Meihong has a similar feeling to Kaguya now.

In fact, when she knew that Ye Kai was her benefactor, she couldn't help being stunned for a while, and this was the biggest impact on her.

It was the nobles and her father's greed that killed her father.

It was neither Ye Kai nor Hui Ye who pushed her father to that level.

At that time, Ye Kai could only be said to be an accomplice, a sounding board.

But without Ye Kai, she would not even have the power to revenge.

But... if she didn't blame Ye Kai at all, she didn't believe it herself.

In short, her mood is particularly complicated now.

Seeing Ye Kai's expression of remorse and not daring to see her, Mei Hong smiled slightly.

No matter what, he is a child raised by himself.

At that time, I also blamed myself for not telling him all this, so that kind of thing happened.

But if you tell him, will history still be written like this?

From this point of view, we must ask Huiyin, she feels that her current IQ is hard to think about.

But she knew that if she didn't come out again, Ye Kai might be overwhelmed and even leave Gensokyo.

"This... I'm sorry for you." Ye Kai lowered his head and said softly.

"The past is over, and those who don't know it are not guilty. Well, although I still blame you a little, what you need now is redemption, not escape." Meihong said indifferently.

"Atonement?" Ye Kai asked with some doubts.

Now his mind is in a mess and he can no longer think normally.

"Oh hehehe, Huiye, you little bitch, you actually fell in love with my adopted son. You soaked Huiye, and then fucked her eight times a day. When you get tired of playing, you just throw it away!" Meihong pointed Kaguya said with a big smile on his face.

Chapter 438 Ye Kai is about to finish...

Ye Kai twitched at the corner of his mouth, and sure enough, the boss still refused to forgive himself.

This kind of thing, just tell him secretly, tell him now, won't you force Kaguya to kill yourself...

"Hmph, you're overthinking, you're a dead turkey, and I will never be recruited!" Kaguya said through gritted teeth.

"Ah, your circle is really chaotic." Youyouzi said while fanning the wind.

"You are also a member of this circle." Yakumo Zi rolled her eyes and said.

"Hmph, remember what you said." Meihong looked at Kaguya with contempt.

Now, Ye Kai can be regarded as winning her a sigh of relief.

Judging by Hui Ye's appearance, he should like Shang Ye Kai.

But now?Does she dare to continue?Let her sink slowly in this abyss of despair.

When the time comes, Yu Lian kneels and Ye Kai gets married, let's see what she can do.

She will end up with nothing.

Meihong felt that things happened too fast, if she knew about it earlier, she would have encouraged Ye Kai to go up first, and then Huiye would be even more entangled.

Anyway, everyone can live to the end of the world, so let's get tangled up slowly.

"I'm a bit messy now." Ye Kai rubbed his head and said, "How did things become like this?"

"It's a sin I made, great love." Yakumo Zi said with a smile that was not a smile: "Sooner or later, it will be like this. When I first knew that you and Yu Wentuo were alone, I felt that you were going to be finished."

"My concubine is very calm now, very calm." Two long knives appeared in Hui Ye's hands. She glanced at Mo Yekai's neck, and then Mo Mei Hong's neck, as if she was thinking about who should strike first .

Mei Hong instinctively stood in front of Ye Kai, looking at Hui Ye with a half-smile.

Fortunately, she had been preventing Ye Kai from getting lost in the bamboo forest before. At that time, she was afraid that Hui Ye would attack Ye Kai.

Now it seems that this move was too correct.

If Ye Kai knew Hui Ye earlier, would such a good show still happen?As for Ye Kai's messy mood, Meihong said that he is a man and has grown up, so he can figure out his own way.

Youyouzi rubbed against Ye Kai's side, rubbed Ye Kai's head and said, "Hey, don't think too much, things are clear now."

Ye Kai said with a complicated face: "What is clear?"

Right now, he is in a dazed state, and his thinking ability is infinitely close to zero.

"In the past, Master Yuyuko thought that Huiye was the opponent, but now it seems that it is not the case. Sure enough, Ye Kaisang only needs to support Master Youyuko. Between the adoptive mother and Huiye, Ye Kaisang will definitely choose the adoptive mother." Youyouzi laughed.

Ye Kai's head was full of black lines, so it seems that Yuyuko is the final winner?

Ye Kai lost, and he cheated Meihong without knowing it.

Meihong lost, because she didn't tell Ye Kai the truth before, which caused Ye Kai to cheat her after returning.

Hui Ye lost, because she finally got serious about Ye Kai, and really fell in love with Ye Kai, but she found out that Ye Kai was the son of the enemy, and she didn't know it.

It's too late to know now, because she's already confused.

If she really married, wouldn't she be a generation shorter than a turkey?At that time, Turkey will let go of his hatred pretending to be magnanimous, and then demand himself as an old woman every day.

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