If Reimu's power is eleven, the remaining top monsters' power is ten.

The most that Reimu can display is ⑨.

To fight against top monsters, strength alone is not enough, experience, fighting will and so on are also needed.

Just like Yuka Kazami, she cannot be said to be the strongest in Gensokyo, but she is definitely the best at fighting in Gensokyo, because of her fighting will.

When it comes to fighting, she won't stop if she doesn't feel good about it.

As for the remaining big monsters, they will stop when they feel that they are almost done, and in the end, only the two ghosts can fight against Youxiang.

For the rest, no one wants to mess with that lunatic.

However, Lingmeng couldn't exert its full power, so why not Yayi Yonglin?

Let go of the fight with Lingmeng, what about Zi Yakumo's sneak attack?

Let's fight Yakumo Zi first, can we still win Reimu?This is an unsolvable problem.

If Ye Kai could be counted on before, but now he is not sure who to help.Emotionally, Ye Kai is definitely more inclined towards Youyuzi.

"So, Eirin, stop it. Even if the moon is really coming, why should we in Gensokyo be afraid?" Yakumo Zi smiled.

In the original book, Zi Yakumo seemed to give up in the second lunar war, but her tactics had actually won Yong Lin.

The so-called confession is just pretending.

In Lingmeng's away game, Remi was severely restrained, so it's no wonder that she didn't lose on the moon.

But what if the other party invades Gensokyo and wants to take Kaguya away?

Not to mention anything else, Ye Kai was the first to quit.

Leaving aside Ye Kai's own fighting power, Youyuzi, Kazami Yuka, Yibuki Cuika, Scarlet Devil House, and Ren Zhili all have a good relationship with Ye Kai.

If Yokai Mountain, Moriya Shrine, and Sanzugawa participated in the battle again, the loser would definitely be Luna.

"Since you have said so." Bayi Yonglin frowned slightly, she was still thinking.


At this moment, Lingxian was knocked out by Alice's puppet and thrown back to the Eternal Pavilion.

Dolls can't be violent, after all, most dolls have no soul.

For puppet manipulation, Alice is fine even if she closes her eyes.

Lingxian was firmly restrained by Alice, it would be nice to struggle for a while.


Emperor Inaba's little head popped out suddenly, and she laughed twice, dragging Lingxian into the eternal pavilion.

Poor Lingxian, this time it was planted.


There was another explosion, and Marisa's eyes turned into mosquito-repellent eyes and fell to the ground.

Although Marisa has been working hard, she is still a lot weaker when encountering Reimu who is cheating all the way.

Even playing barrage, Reimu has an extraordinary talent.

Not to mention Marisa, even Ye Kai feels a little unbalanced. He has been through life and death so many times, so that he can't fight against Reimu without being a demon.

If Kai Kai was transformed into a ghost, Lingmeng would be able to cure Ye Kai with a single move called Meng Tiantian.

Gensokyo's G-pussy really lives up to its reputation!

Of course, it's because Ye Kai's level is a little lower. When he wakes up again, Lingmeng won't be Ye Kai's opponent even if he hangs up.

The power of the great enchantment she used was partly Ye Kai's, and most of it.

With Ye Kai's in-depth understanding of his own power, how could he still have a ghost dream?

Well, it's a bit much to think about, Ye Kai will not launch a mutation in his spare time, let alone bully a little girl.

"Bayi Yonglin, you are the only one left now, stop the mutation quickly!" Lingmeng pointed to Baiyi Yonglin.

The corners of Yayi Yonglin's mouth curled up, and she said to Lingmeng, "You should take care of the latter one first."

Reimu frowned slightly, then quickly dodged the attack from behind.

Alice was covered in black air, and she said coldly to Reimu, "How dare you hurt Marisa, take it!"

The corner of Lingmeng's mouth twitched. She came to solve the incident. Why did she encounter civil war?

Wenwen said while taking pictures: "Oh! It's all big news, hehehe... This change is really worth it! The love triangle between the scum monster, the princess of the moon and the princess of the dead, the fire in the backyard of Lingmeng , wait, will there be a scene in the Shura field soon? It's really exciting!"

While dodging Alice's attack, Reimu listened to Wenwen's mustache, and couldn't help thinking, should he get rid of Wenwen as well...

Chapter 437 Mei Hong and Ye Kai

"Stop, Alice, I'm going to kill you." Reimu shouted to Alice while flexibly dodging in the air.

"Hehehehe...you dare to hurt Marisa, you will die..." Alice has already turned black.

Reimu has no choice but to wait for Marisa to wake up?This is too badass!

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