is the Marisa he knew!

Transparent wings composed of waves appeared behind him.

Block · Ghost Gate!

As soon as the magic cannon touched Ye Kai, it was annihilated, and it did not play any killing effect at all.

hum, hum...

Ye Kai's wings fanned out a fluctuating light, and rushed towards Marisa.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

Countless puppets flew towards Ye Kai.

Marisa has already started to do it, so Alice can't be left behind.

However, Ye Kai is not fighting alone.

Yuyuko shook her little hand, and the puppet immediately couldn't move.

"Ala, Alice, don't you want the souls of Shanghai and Penglai?" Yuyuko smiled.

"Damn..." Alice frowned slightly.

Careless, seeing Yuyuko here, you shouldn't use Shanghai and Penglai, you should use ordinary dolls.

This guy's ability to the soul is simply a bug.

bang, bang, bang...

Ye Kai's undulations hit Marisa, it's not too easy.


Marisa didn't dodge the wave that was following her, and was hit by Ye Kai.


Alice hurriedly flew towards Marisa, and gave Ye Kai a look before leaving.

Well, the weak Marisa was so cute back then, but the current Marisa is almost unbearable, it is a magic cannon when it comes across.

However, this can be regarded as solving the problem. After all, having Marisa means trouble, and it is right to get rid of her first.

"Ah, Ye Kaisang's barrage is about to be released." Youyouzi chuckled.

"No way, I didn't abide by the spell card rules. The barrage flew too fast, and Marisa couldn't hide it. Anyway, these guys never made a spell card declaration when they were fighting with me." Ye Kai said with a depressed face .

Taking advantage of the dark sky's wave eye, the two quickly flew towards the lost bamboo forest.

Chapter 435 The Collapsed Kaguya

Ye Kai said it was the first time that he came to the Lost Bamboo Forest seriously.

In the past, he would teleport in suddenly.

The maze of the lost bamboo forest was useless to Ye Kai, he immediately found the strongest wave, which was where the eternal pavilion was.

Zi's ​​speed is really fast, and she brought Reimu here so quickly.

Reimu and the like were the cutest when I was a child, and they can melt people's hearts.

But look at the current Lingmeng, how crooked it is, the previous generation's education method, there is a big problem!


Ye Kai and Youyouzi just stopped in front of a piece of bamboo.

Yakumo Zi and Reimu also arrived at the same time.

Originally, Lingmeng got lost in the Lost Bamboo Forest, but when he saw Ye Kai, he chased after him without thinking.

But she knew that Ye Kai was a good hand at finding people.

She didn't doubt that it was Ye Kai who initiated the mutation. Ye Kai's main ability was only fighting, and Ye Kai didn't know any of these mysterious abilities.

"Yo, Lingmeng." Ye Kai greeted Lingmeng.

"Hmph, did you really attack Youyuko? A scum monster." Lingmeng turned her head away.

click, click...

The sound of the camera taking pictures sounded at this moment.

Ye Kai looked back and saw Wenwen taking pictures behind him while recording something.

Sure enough, Wenwen is the most competent reporter in Gensokyo!

"Hey, Ye Kai, why did you stop here, there is clearly a bamboo in front?" Lingmeng looked at the bamboo in front of her with a puzzled expression on her face.

"It's just a barrier." Ye Kai rolled his eyes.

Well, his eyes are pitch black now, and he can't tell even if he rolls his eyes.

click, click...

The sound of glass breaking.

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