When Kaguya thought about that kind of life, he felt like he was going to collapse.

Until the end, there was nothing about Yuyuko, she was the winner...

"Reimu, Alice, stop hitting..."

At this moment, Marisa woke up.


Alice rushed to Marisa, helped her up, and said to Marisa, "Marisa, are you okay?"

"Thanks to Reimu for consuming my magic power, otherwise I don't know what will happen, Alice, you hit the wrong person." Marisa said dumbfounded.

"It's good that you're fine. For you, I don't care if I hit the wrong person or not, and I don't care who the opponent is." Alice said affectionately.

"Well, your friend really didn't cross DA☆ZA!" Marisa laughed and patted Alice on the shoulder and said, "Thank you."

In return, Alice smiled softly.

Lingmeng couldn't help but get goosebumps when she saw the two people who were full of love for Ji.

Speaking of Marisa, she doesn't seem to understand anything.

However, as long as things are settled.

Lingmeng looked at Yayi Yonglin, and said coldly: "Now, your opponent is me!"

Bayi Yonglin pointed to the sky and said: "The moon has recovered, just when you were playing non-stop."

Bayi Yonglin also thought about it clearly, it would be absolutely useless to fight.

It's better to solve it directly.

Anyway, if people really come to the moon, it will be a big deal at that time.

Even if Yuemian wanted to come to pick up Huiye and Lingxian, it should be the meaning of sisters Mianyue, not Yueye.

If she doesn't send a signal to Yueyejian, she will respect her choice and won't come here for no reason, which was a bit of a fuss before.

The most important thing is that she is not sure how to deal with Yakumo Zika Reimu now, so she can't fight uncertain battles.

"...Then what am I here for?" Lingmeng asked with a confused face.

When she came to Eternal Pavilion, she fought with Marisa first, and then with Alice, both to help resolve the mutation.

At this time, the Lord said that he would not play anymore!

"Let's watch the fun, I also think that the things over there are more fun than mutations and fights." Yonglin said with a half-smile.

For hundreds of millions of years, she has never seen such an interesting Shura field.

Lingmeng rubbed her head, the resolution of this incident was really the most inexplicable one.

Wenwen was recording on the sidelines, muttering: "Big news, really big news. The scum monster turned out to be Yu Wentuo, and then he had countless entanglements with his younger sister Hong Huiye. This, this, this... I have to write it well. Writing, it must be processed artistically, and then the whole Gensokyo will read my news."

Hui Ye held the knife and sneered, "Turkey, are you ready to die?"

"Come on, little bitch." Meihong put her hands on her chest and said with a sneer.

Ye Kai walked between the two of them, and said helplessly, "Don't fight, what happened back then, everyone didn't know anyone, that's why it turned into what it is now."

"Hmph, my concubine killed the turkey and raised you as a slave, so I don't need to be inferior, oh hehehe!" Hui Ye said with a broken face.

"Bastard, wait, wait until I get down on Hui Ye, then I will tie her to the basement of your house, let you play training play every day, you can play in different ways." Flame burst out from Mei Hong's body.

"Ala, if this is the case, Lord Youyouzi can't agree. Ye Kaisang belongs to Lord Youyuzi. If you take him away, you can't support Lord Youyouzi." Youyuzi didn't think it was messy enough, so he joined the battlefield.

Yakumo Zi smiled at Ye Kai, Ye Kai thought it was not good.

Yakumo Zi opened the gap, and said calmly: "It's just right, the barrier of the Final Fantasy world has been broken yesterday, so I won't discuss it with you."

Yakumo Zi stretched her hand into the gap, and pulled out a man with a bewildered expression.

That iconic leather jacket, that beautiful face.

Ye Kai said that he will never forget this girl in this life, his first love is also a serious girlfriend, Tifa...

"This... this is Gensokyo? Ye Kai, why did you call me here without notifying me earlier?" Tifa rubbed her head and said inexplicably.

Anyway, she came here in a big wind and waves, and soon realized that she was brought to Gensokyo.

She had seen Yakumo Zi in the gap, and Ye Kai was right in front of her.

I haven't seen him for a year, and I feel that he has matured a lot.However, no one can change the relationship between the two.

No matter what Ye Kai looks like, Tifa can recognize Ye Kai at a glance.

She was brushing cups in Seventh Heaven before, and then Yakumo Zi's gap appeared.

She thought it was Ye Kai who went looking for her, but she didn't expect to be brought directly.

She just had time to tell Iris that she was fine, and then it was all over.

Could it be that the immigration can be started now?Many people can't wait.

Ye Kai gritted his teeth and said, "Yakumo Zi, I will never live with you!"

Chapter 439 Elopement?

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