Ye Kai didn't even think about it, and decisively opened Wanjian Guizong!


Before Tifa could react, she was carried away by Ye Kai and flew towards her own playground.

Yakumo Zi rolled his eyes, this guy unexpectedly ran away.

However, this is the only way to solve the problem.

In fact, Yakumo Zi was already helping Ye Kai, just to give Ye Kai a step to leave.

Even if Meihong and Huiye were brains out, they would still be alive and kicking after a while.As for Yuyuko, she herself was going to join in the fun.

"Ah, Ye Kaisang has left with the doctor." Youyouzi said with a cute face.

"Didn't you keep saying that you are the old woman?" Yakumo Zi asked curiously.

"Tifa-san knew Ye Kai-sang earlier." Yuyuko said a very fair word, which made Yakumo Zi somewhat disapproving.

"Well, since the mutation is resolved, I'll go back and remember my bonus."

Lingmeng's last sentence was obviously aimed at Yakumo Zi, and Yakumo Zi didn't care. If there was no bonus, how could Lingmeng work so hard?

Unexpectedly, originally he wanted Lingmeng to solve the change, but in the end this guy convinced himself.

Forget it, it's really not safe for Lingmeng to deal with her.What Yayi Yonglin always fears is not the so-called power, but the brain.

Yakumo Zi nodded, and Reimu left decisively.

Marisa and Alice looked at each other, Alice said: "Then let's go back too, your clothes are all dirty, take a shower at my place and change into a new one."

"Okay!" Marisa nodded, she occasionally lives with Alice, but Alice doesn't sleep well and always hugs her inexplicably.

But it doesn't matter, we are all friends, such a small problem can still be tolerated!

I often remember to keep mushrooms for myself and spare clothes. Where can I find such friends?Much more generous than Xianglin.

Alice smiled softly and said, "Then shall I fly you back?"

"No, let me take you DA☆ZA!" Marisa said energetically, "I've recovered."

With that said, she stood up, patted on her clothes, took out the broom, and rode on.

And Alice also sat up sideways and hugged Marisa's waist by the way.


Marisa just left.

It is said that when the mutation comes, you come here excitedly, and when the mutation is resolved, you leave decisively.

Marisa is really crazy alone, right?Basically only interested in fun things.

Holding the dozens of photos, Wenwen said excitedly: "This time is too worthwhile, so worth it, I want to directly ask for a morning news column, and then publish an extended version of the newspaper."

As he spoke, Wen Wen soared into the sky.

And Meihong and Huiye looked at each other, suddenly lost interest.

Hui Ye said with a low face: "The Lord is gone, what are we going to do?"

"Ha, it has nothing to do with Lao Tzu." Mei Hong said with a face of disdain: "It's just for fun. I didn't expect to know the truth about thousands of years ago. It's really interesting."

"Hmph, it's all your fault!" Hui Ye said coldly.

If it weren't for Meihong's relationship, she and Ye Kai would talk to each other today, and the relationship would be confirmed immediately.

It's better now...

"Hey, if you want to be trained by my bastard to play, I'd be very happy. For the sake of our acquaintance for so many years, it's not impossible to let him get married, as long as you know how to be filial to me." Mei Hong Said with a malicious face.

After fighting with Kaguya for so many years, this is a rare victory!

"Ala, Lord Youyouzi thinks that he should go and see Ye Kaisang. If he can't think about it, he will be ruined if he elopes with Tifa." Youyouzi looked in Ye Kaisang's direction and said calmly.

"No way?" Hui Ye asked in surprise.

Yakumo Zi also looked puzzled.

"Although he is a long-lived species, his age is actually not that old when he wakes up. The reason we can adjust so quickly is because we have lived for too long and have experienced all kinds of storms, but he has not. .He was already in a mess and had lost his mind, plus Tifa-chan was brought out by Zi, it is not impossible for him to elope with Tifa." Yuyuko said softly, as if this matter had nothing to do with her.

Kaguya frowned slightly, while Meihong remained indifferent.

Meihong is actually a bit confused now, what she needs now is nothing but Huiyin's enlightenment.

How to face Ye Kai in the future, Meihong is also a little complicated.

But Kaguya, she has been waiting for so many years, and she doesn't want to wait any longer.

But the turkey...damn it!Don't bow your head, the crown will fall!

Hui Ye turned around resolutely, and returned to the Eternal Pavilion.

What Yuyuko means is that she will go to see it, so it's enough to have her!

Yonglin shook her head insignificantly, in this case, she will become a loser.

Yakumo Zi narrowed his eyes and said, "Unexpectedly, I actually did something bad with good intentions?"

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