The dream was born, and she couldn't use it continuously, so she had to save it for Yonglin.

Yakumo Zi didn't care, just watched the excitement quietly.

The same is true for Yayi Yonglin, who just sat next to Yakumo Zi and drank with her.

She is still thinking about what to do to get the greatest benefit.

Ye Kai has always ignored the battlefield over there. In his opinion, the changes in Gensokyo are basically a joke, and no one can be hurt.

The problem now is that Kaguya seems to be going black too.

While shaking Hui Ye's thin shoulders, Ye Kai said to Hui Ye: "Hui Ye, what's wrong with you, Hui Ye? Wake up, wake up!"

Yuyuko said softly: "Ala, Kaguya-chan can't take the blow anymore."

Ye Kai said to Youyouzi: "Then what should we do?"

"Master Youyouzi doesn't care about Xiaosan's affairs." Youyouzi turned his head away.

Khan, well, I can only solve it myself.

At this time, Huiye's face no longer had the fairy air that appeared after staying up late, but said with a bloodthirsty expression: "Hehe, Meihong's adopted son, hehe... Didn't she tell you about me?"

"I've said it before, the problem is that she didn't go into details, you two have enmity?" Ye Kai asked in surprise.

Hui Ye was stunned for a moment, and then remembered that she and Ye Kai did what happened back then. Could it be that there will be a scene of mother and child fighting each other?

There was a playful smile on the corner of Kaguya's mouth, and he said calmly: "Do you remember the little girl next to the Fujiwara family back then? You gave her the candy."

"Remember...wait." Ye Kai widened his eyes and said, "Is that child the boss of Meihong?"

"It's her. She is Fujiwara's unparalleled daughter. The hatred between her and me is because I indirectly killed her father. Now it seems that you have a part too." Kaguya sneered.

Although Hui Ye has lived for a long time and has seen many things, she is already somewhat incapable of doing things now.

Ye Kai and Yu Wentuo are the same person, so no matter how you think about it, you can cheat your mother.

"I killed the boss's father?" Ye Kai took two steps back and asked in disbelief.

They are all surnamed Fujiwara, and they are all from that era.

Damn it, why didn't I think of it?I thought Meihong was from the same era as Zuowei!

"That's right, we were the ones who killed the five nobles together, and one of them was Meihong's father. What do you think will happen to your relationship with her in the future? Will you stay forever or die forever?" Hui Ye said coldly.

Ye Kai pressed his temple, a bit unable to accept it.

"I will give you a stroke. Among the candies you gave her, one of them is the medicine of Penglai. I wanted to see what would happen to you after eating it, but I didn't expect to be eaten by her. Then there is the phoenix inner alchemy. , was transformed by the concubine into something that looked like Penglai's medicine.

Originally, the concubine wanted to use it to trick the emperor, but she snatched it away.She was not assimilated by the phoenix inner alchemy, but instead absorbed the power of the phoenix, which is what she is now.

Don't you really think of it? "Hui Ye said indifferently.

Ye Kai really didn't pay attention to it before, but now hearing what Hui Ye said, he couldn't help but string it together.It turns out that I did everything?

"Bastard, don't think too much, those things have nothing to do with you."

At this moment, Meihong's voice suddenly sounded.

She has been here for a long time with a basket of bamboo shoots on her back.

She felt that this change was made by Eternal Pavilion. She came here after posting a message in Renzhi. She originally planned to take a photo and upload it, and then let the big monsters besiege here.

Unexpectedly, Ye Kai and Yakumo Zi moved so fast and found this place in the first time.

Meihong was also secretly shocked, and her mood was complicated.

It turned out that Ye Kai was also involved in these matters.

However, Ye Kai's treatment of her at the beginning was definitely all kindness.Whether it was giving her the talisman or giving her candy, it was all out of kindness.

The matter with his father was instigated by Kaguya instead.

He was used by Kaguya!

As for the fact that she picked up Ye Kai, Ye Kai went back to the past to give her the ability.

It was Ye Kai who gave her immortality and abilities in the past, so she could pick up Ye Kai. Meihong said that she was already confused when she thought of this.

That talisman, can it be regarded as something you gave yourself?What the hell is it!

"Boss?" Ye Kai was stunned when he saw Mei Hong.

What he can't face the most now is Meihong.

Mei Hong walked to Ye Kai's side, patted him on the shoulder and said, "There is no right or wrong power, and the same goes for weapons. It is the knife that kills. Is it the knife's fault or the human's fault?"

In fact, Meihong has put down her hatred for more than a thousand years.

In other words, after fighting with Kaguya for more than a hundred years, the relationship has become very complicated.

The hatred in the past is no longer the reason for her to fight Kaguya.

This mood is very weird.

When they first found Kaguya, they couldn't wait to kill her, but they found that they couldn't kill each other no matter what.

Killing and killing, it gradually became almost the same as fighting.

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